Welcome to our newsletter, Digital Transatlantic Dialogue. If you haven't joined us yet, w e are offering webinars every week on a specific public policy or cultural topic with experts from our inspiring community!

Today's Newsletter
  1. Headlines
  2. Back to Our First Webinar: " The Geopolitical Impacts of the Coronavirus"
  3. Coronavirus: Potential Wave Rise Across Europe
  4. Partner Events
  • "With Louisiana and Georgia delaying their primary votes, we answer six key questions about holding elections in a crisis. And no, a president cannot cancel an election with executive authority. (...)"

  • "Never before have prospective vaccines for a pathogen entered final-stage clinical trials as rapidly as candidates for Covid-19. Just six months ago, when the death toll from the coronavirus stood at one and neither it nor the disease it caused had a name, a team of Chinese scientists uploaded its genetic sequence to a public site. That kicked off the record-breaking rush to develop vaccines — the salve that experts say could ultimately quell the pandemic.(...)"

Why We Love the New New Normal , T he New Yorker
  • "Back in the spring of 2020, a lot of so-called experts had doom-and-gloom takes about the long-term changes that covid-19 would bring to society. Boy, were they wrong. We answered each challenge by innovating—and, two years later, we’re thriving more than ever. (...)"

Portland Is a Problem for Biden , The Wall Street Journal
  • "With fewer than 100 days until the election, the main threat to Democrats is overconfidence, which can breed recklessness. For the most part, the Biden campaign has avoided this trap. But on the issue of federal law-enforcement officers in American cities, the presumptive Democratic nominee risks losing his balance. (...)"
Back to Our First Webinar: " The Geopolitical Impacts of the Coronavirus"
We created the French-American Foundation webinar series to engage our wider community in consistent transatlantic dialogue during the COVID-19 crisis. Beginning in March, the initiative has since grown to over 20 webinars with 40 different speakers on topics from public policy and leadership to book talks and cooking classes.

This week, we’re shining the spotlight on the first webinar of the series, where we welcomed two Young Leaders – Richard Fontaine (speaker) and Megan Carroll (moderator) – to examine the geopolitical impacts of the coronavirus with a live audience over Zoom.

As we take a momentary pause on digital events to revamp our online programming for the fall, we’re delighted to share these discussions from the last four months. Click HERE to watch the recording from March 26 and HERE to see the full list of available webinars. More Webinars


Richard Fontaine: Richard Fontaine is the Chief Executive Officer of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). He served as President of CNAS from 2012-19 and as Senior Advisor and Senior Fellow from 2009-12. Prior to CNAS, he was foreign policy advisor to Senator John McCain and worked at the State Department, the National Security Council, and on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Read our interview with Richard Fontaine.

Megan Carroll: Megan Carroll is currently at the United Nations where she covers counter-terrorism issues in Asia. She has served across the UN in political affairs, peacekeeping, and development. Prior to her current role, she evaluated peacekeeping missions and served as the Team Leader, Partnerships, for the UN’s Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support.
C oronavirus: Potential Second Wave Across Europe
  • "The head of Germany’s disease control agency has blamed negligence for a worrying rise in cases in the country, while the World Health Organization has counselled against treating Covid-19 as a seasonal phenomenon or talking about waves of the virus. (...)"

  • Several European countries that had their coronavirus outbreaks under control have begun to see a rise in cases that is feeding fears of a second wave. Governments are urging their citizens to be more vigilant amid the lure of summer gatherings and vacations, while health officials warn that lax public attitudes are putting the continent on a dangerous trajectory. (...)"

  • "Limitation des rassemblements, déplacements restreints, port du masque obligatoire… De nombreux pays durcissent leurs mesures sanitaires pour tenter de freiner la pandémie de Covid-19, qui a fait plus de 650 000 morts à travers le monde. (...)"
Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de l'Europe
For all arrivals in France from Saturday, August 1 , travelers aged 11 or older from the United States must provide the results of a virologic screening test taken less than 72 hours before departure indicating a negative result for COVID-19. More information.
Partner Events
The Science Po American Foundation is organizing two events in August:

  • On August 5 at 1 PM EST with Jamieson Greer, former USTR Chief of Staff, now partner at King & Spalding, in conversation with Emily de la Bruyère about US-China Economic and Trade relationshipRSVP.

  • On August 26 at 12:30 PM EST with Alumnus Mike Schmuhl, Pete Buttigieg's campaign manager for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries, to discuss the 2020 election with Celia Belin from Brookings. RSVP.
Covid-19 Sources
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