LVMPD Criminal Investigative Report of the 1 October Mass Casualty Shooting
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
(LVMPD), un
der the command of
Sheriff Joseph Lombardo
, has closed their 10-month old investigation into the October 1, 2017, mass casualty shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada. During this brutal attack
58 people were killed
more than 850 others were injured
. According to the report
over 400 of the injured were either shot and/or suffered shrapnel-like injuries.
Police are closing their investigation without a conclusion regarding what motivated the shooter to commit these heinous crimes.
The police department is apparently still conducting their own internal reviews into the actions of some of the individual officers.
This document is 187 total pages and it includes many different color crime scene photographs (many of which I haven't seen before). There is even one photograph that shows the deceased shooter laying on his back, right where he fell after he apparently shot himself.
The report also stated that there was no 2nd shooter, as some people have thought might be the case.
Later this year the FBI will probably release its final investigative report, too. The FBI report will reportedly include a psychological profile of the white/male shooter.
If you would like to view the entire report, go to: