Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him (Lk 24:31)
APRIL 23, 2023
Click our PRIDE logo for news from the Open & Affirming Coalition
10:30 AM
“Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain”
“I Come to the Garden” 
"He Lives"
This week's Hymns sheet music coming Sunday. Click the MUSIC image.
Special Music links redirect to videos.

We are so glad you are here!”

As we enter our church, as we live as members, as we experience important life-cycle events (falling in love, marrying, parenting, baptism, coming out, transitioning, etc.), words of welcome and support, understanding and love are what we all long for. This manifestation of God’s Extravagant Welcome and the justice and social witness that accompany it are the heart of what we hope to show our community and all who walk through the doors of Christ Congregational United Church of Christ.

April 21, 2023

Dear Congregation,

My heart is filled with joy as everything seems to have come together for the closing on the sale of CCC’s property to Westminster Christian Private School to be finalized today! These last couple of weeks have been very busy here at church, as property repairs and updates have been addressed, much paperwork has been completed under the direction of Attorney Colletti, and needed inspections arranged and performed. The old adage “It takes a village to raise a child” might be transformed by our experience to the statement “It takes a congregation of committed people sharing their vision and talents to sell a church, thus ensuring its future.”

A heartfelt thank you to Lorrie LeGrand, Graham Bryan, Daniel Best, Antonia Godley-Juarez, Judy Carlson, Fay Gordon, Karen Kett, Joan Chandler, Joan Campagna, Jim Ketzle, Miriam Grissett, David Williams, Julio Balcells, and Marilyn Pearson, the many members who have worked so hard to make what began two years ago with realistic
assessment of where we were as a church come to fruition. Gone will be the heavy burden of being landlords, with all that has entailed. I know many of you join me in feeling that a weight has been lifted from our shoulders!

In the next twenty years of leasing what we use of the property, who knows what can faithfully be done with so much less time spent on property issues and so much more in the way of assets to act as Christ’s body in this world!

We will celebrate big-time on May 21st with a catered brunch after the Installation worship service, but we’ll begin the celebration after worship this Sunday, as Lorrie LeGrand is bringing cupcakes All this joy and cupcakes, too! Plan to be here!

Psalm 110 really speaks to me today and so I share it with you for your joy!
We do indeed praise God for this new day for CCC!

Thanks be to God!

In Christ’s love and peace.
Pastor Candy

Psalm 100
All Lands Summoned to Praise God
A Psalm of thanksgiving.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
  Worship the Lord with gladness;
  come into his presence with singing.

Know that the Lord is God.
  It is he that made us, and we are his;
  we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
  and his courts with praise.
  Give thanks to him, bless his name.

For the Lord is good;
  his steadfast love endures for ever,

  and his faithfulness to all generations.

Sun. 23 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
& Facebook Live

Mon. 24 | 6:30 pm
Bible Study on Zoom

Thurs. 27 | 7 pm
Council Meeting on Zoom

Sun. 30 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
 & Facebook Live

Join us after Worship on April 30th as we welcome Sandra Fish Mathurin of Florida Immigrant Coalition whose mission is to grow the connection, capacity and consciousness of communities to strengthen pro-immigrant power in Florida. (FLIC.ORG)
Detail of mural in Christchurch, New Zealand
GET ON THE BUS! Contact Miriam Grissett if you want to join her at the Poor People's Campaign "Moral March & Mass Assembly"
at our State Capitol in Tallahassee.

Global Ministries offers a weekly prayer for one of our global mission partners. This week's prayer is with Lebanon. Below is Lebanon's prayer. Let us unite in prayer.

Christ Jesus, we lift up those who are filled with disappointment, apprehension, and fear, disoriented and uncertain about what the future may hold – or even if there is a future. We hold the people of Lebanon close to our hearts in prayer – shaken by broken and unkept promises; impoverished spiritually and materially by economic breakdown and political dysfunction; covered by waves of tragedy, and paralyzed by the designs of the powerful, near and far.

Like those two disciples leaving Jerusalem with dazed and wounded hearts, only able to speak of the pain they were enduring, you walk with the people; you listen to their hearts; you allow them to question you, even to accuse you of unawareness or hard-heartedness regarding their daily struggles. When they are finally attentive to you, you open their spirits to your Spirit, your presence, and your plan, reminding them that pain is part of the believer’s journey, part of the call that you give your people.

As your children walk similar paths in every land, help them to see you are near – listening and teaching. Help all of us to see you willingly offering yourself in the broken bread and spilled blood. Help us to be infilled with strength and hope, making us new creatures in Christ. Help us to joyfully go and share this good news. In your precious name, we pray. Amen.

 Find all UCC podcasts in one feed!

Launch into Climate Hope! 
Have a heart for Creation Justice. We want to hear from you and help you take action locally and in community.

On April 29th, the UCC will be launching an effort to collect as many petition postcards as possible to seek government action for cleaner air and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Sign-up to get updates on the Climate Hope Cards campaign and this launch event.
First Annual UCC
Earth Day Summit - April 22nd!

All are welcome as the United Church of Christ inaugurates an Earth Day Summit to lift up, celebrate, and further ministries dedicated to caring for God’s creation. This two and a half hour VIRTUAL ONLY event will feature a keynote address by the Rev. Jim Antal, the author of “Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change.” Churches are invited to organize book groups to read this book in the month of April.
To register please go here: Webinar Registration – Zoom

About the film: Anita Chitaya is a farmer in Malawi who has brought progress to her village by transforming the way they think and work together. But when the effects of climate change show indisputable signs of irreversible damage to her land and community, Anita travels to America to meet with farmers, activists, climate skeptics, and legislators to persuade them to save her home by first saving the planet. A modest $4.99 rental fee for an inspirational journey that supports CJM.
A message from Rick Carson, Editor "Celebrate Florida"

A section of Celebrate Florida is titled “Time for Conversations.” It contains brief references to programs, discussions and actions undertaken by our congregations to address issues of governmental, cultural, religious/theological and social concerns in our communities, the state and country.

In a time where there is so much to address through dialogue and understanding, we have been encouraged to see the mobilization of wider communities within the Florida Conference to be voices of truth and justice in several regions of Florida. These manifestations of relationships and partnerships speak to a truth that is as timeless as it is biblical: We are stronger TOGETHER! 
Subscribe using these links. Why miss out on the latest Florida news?

Jay Harragin, Joan Hansen, Maggie McDowell, Daniel Best,
J.J. Ketzle, Jim and Cindy Ketzle, Carol McCreary, Mary Ellen Prather, Kevin Zhang, Neal and Pam Watkins & family, Frank Tirb,
George Colimorio, Bradley Everhardt and Marsi Ott Miranda
and Rhonda Johnstone Cespedes’ Family and Friends

For Pastoral Care Needs, please call Pastor Candy directly at 925-640-9289 or you may call and leave a message with the Church Office, 305-235-9381.

Thank you so much for the generous gifts of your time, treasure and talent in pursuit of A Just World For All!
Online Giving – We invite you to use our online giving option as a quick, simple, and secure method to make your pledges and ancillary gifts.

*Please indicate when your giving is other than pledge or plate.*

You may click this image or the
"Online Giving" link on the upper right of our website.
The Rev. Candace Thomas | Pastor

Graham Bryan | Moderator & President

Jay Harragin | Music Director

Miriam Grissett | Editor