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This year, Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche is 96 years old, though he still proudly insists that he’s a dapper youth! According to Tibetan astrology, 2021 is a year of the Ox, which is also the animal of Rinpoche’s birth year.

When a person’s birth year animal occurs once every 12 years, in astrology it is considered a time when obstacles could easily arise for them. A specific astrological reading would reveal the exact nature of potential obstacles, but in general it is said that dharma practices should be performed and dedicated to the longevity and removal of obstacles of that individual.

In light of this, I would like to encourage Gyatrul Rinpoche’s students to perform this practice, which has a very special connection to him…….
Read on for more details.

With warmest wishes,
Sangye Khandro
When Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche was young, he met and received transmissions from Dudjom Lingpa's speech emanation, Terton (“treasure revealer”) Kunzang Nyima, including an extensive Vajrasattva Six Bardos teaching. During that time, at Rinpoche’s request, the terton revealed a short daily version of the Vajrasattva practice, “The Mirror of Vajrasattva’s Enlightened Mind,” and entrusted it to Rinpoche as the treasure owner. However, when Rinpoche fled Tibet, he lost all contact with this profound lineage. 

In 2007, Lama Chonam was able to locate a copy of Terton Kunzang Nyima’s collected works and make a connection with Tulku Theglo Rinpoche, one of Kunzang Nyima’s sons, as a lineage holder. Gyatrul Rinpoche was overjoyed to reconnect with this lineage and to find the text of the concise Vajrasattva practice. He explained that since he is the treasure owner but has not been able to practice this extensively in this life, it is important that his students and dharma centers uphold this practice, in its concise and extensive versions. 

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