September 2021

Title Notes E-News
7 Politeness Mistakes You Could be Making at Work - Even If No One's Broken it to You Yet
by Jane Burnett

As we begin the slow return to the office, there are a few workplace mannerisms we need to become re-accustomed to. It might be easy to forget that when people work together in a shared space, team dynamics can shift at the drop of a hat because of one person’s behavior. That being said, click HERE for a roundup of seven ways you could be annoying your colleagues, even if no one’s told you yet.
9 Words People Constantly Mispronounce
by Hailey Hudson

It’s a universal feeling: The word is on the tip of your tongue when you suddenly second-guess the pronunciation. After an awkward pause in the middle of your sentence, you throw in a more basic synonym instead. Doing your research ahead of time can help you avoid these tongue-tying situations, ensuring you sound intelligent while conversing with ease. Click HERE for the nine words people most often mispronounce and the correct ways to say them.
Why Energy is So Important for Leaders
from Lead Change

What is the key for producing extraordinarily successful outcomes in organizations? Abundant empirical evidence suggests that the organization’s leader is the single most important predictor -- more important than strategy, culture, incentive systems, processes or facilities. If all of these factors are in place but the organization has a poor leader, success is unlikely. Of course, not just any leader can create extraordinary outcomes. The good news is that scientific research has identified one specific factor that tends to trump all others: the positive energy of the leader. Click HERE to learn more.

Do You Want to Be Mindful? Ask Yourself This Question Every Day
by Marshall & Kelly Goldsmith

As a leader, it is critical to be mindful and present in interactions with your many stakeholders throughout the day. While this is very easy to understand in theory, it is incredibly difficult to do in practice. Our great friend, Dr. Carol Kauffman, was recognized by Thinkers50 as one of the Most Influential Coaches in the World. Kauffman teaches her clients to repeatedly ask themselves one simple question. This question is the most useful tool for increasing mindfulness that we have ever tried ... click HERE to learn how to incorporate this question into your daily routine.

Inquiring Minds: Can a Notary Certify a Mortgage Note in Virginia?
from National Notary Association

The Answer: No, a Notary may not certify a Note. There are two reasons why. First, the statement in the Note describes an act that is not authorized under the laws of Virginia. Second, the act on the Virginia Note requires the exercise of legal qualifications and skill that a non-attorney Notary does not possess, and thus would engage in the unauthorized practice of law. Click HERE to learn more.
Hiring a New Salesperson? Make Sure the Candidate Has These 5 Teachable Traits
by Christopher Croner

You’re ready to hire a new salesperson and you know the stakes are high. While the economy seems to be moving in the right direction, surging COVID numbers are stirring up a lot of uncertainty. Whether more lockdowns happen or not—and whether the sales force returns to the office or not—you’re absolutely going to need a strong candidate who can bring in new clients in a tough business environment. In other words, you need a Hunter, someone who has the psychological hardiness to keep going when doors are slammed in their face over and over again. A “Hunter” salesperson must have five non-teachable, non-negotiable traits to persevere in the face of rejection. Click HERE to learn how to identify them before you make an expensive hiring mistake.
How Community Banks Can Stay Relevant in the Face of a Digital Assault
by The Financial Brand's Editorial Team

Community banks may not have the most robust digital offerings, but benefit from greater customer loyalty than many of their larger peers. Will that be enough to hold off an onslaught of competitors? The answer largely still lies in each institution's own hands. Click HERE to read on.
Why Every Buyer Needs an Owner's Policy
Owner's Policy Comparison Chart
Protect Your Clients From Wire Fraud
Butch Rutherford
Vice President & Agency Manager
Bankers Title Shenandoah, LLC
20 Bobby's Way, Suite 101
Staunton, VA 24401
Phone: 1.888.437.9560 | 540.437.9560
Integrity. Security. Excellence

Bankers Title Shenandoah, LLC is a FULL SERVICE Title & Settlement Agency offering settlement services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and Title Services in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland.
We are committed to maintaining customer satisfaction by delivering quality title insurance products and closing services in an accurate and timely manner. Our professionalism, technical knowledge and experience provide security as we insure protection for your most valued investment.