Art at the Library

Happy Fourth of July and... Fifth of July when Joanie Klorer, featured artist at Bainbridge Public Library will host an opening reception of her exhibit titled "Where I Come From: Memory and Place", 5-7PM for First Friday art walk.

Where I Come From - Memory and Place July 2019
Where I Come From - Memory and Place - Art Walk July 2019

Joanie says:

I have an extremely good memory.  

Memory is uniquely selective about what adheres and what falls away. Memories can be sharply defined episodes recorded in detail, with specific feelings, and moving images.  Other memories are fluid and often fragments of texture and color which may themselves trigger emotions.  I think of memory as a shadow which lingers from encounters and places.   

Memory, influenced by time, place, and experience forms the catalyst for my paintings. I believe my paintings are often an attempt at resolution of memories that are stuck like films on continuous replay. It is my hope that the viewer's own memories of places and experiences will be triggered by these works. The greatest compliment for me is for the viewer to find his or her own meaning in my work.

All the paintings in this show are acrylic.All works were completed between 2015 and 2019.  

You can view Joanie's exhibit all of July in the meeting room during regular library hours and on the library website, A podcast interview is also available at  
As always, thank you for supporting local artists and your Bainbridge Public Library.

~ Linda Meier, art coordinator
Our Treasure, Our Commitment

Library outdoors

It takes an entire community to build, maintain, and operate our wonderful library. There are many ways to demonstrate your support--mailing a check to BPL, clicking on the "donate" button on our website, or selecting BPL through One Call For All.  

An easy way to budget your gift is to set up a monthly donation. Click on this link  and choose your monthly donation amount. You'll be instructed in next steps from there. You'll see your contributions at work through the summer and fall as repairs are made to parts of the building's exterior, and drainage improvements are completed. We depend on your generosity and we appreciate your commitment to the library that Bainbridge built. It's a community treasure!
We've Got The Dirt!

Friday Tidies smiles working in the garden

We're not talking about the Island rumor mill but rather a robust crew of "Friday Tidies" at the Bainbridge Public Library. Each week these garden enthusiasts create and conserve our library's beautiful grounds-and they have fun doing it!

We invite you to take some time to enjoy its many features, such as the Japanese Garden, the Fern Garden, the gazebo, and the many pieces of art like the Legacy Tree, that generous donors have tucked into garden nooks and crannies. If you want to get your hands dirty come in and sign up to join the Friday Tidies, but if gardening is not your thing, we are always happy to put your donations to work for you!
The Library Garden

Last year, a large area of the garden along Madison Avenue was struggling and we realized the soil was still contaminated from a long-ago car repair business on that spot. We sent soil samples to a company called Fungi Perfecti and they developed a specific strain of fungal components that could break down the pollutants.

How did it work? A year later we are seeing extraordinary healthy growth on all our test plants. 
If you were wondering about the little flags that were visible in that area, they were marking dormant plantings so we could evaluate the status of our soil cleanup project. We are very excited about the way this area has responded to the fungal treatment and expect to see wonderful colorful plantings thriving this summer.

~ Ann Lovejoy
Books Worth Sharing
The Scholar by Dervla McTiernan

The Scholar
by Dervla McTiernan

Medical researcher Dr. Emma Sweeney finds a hit-and-run victim beside the road near Galway University early one morning. She immediately calls her partner, Detective Cormac Reilly, who rushes to the scene. He's not on the murder squad, so this normally wouldn't be his case, but it's an assignment of convenience since he's on scene. The victim is identified as the daughter of the pharmaceutical giant who runs the research lab at the university. Darcy Therapeutics funds a lot in Ireland, including Emma Sweeney's project. As the case moves along, the victim turns out not to be Carlene Darcy, but one of her friends who had used her ID to access the labs. Why was she murdered? What was she doing in the labs? What's her link to Emma? Cormac Reilly gets pulled off the case for conflict of interest, but as the plot thickens he just can't stay away. This second mystery by Irish/Australian McTiernan is even better than her debut Ruin, with deft plotting, deeper psychological quandaries and characters who beg for another book in the series!

~ Susan Braun
A Legacy Gift to the Library

For Lois, it's a love story - a marriage that brought her to Bainbridge and a devotion to libraries that brought her to the boards of both the Friends of the Library and the Bainbridge Public Library. "I can think of few better ways to contribute to the welfare of our Island." As part of her estate planning, Lois has arranged for a percentage of an investment account to be transferred to the Bainbridge Public Library.

To learn more about the many ways you can create a lasting legacy and become a member of the Lasting Legacy Circle, call 206-866-1250 or email: Donors are recognized with an engraved leaf on the legacy tree.
Have You Seen This Library?


This is the main public library in Bergen, Norway. Founded in 1872, this library was built in 1917 and is one of six libraries in the Bergen community library system, plus two prison libraries. Its traditional exterior belies its light, airy and very modern main reading room. Fun fact: the 1872 building housing the library was originally a brewery!

Friends of the Library Book Sales

The Bainbridge Island Friends of the Library book sales offer gently used books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and magazines to support the Friends, who in turn reinvest in the library through endowment gifts, programming and special events, magazine subscriptions, the aquarium in the Children's Library and much more. Daily, scores of donated books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, and other items arrive in our book room.  A crew of volunteers work three days a week to sort, price, organize, and shelve these donations for our sales.  As a result, our stock of books and other items on display for sale is constantly renewed. Over a year's period, we receive several hundred thousand books and we are proud that we have only gently used, often new appearing books on our shelves.

Mark your calendar for book sales at Bainbridge Public Library:

Friday, July 5th 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday, July 13th 10:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday, July 23rd 10:00am - 4:00pm

Some Library Facts You May Not Know

  • Bainbridge Public Library, a separate nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants. 
  • Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at with funding from property tax revenues.  
  • Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect.  
Thank you for your support.