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Connection E-News

April 2nd, 2024

Watch the Latest Worship

What a glorious Easter Services we had last Sunday! Our sanctuary was packed with joyous Easter people. Rev. Jennifer Cho shared her sermon, "Easter Hope." Our scripture reading was taken from John 20:1-18. The music was provided by the Wesley Ringers, "Easter Morning Celebration," the Sanctuary Choir, "Crown Him," Hans Brink, "Christ ist erstanden," and our Foundation Praise Team led us in song.

If you haven't watch our service yet, you can watch it anywhere and anytime on YouTube.


Worship With Us

Pre-recorded Service

April 7th at 10:00 a.m.

We are going to the Rise Against Hunger meal packing event in the sanctuary on April 7th. Due to this, we will upload the pre-recorded service on our website and Facebook.

Rev. Jennifer Cho will share her sermon, "Come, Follow Me." 

Our scripture reading will be taken from John 21:15-19.

Worship with us anywhere and anytime!

Calendar of Events over the this week

Monday, April 1st

● Easter Monday (Staff Holiday)

● SPRC Meeting at 7:30 p.m. (Zoom)

Tuesday, April 2nd

● Tuesday Drop-in Bible Study at 10 a.m. (Room 25 and Zoom)

● Admin Staff Meeting at Noon (Zoom)

● Program Staff Meeting at 8 p.m. (Zoom)

Wednesday, April 3rd

● BUMC Youth meeting at 6:30 p.m. (Youth Lounge)

Thursday, April 4th

● Thursday 30-minute Prayer at 10 a.m. (Zoom)

● Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal at 7 p.m. (Sanctuary)

● Foundation Rehearsal at 8 p.m. (Sanctuary)

Sunday, April 7th

● Truck Unloading and Setup for Rise Against Hunger at 8 a.m.

● Assemble for Rise Against Hunger at 9:30 a.m. (Sanctuary)

● Meal Packing for Rise Against Hunger at 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

● Pre-recorded Online Sunday Worship Service at 10 a.m. (Online Only)

● Truck Loading and Cleanup for Rise Against Hunger at 12:30 p.m.

Rise Against Hunger

Meal Packing Event

Sunday, April 7th 9:30 a.m.

We are again going to pack meals for Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now). Rise Against Hunger is a hands-on international hunger relief program that coordinates assembly-line packaging of highly nutritious meals for needy third world countries. The food is distributed through the schools, which helps keep the children in school. Of course, education is a means to break the cycle of poverty.

Our goal for this event is to pack 20,000 meals!

If you are unable to attend in person, please consider donating using the link below.

Sign-up to Participate
Online Give

United Women of Faith - 2024 Easter Baskets

61 Easter baskets, were lovingly assembled on March 25th by United Women in Faith, BUMC, including Betty Brown, Loretta Ark and Joanne Sydlowski, who are not in the picture! Cathie West was the Captain of the operation for the past 30 years! We estimated that our group has been doing this for over 40 years ! The baskets were picked up by Allison Caulfield and her volunteers from FISH and Literacy Volunteers to be given to the children of the families in these programs.

Thank you to all who donated to this mission. Your generosity made these donations possible.

Outdoor Spring Beautification Day - Update

BUMC's Outdoor Beautification Day a Success! Over 30 dedicated volunteers gathered last Saturday morning and worked tirelessly to beautify the church and parsonage grounds, just in time for Easter Sunday! A huge mound of mulch was moved and spread on our Memorial Garden and all the shrub beds.  Some (but not all) leaves were also blown from the lawns. Much prep work was done beforehand as well (shrubs trimmed, beds weeded and edged, flowers planted, and leaves blown from the outdoor worship area and playground area.  It was a huge undertaking and the Trustees would like to thank all who participated in this event - our church members and families, and the Boy Scouts from Troop 88 (and their leaders and chaperones). Well done!

Pat Hamilton

Weekend Food Bags

Collection from now until April 7

The Friendship Circle will be collecting food for the Food Bank of Somerset County to help with the preparation of the Weekend Food Bags given to children in our county who are in need. Please see the list below for requested items. Donations can be dropped off in the labeled bins in the Mission closet. 

Most needed: Snack Sized packs of peanut butter, crackers, granola bars, pretzels, cookies, chips, goldfish, etc. and Fruit cups; Also needed: Microwavable Mac ‘n Cheese; Oatmeal, & 8 oz. boxes of Milk and Juice.

Lydia Circle Meeting

on April 11th 6:30 p.m.

Lydia Circle will have meeting in Room 23 on Thursday, April 11th at 6:30pm until 8:00 pm. We will be collecting new clothing items for infants and toddlers for the "Center for Expectations" in Hillsborough. All are welcome to attend.

Adult Adventure Group

on April 14th

meeting at the church at 12:30 p.m.

Join us in exploring the Essex County Cherry Blossom Festival on April 14th!

We will meet at the church at 12:30 pm to carpool. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Janci or the church office.

Lunch and Learn

Sunday, April 21st 11:30 a.m.

Room 25

Our April Lunch & Learn will be on Sunday, April 21, at 11:30 a.m. in Room 25. Celebrating Earth Day, Joseph Chiarell will share one hour of presentation on "Climate Change." A sandwich lunch will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board by April 18.

Coffee Fellowship Volunteers

If you would like to sign up to be a host,

please sign-up on the bulletin board, or you can email Lisa Kautz at

For Those In Need of Support

If you have found yourself struggling, or going through a particularly stressful life change, we invite you to meet with one of our Stephen Ministers. In meeting with a Stephen Minister, you will receive one-to-one, confidential, Christ-centered care.

To be connected with a Stephen Minister, please contact Mary Beth Gruber.

Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for Family of Marie Barnett(Mother of Deb Parvin)
  • Prayers for Doug Fontenello

Click here to submit a prayer request

Helping Others

Food Drive Donations

Thank you for donating food to our neighbors. Please bring your non-perishable/non-expired items to the church, and place them in our “Food Bank” containers.

If you would prefer, you can bring your items to the Food Bank Network of Somerset County located at 7E Easy St, Bound Brook, NJ 08805. Thank you very much.

Sharing Gifts

Sharing your gifts with Bridgewater United Methodist Church is extremely important. Without these gifts, BUMC would not be able to provide its programs and ministries for members and friends.

Thank you for your support of BUMC!

You can use this QR code or click here for sharing gifts.