Connection E-News
June 4th, 2024
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Dear Church Family,
Happy Pride Month! Gender identity is a component of a person’s personality and, as such, is part of who God made each of us be.
Scripture says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:113-114)
We will celebrate Pride Month as a body of Christ, where God’s rainbow of unity and inclusivity for all LGBTQIA+ families, friends, and neighbors. Let us continue to bear witness to all inclusion as a Reconciling Congregation. I pray that we will walk with each other with compassion, understanding, and support as the body of Christ. Let us do all we can to build our church with mutual love.
There are many PRIDE events in our community during this month. Please check the website below, participate in them, and stand in solidarity with them as strong supporters.
Rev. Jennifer
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In-Person / Live stream
Congregational Hymn-Sing Sunday
June 9th at 10:00 a.m.
We will come together for worship on Congregational Hymn-Sing Sunday. In lieu of a sermon, we will ask you to share your favorite hymns so that we can sing them together.
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Calendar of Events over the this week | |
Monday, June 3rd
● Friendship Circle at 10 a.m. (Off-site)
Tuesday, June 4th
● Primary Election Polling location
● Tuesday Drop in Bible Study at 10 a.m. (Choir Room and Zoom)
● Confirmation Class at 5:30 p.m. (Youth Room)
Wednesday, June 5th
● BUMC Youth meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Youth Lounge)
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Thursday, June 6th
● Thursday 30-minute Prayer at 10 a.m. (Zoom)
Saturday, June 8th
● Church Audit at 9 a.m. (Rooms 23 & 25)
Sunday, June 9th
● Sunday Worship Service at 10 a.m. (Live-Stream available)
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on Sunday, June 23rd
On June 23, we will celebrate our Graduates. If you, or someone close to you, is a member of the class of 2024, please send the names to Miriam in the church office by Tuesday, June 18.
Congratulations to all graduates!
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Lunch & Learn - Supporting Congregation Members Coping with Mental Illness | |
on Sunday, 6/30 at 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Speaker: Connie Palmer
Many church members struggle with mental health problems or with the demands of caring for someone with mental health challenges. This workshop will help make this important topic easier to talk about. Those who attend will be able to: 1. Determine the causes of mental illness, 2. Identify coping skills to improve mental wellness and 3. Have supportive conversations about mental health challenges. Please sign up on the bulletin board by June 28th.
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Fire Pit Services are Returning! | |
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 - Wednesday at 7-7:30 p.m.
Join us for casual devotional services in July. We’ll pray, sing, read scripture, listen to a special devotion, and even enjoy toasted marshmallows!
We need volunteers to help set up the fire pit and clean up after the service.
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Youth Summer Mission Trip | |
This year, the youth group will be heading to Washington D.C. with City Service Mission (CSM). More information can be found below. If you would like to attend, or have any last minute questions, please reach out to Andi or Greg Sydlowski! | |
Everyone has a song to sing and a gift to bring! This is especially true in our community garden. Each member of the Garden Group is unique and we need each of their gifts to make our garden thrive. Just like the characters in the Bible Stories we learn each day, our gardeners know that the things that make them different are also the things that make them special!
Come join in the fun and discover that community works best when "you're just like you, and I'm just like me!"
Theme: "Just Like Me- Digging in and Growing Deep"
When: August 5th - August 9th from 9am-12pm
Where: BUMC
Who: Children age 3 (potty trained) through entering 5th grade
Cost: $30 per child or $55 per family
How: Register online (registration will open the first week of June)
*We are also in need of adult volunteers for VBS. For more information or to sign up to volunteer contact Deena at
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Coffee Fellowship Volunteers | |
If you would like to sign up to be a host,
please sign-up on the bulletin board, or you can email Lisa Kautz at
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BUMC will receive a small payment for each pound of clothing that is collected in the bin
provided. Please support our church by donating your unused clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts,
purses, blankets, drapes, pillowcases, and stuffed animals.
(Not accepted: rags, fabric scraps,
pillows, toys, books, or household goods.)
Thank you for your donations!
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For Those In Need of Support | |
If you have found yourself struggling, or going through a particularly stressful life change, we invite you to meet with one of our Stephen Ministers. In meeting with a Stephen Minister, you will receive one-to-one, confidential, Christ-centered care.
To be connected with a Stephen Minister, please contact Mary Beth Gruber.
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- Prayers for Mike Rubinfeld
- Prayers for Linda Hunter
- Prayers for Bob Abrams
- Prayers for Emil and Anthony (friends of Pat Stanicki)
- Prayers for the family of Rev. Steven Braudt especially his wife Anne, daughter Sarah, siblings and grandchildren.
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Food Drive Donations
Thank you for donating food to our neighbors. Please bring your non-perishable/non-expired items to the church, and place them in our “Food Bank” containers.
If you would prefer, you can bring your items to the Food Bank Network of Somerset County located at 7E Easy St, Bound Brook, NJ 08805. Thank you very much.
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Sharing your gifts with Bridgewater United Methodist Church is extremely important. Without these gifts, BUMC would not be able to provide its programs and ministries for members and friends.
Thank you for your support of BUMC!
You can use this QR code or click here for sharing gifts.
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