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June/July 2017                                                            Volume 13 Issue 5
  Director's Letter
There are so many biotherapy activities and events coming up in the next several months that I can only mention a few of them here. For a quick overview, read through the Conferences section below.

The long-awaited 10th International Conference on Biotherapy will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, October 4-9, 2017. It is not too late to submit an abstract to the organizing committee, so check out the details  below, or view complete details on the  Conference website
If you are not able to attend, then stop by for the annual half-day Maggot Therapy course, co-sponsored by the BTER Foundation at the Wild on Wounds Conference (October 4-7, Las Vegas). Each year, the BTER Foundation presents didactic and hands-on workshops in maggot therapy at the Conference. For more information, see the Wild on Wounds Website.

The Biotherapy Live! program is now up and running on Facebook Live. Check out the schedule below and visit us live or watch the recording on our Facebook page. If you can not make the program, just post or email us your questions, and we will try to address them on the program. We have a growing list of experts who will be available to answer your questions,

Of course, you do not need to wait that long to have the BTER Foundation answer your maggot therapy questions or help with your biotherapy needs. The Foundation and its members have been teaching classes, offering workshops, and making site visits for years. To schedule a lecture or workshop at your next meeting or conference, just give us a call or send us a message.

Have a Great Summer, with a healthy dose of Learning!

With best wishes, always,
R Sherman (signature)  
Ron Sherman

Biotherapy Facebook Live! BiotherapyFacebookLive
The BTER Foundation is pleased to announce a new, free program for Biotherapy Education: Biotherapy Facebook Live!  We hosted our inaugural program on June 20th, which included a lively discussion about common issues in administering Maggot Therapy.  We will continue hosting a monthly program of live lectures, interviews, and question & answer sessions on our Facebook page.  Joining us is easy - simply go to our Facebook page, like and follow us to receive notifications, and visit the page at the scheduled time (typically Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00 pm PST).  See you there!
  • July 18 - 12-1 pm PST (3-4 pm EST) - Topic: Common Obstacles on the Road to Maggot Therapy (comments and questions from the Biotherapy Blog on WoundSource)
  • August 22 - Interview with Dr. Felio Bello on using maggot therapy as a promising approach against cutaneous Leishmaniasis
  • September 19 - Topic TBA
  • October 17 - Topic TBA
  • November 14 - Dr. Charles Shapiro - Implementing MDT policies & procedures in a medical setting
  • December 12 - Dr. Aletha Tippett - Topic TBA
Biotherapy Around the World

10th International Conference on Biotherapy - October 4-9, 2017
Visit Istanbul, Turkey, and enjoy lectures on the topics of Apitherapy, MDT, Hirudotherapy, Ichthiotherapy, Helminthotherapy, Bacteriotherapy, Bacteriophage Therapy, Biodiagnosis, canine olfactory detection, pet therapy, and hippotherapy.

BTER Jobs Board
We are happy to announce an additional service through our website - a Job Postings board.  If you are looking for employment or seeking a new employee, please contact us at with your information!

2017 Biotherapy Conferences BiotherapyConferences

We have recently updated our list of Biotherapy-related conferences for 2017. We will continue publishing it in our monthly newsletter, but you can also find it on our website at
September 29-October 4;  45th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress , Istanbul, Turkey
October 4-7, 2017; Wild on Wounds; Las Vegas, NV, USA
Lecture and Hands-on Workshop led by BTER Foundation's Dr. Ron Sherman

October 4-9; 10th International Conference on Biotherapy; Istanbul, Turkey

October 26-27; 5th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota, Berlin, Germany

November 10-12; 2017 Charles Mraz Apitherapy Course & Conference, Redondo Beach, CA, USA

November 2-3;  Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum: USA; San Diego, CA, USA

November 28-30; 3rd Annual European Microbiome Congress; London, UK

Publication Credits

THE BeTER LeTTER is published by:
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation
36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 949-246-1156 / Fax: 949-679-3001
Ronald A. Sherman

Assistant Editor:
Amy Lajiness

Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Dr. Robert McKie, Dr. Jacques Oskam, Sheri Rosen, Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi, Catalina Wang,
Dr. Shou Yu Wang. Your name could be here!

Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston, Dr. Aletha Tippett

Foundation Board:
Ronald A Sherman (Chair);  Sagiv Ben-Yakir; Chris Kleronomos; Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Sheri Rosen.

Past Board Members:
Donna Beales Sharon Mendez; Pamela Mitchell; Randall Sullivan

Administrative Assistant:
Amy Lajiness
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