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April 2016                                                                  Volume 12 Issue 4
  Director's Letter
I am late getting out this month's newsletter. Every day this week I have been in one conference or another. Today, finally back to my office, I planned to remain at my desk until I finished writing this column. But then - quite unexpectedly - I was presented with the opportunity to participate in this nation's political process: electing the party's delegates who would go to the national convention and select a presidential candidate. So I am now writing this column from a room filled with over 200 other individuals from my neighborhood ("congressional district") all gathered to select the individuals who will represent our views at the national convention.

Which party and which presidential candidate I favor is irrelevant here. What IS important is how good I feel by DOING something to make a difference. The delegates at the national convention will no longer be people that I don't know, representing other people's interests instead of mine; they will now include people that I voted for today - people charged with representing my interests; people I helped select.

Too often we tell ourselves that doing something doesn't matter; that no one will listen to "just me." But that is the wrong attitude, because people WILL listen to you, if y ou speak up. And if enough people speak up with you, then you could be in the majority of those speaking up. As printed in this newsletter many years ago , Martha Mead once wrote : "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

How is this relevant to us today, outside of the political campaign? It is relevant in almost everything we do . . . and especially in everything the BTER Foundation does. The Foundation, after all, is just a small group of people. But if you participate, then we are that much bigger and stronger. And pretty soon, we will demonstrably represent a large enough group of people who want therapies studied or made available or reimbursed by insurers . . . we will be enough people working together that it will get done. We will all rejoice when that day comes. But let us NOW do what we can to bring us to that day:

  - Read the Biotherapy Journal Review to be better informed.
  - Review an article or write an original article for the Journal.
  - Write an editorial for this newsletter, or suggest someone for our
     biography feature.   
  - Purchase your gifts through our shopping affiliates, such as
AmazonSmile (search for BTER, then select us as your charity) 
  - Share your biotherapy story online, in video, or in person.
  - Become a member
  - Tell a Friend, or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.  

And if you need more ideas, just give us a call or send us a message , and we will be glad to "put a bug in your ear."

R Sherman (signature)
Ron Sherman

Biotherapy Journal Review Now Available
Have you heard? Beginning in 2016, the BTER Foundation expanded its efforts by bringing you not just one review but a collection of reviews and current citations from the latest biotherapy literature. Each collection, published quarterly by the BTER Foundation, is known as the Biotherapy Journal Review, and will be available at no cost to anyone interested to read it.  You should have received our Winter 2016 Biotherapy Journal Review publication via email, but if you missed it, make sure to take a look now!  You can find the link to the entire journal below, or can find current and past reviews on our website at
  2016 Biotherapy Conferences
  * denotes BTER Foundation Presence
** denotes BTER Foundation Lecture by Dr. Ron Sherman

     May 26-27;  Aging Active: Hirudo Revitalization Forum; Moscow, Russia
** August 31-September 1;  Wild on Wounds Conference ;
              Las Vegas, NV, USA
   *September 12-13;  International Conference on Wound Care ; San Antonio,                   TX, USA
  * September 26-28;  SAWC Fall; Las Vegas, NV, USA
     October 3-4;  4th Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Forum 
               USA (including Probiotics Congress) ;  San Diego, CA, USA 
     October 21-23; Charles Mraz Apitherapy Course & Conference; Redondo                   Beach, CA, USA
              Atlanta, GA, USA
Biotherapy Around the World
Larvaterapia Latinoamerica Group
Are you an MDT professional working in Latin America?  If so, Dr. Jose Contreras Ruiz, an MDT therapist in Mexico City, invites you to join his group on Facebook, where you can share information and ask questions.
Larvaterapia Latinoamerica Facebook Page
International Conference on Wound Care -  September 12-13, 2016
San Antonio, TX 
This year's conference centers on the theme "Improving the Delivery of Wound Care Management for the Future."  Dr. Ron Sherman, Founder of the BTER Foundation, is also on the organizing committee for this conference!
Be a Mentor for BTER Internship Program!
This year we will be expanding our highly successful Internship training program. We have successfully placed interns into positions of biotech research, regulatory compliance, administration, communication, and videography. However, we are in need of more clinical mentors. If you would be willing to allow a trainee to spend a day, a week, or a month in your facility, please contact us at

Looking for Leech Supplies or a Biotherapist?
Are you looking for leech supplies?  The BTER Foundation has been working closely  with Monarch Labs to advance  leech therapy, and we are now selling off excess supplies.  You can find them on our Products Page  here.

Looking for leech therapists? Maggot therapists? Check out our biotherapist Referral pages. Are you a biotherapist? Then contact us for your free listing in our Referral pages.

Note:  You must register on the BTER Foundation Website in order to gain access to these pages. You do not have to be a paid member, but site registration helps ensure that the therapists who voluntarily list their contact information are not exposed to abuse by webcrawlers and other data collectors.

Publication Credits

THE BeTER LeTTER is published by:
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation
36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 949-246-1156 / Fax: 949-679-3001
Ronald A. Sherman

Assistant Editor:
Amy Lajiness

Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Dr. Robert McKie, Dr. Jacques Oskam, Sheri Rosen, Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi, Catalina Wang,
Dr. Shou Yu Wang. Your name could be here!

Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston, Dr. Aletha Tippett

Foundation Board:
Ronald A Sherman (Chair);  Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Donna Beales; Sheri Rosen. Your name could be here, too! 

Past Board Members:
Randall Sullivan;  Sharon Mendez, RN, CWS; Pamela Mitchell

Administrative Assistant:
Amy Lajiness
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