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As Soon As Possible

Patting Ourselves on the Back

Hurricane Francine had enough oomph, rain and wind to put all City departments through their paces. Fire, PD, Admin and Public Works all executed their assigned duties quite well.

Our citizens also did a wonderful job: Respecting the curfew, clearing drainage catch basins and ditches and being patient with the daily change in the trash pick-up schedule.

Fortunately, we did not experience wide spread or lengthy power outages. This may be because so many of us wanted to use our newly purchased generators ; ).

Debris Placement for Removal

1) All debris must be put at the curb. Storm debris should not be put in plastic bags.

2) Please put debris in separate piles. Green Waste in one pile, Construction Debris in another pile, Mattresses in another pile, white goods in another pile.

3) Please keep all debris piles at least 3 feet away from mailboxes, vehicles, fences, utility boxes, etc.

4) Please do not place storm debris under low hanging wires or tree branches.

5) Please do not put storm debris in your garbage cart(s). Your cart(s) should be used for household garbage only. All household garbage should be bagged and placed in your cart(s).

Mayor Updates Nation


Shop Local.

That's what pays the City's bills.

Bluesberry Festival

Music and Art Fest at Bogue Falaya Park

Click here for Tickets / Details 

(It's like Jazz Fest without the fuss).

Art work by Councilman Joey Roberts. That's cool.

Bethel Reform Celebrates 75 Years

Congratulations to Bethel Reform Methodist Church celebrating 75 years since the Reverend Peter Atkins founded the Church at the corner of 29th Ave. and Harrison St.

Fools of Misrule Chicken Drop

Columbia Street Tap Room

St. John Fools of Misrule will host a Chicken Drop benefitting the St. Tammany Art Association this Sunday, Sept 15th, 11am-3pm at the Tap Room. Open to the public with a Silent Auction, Saints Football Pools & of course, Chicken Drops!!

Sometimes supporting the art community means betting on which square a bird defecates upon.

Zumba at the Food Bank

125 W 30th Ave

September's Zumba with the Mayor will take place at the Northshore Food Bank's facility on Sunday, the 15th at 5:00pm.

Great group of instructors, great work out, great cause … and free!

Bring some food items if so inclined. Elvis will be there.

The bi-monthly newsletter is FREE in green boxes around the city. Page 3 is a great way to keep track of Covington events. We have over 20 events in October alone.

Masonic Lodge Cornerstone

Laid 100 Years Ago, September 14th

"From the time the Lodge was first organized, it occupied rented quarters for a meeting place until November 21, 1871 when it purchased from Mrs. Emma Afroux, the property described as Lot 4 in Square 7, Division of St. John, Town of Covington, and which is on the South side of and adjacent to the lot on which the present Temple is now located.

On the lot purchased from Mrs. Afroux, there was a wooden frame building. This structure was remodeled and used as the Temple until it was destroyed by fire on October 29, 1909. The fire originated in a small wooden structure on the south side of and adjoining a brick building located on the corner of Columbia and Boston Streets, owned by Emile Frederick. This fire was very destructive. The brick building of Emile Frederick and all other buildings on both sides of Columbia Street from Boston Street down to the Bogue Falaya River, including the Covington Masonic Temple were burned.

From Ron Barthet's Tammany Family Blog History of Masonic Lodge #188.

Replies to this e-mail go directly to Mayor Mark.

For a new trash bin, contact Coastal Environmental at

 Customer Care Form Or call 985-781-3171.

Over time we will be moving more and more to robotic arm trash pick up. Currently you should have one trash bin and one recycle bin (though the latter may be used as a supplemental trash bin). You may purchase an additional can (square, not round) at a store or from Coastal for $85.00.

Rooted in History, Focused on the Future