The Official Newsletter of the
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research Foundation
In This Issue
Call for Papers
New Board Member Donna Beales
More Directors Wanted
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Volume 9; Issue 2      
April, 2013
5051_Earl_Bathurst_Cocklewood_Harbour_(c) Mike Crowe
In this issue, you will read about the advancing impact of biotherapy. The world now thirsts to hear about  your knowledge, experience, and support for biotherapy. Be sure to ake advantage of such opportunities.

The premier journal for Evidence-based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) is actively seeking manuscripts describing new research or comprehensive reviews for its upcoming Special Issue on invertebrate biotherapy and medicinal extracts. If you have a project or manuscript nearing completion, please submit it to this fine journal.

Boze Kokan is introducing maggot therapy into Croatia. You can read about his planned lectures at the Prirodoslovni Muzej Split Facebook page. Congratulations, Boze!

Please all welcome Donna Beales, our newest Board Member. If you would like to join our Board of Directors, too, please see the invitation below, written especially for you.

Ron Sherman
 Call for Papers
eCAM is Soliciting Biotherapy Articles
The journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) invites investigators to contribute original research articles and review papers for a special issue on medicinal invertebrates and their products. Relevant topics could include leech therapy, helminthic therapy, maggot therapy, apitherapy, etc.  The deadline is coming up soon (August 30, 2013) so contact the editors straight away if interested in submitting a manuscript.


For more information, see the eCAM announcement web page .
Welcome Donna Beales
Newest Board Member Donna Beales 

New Board member Donna Beales, MLIS, comes to the BTER Foundation with a fifteen year background as a professional medical librarian working in a hospital setting.  


Donna has extensive experience serving on a number of boards. She was most recently a member of the Executive Board of the Massachusetts Library System and managed $6.7M of the state of Massachusetts' operating budget for libraries. Donna is a professional writer with numerous publications to her credit, including works featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul. She is also an artist and her jewelry is currently featured at Artists Crossing Boston.


Donna hopes to bring her passion for human-animal interactive therapies to the BTER Foundation. She has long had a love of horses and currently assists her husband in keeping bees. Her interest in the science of therapeutic helminths started in 1998 when she saw an interview with Dr. Joel Weinstock. Donna later sought treatment with therapeutic helminths due to a life-threatening medical condition.  


As a new Board member, Donna desires to contribute her time, treasures, and talents to furthering biotherapeutics.

More Directors Wanted Now
Still Recruiting a New Member for the Board

The Board of Directors is still looking for at least one more new member. If you would like to join the Board of Directors and advance biotherapy education and research, then send in your resume and tell us how you see yourself contributing to the Board: info@BTERFoundation.org.

Full application instructions are available on our website at:  www.BTERFoundation.org/board_application  
2013 Conferences & Events :
Biotherapy Workshops & Webinars  

4th Annual Palliative Wound Care Conference - Indianapolis, IN; May 16-18, 2013

Wild on Wounds 2013 Conference (WOW) - Las Vegas, NV; September 11-14, 2013
Canadian Association of Wound Care Conference - Vancouver, Canada; November 7-10, 2013


Desert Foot High Risk Diabetic Foot Conference 2013 - Phoenix, AZ; November 20-22, 2013 


Conferences with Biotherapy Lectures & Exhibits   


Diabetic Foot Global Conference - Los Angeles, CA; Mar 21-23, 2013
4th Annual Palliative Wound Care Conference - Indianapolis, IN; May 16-18, 2013


Podiatric Residence Education Summit - Teaneck, NJ; August 23-25, 2013


Wild on Wounds 2013 Conference (WOW) - Las Vegas, NV; September 11-14, 2013

Symposium on Advanced Wound Care - Las Vegas, NV; September 27-29, 2013

Superbones West 2013 Conference - Las Vegas, NV; October 24-26, 2013


How About a Workshop in Your Town? 


To arrange a maggot therapy or leech therapy workshop in your community, contact the BTER Foundation. Local and national experts are available to provide 1-hour lectures, full day workshops, and anything in between.


Know about something we don't?  

Let us know of any biotherapy news or event that isn't on our list, so we can make sure that everyone knows about it!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."   - Margaret Mead
Publication Credits

THE BeTER LeTTER is published by:
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation
36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 949-679-3000 / Fax: 949-679-3001
editor@BTERFoundation.org  /  www.BTERFoundation.org 

Ronald A. Sherman

Assistant Editor:

Lynn Wang

Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Dr. Robert McKie, Dr. Jacques Oskam, Sheri Rosen, Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi, Catalina Wang,
Dr. Shou Yu Wang. Your name could be here! 

Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston, Dr. Aletha Tippett

Foundation Board
Ronald A Sherman (Chair); Randall Sullivan (Secretary);
Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Sharon Mendez, RN, CWS (Chair, Programs & Grants Committee); Donna Beales. Your name could be here! 

Administrative Assistant 
Karin Thompson