The BPSI Community and Friends
BPSI Leadership Team
Donna Fromberg, PsyD, President
Catherine Kimble, MD, Executive Director
Holly Housman, LICSW, Chair, Board of Trustees
Mary McCarthy, MD, President-Elect
Carole A. Nathan, MBA, Managing Director
BPSI READS: Open Conversations on Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness
with Peiwei Li, PhD, HSP & Diane O’Donoghue, PhD
Tuesday, June 13th 7:30-8:30 pm
“BPSI READS” is an initiative to facilitate regular conversations within BPSI, the larger psychoanalytic community, and the public on issues of Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness. Thank you to everyone who has participated thus far.
We invite you and your guests to please join us for Part 2 of a
special two-part BPSI READS series on Asian Identity:
responding to the Arts Installation:
with BPSI Hosts: Peiwei Li, PhD, HSP
& Diane O'Donoghue, PhD
Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
7:30-8:30 pm
Our June BPSI Reads will focus on arts and community in Boston’s Chinatown, discussing how cultural experiences can raise awareness of a neighborhood’s past and present struggles, as well as its capacity to maintain and expand its identity. We will discuss the creation and content of the current exhibition, “Endurance Streets: Resilience and Response in Boston’s Chinese Community,” alongside a recent article on the ways in which the neighborhood’s arts center has been able to address immigration stress and gentrification. We invite those in Boston to visit exhibition prior to the discussion. It is on view until June 30th on the exterior of Two Boylston Street and 116 Harrison Street (at the corner of Kneeland). The panels can be viewed here, and the Endurance Streets brochure is available here.
Reading: Arts, Culture, and Creativity as a Strategy for Countering the Negative Social Impacts of Immigration Stress and Gentrification
Carolyn Leung Rubin, EdD et al.: Health Promotion Practice
May 2021 Vol. 22, Suppl 1 131S–140S
There is no fee for this program, however we ask that you consider
making a gift at whatever level you can afford to support this
BPSI READS and our ongoing work.
Peiwei Li, PhD, HSP is a licensed psychologist with a training in counseling psychology. She is currently completing the Fellowship Program at BPSI. She is also an Associate Professor of Counseling and Psychology at Lesley University, and directs its PhD program of Counseling and Psychology in Transformative Leadership, Education, and Applied Research. Her scholarship locates in the borderland of critical psychology and critical theory, pertaining to identity development, transnational experiences, emancipatory interest, intersubjective recognition, and potentials for dialogue and co-liberation.
Diane O’Donoghue, PhD: A historian of visual cultures, Diane holds appointments at Tufts and Brown Universities, and has been an affiliate scholar and faculty member at BPSI. Diane is also Chair of the BPSI Division of Interdisciplinary Psychoanalysis. Her writings often focus on the role of objects and spaces within the construction of early psychoanalytic ideas, and she is the author of On Dangerous Ground: Freud’s Visual Cultures of the Unconscious (2019) Next year, Diane will be a vising Fellow at the Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard.
In this BPSI READS evening, we look forward to open conversation to deepen the dialogue about Race, Equity, and Diversity in psychoanalysis. We are honored that Peiwei Li and Diane O’Donoghue will lead our discussion.
This BPSI READS is open to the public. We invite members of the BPSI Community, friends, and all members of the larger community to join in conversation.
Please feel free to forward this invitation.
As part of BPSI’s Anti-Racism Commitment, (Click here for Commitment Memo), we have created the BPSI Resources web page, that intends to make readily available psychoanalytic and interdisciplinary scholarship resources on, Race, Equity, Diversity and Otherness for colleagues and the public. We welcome all recommendations for this site, a public offering that is updated regularly with new readings and resources. We invite you to please see what is new: BPSI Resources - On Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness; Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Voices (linked here).
Thank you, to all who have shared your experiences, questions, and ideas for how BPSI can continue to fulfill our commitment to Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We welcome your ideas, including future BPSI READS, BPSI RESOURCES, and your feedback, contributions, and participation in BPSI’s ongoing work towards the future of an inclusive and diverse psychoanalysis. Thank you. You may contribute ideas here.
We hope to see you at this next BPSI READS evening.
Donna, Catherine, Holly, Mary, and Carole
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