August 2021

Title Notes E-News
We remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented and sacrificed for their country
It is more important than you think. And plus, what's more fun than financial independence?
Throw out all those stuffy drinking rules and drink this nectar from the gods.
Top 10 Critical Competencies of Great Leaders
by Doug Thorpe

Great leaders share many common traits. Though criteria for leadership in the workplace can vary from company to company, the majority of effective leaders exemplify certain skills. By focusing on developing these same skills, you can take your leadership abilities to the next level. Click HERE to learn more about how you can develop these 10 important traits necessary to become a great leader.
The Most Important Skill for Success
by Mark Sanborn

What do all successful people have in common, regardless of occupation or location? Intentionality -- which I define intentionality as being crystal clear on what you want to achieve and taking the right action every day to achieve it. Yet is there one skill more important than all others for achieving and sustaining success? I believe there is. It drives intentionality. If intentionality is the engine, then this skill is the fuel. Learning is essential. It keeps you growing and improving and makes life richer and more interesting. Yet there is something even more important. Click HERE to read on.
Will Long-Term Effects of Deposit Surplus Speed Banking Consolidation?
by John Ginovsky

During the pandemic and well into the recovery depositors have socked away trillions of dollars while business borrowers find themselves hamstrung by supply chain disruptions. By some estimates it could be two years before the situation evens out, and by then the profit squeeze could force more institutions to sell. Some institutions are countering with aggressive strategies. Click HERE to learn more.

Why Every Buyer Needs an Owner's Policy
Owner's Policy Comparison Chart
Protect Your Clients From Wire Fraud
Butch Rutherford
Vice President & Agency Manager
Bankers Title Shenandoah, LLC
20 Bobby's Way, Suite 101
Staunton, VA 24401
Phone: 1.888.437.9560 | 540.437.9560
Integrity. Security. Excellence

Bankers Title Shenandoah, LLC is a FULL SERVICE Title & Settlement Agency offering settlement services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and Title Services in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland.
We are committed to maintaining customer satisfaction by delivering quality title insurance products and closing services in an accurate and timely manner. Our professionalism, technical knowledge and experience provide security as we insure protection for your most valued investment.