November 4, 2020
BOSAA Executive Board
Election Results
Dear Black Organization of Students Alumni Association (BOSAA) Membership:

      The Nominations and Elections Committee of the Black Organization of Students Alumni Association has decided to provide the appropriate illumination into our recent Executive Board election.
      It should be noted and acknowledged that there was an immediate need for this election, as the Board was operating beyond its official term (which had started June 24, 2017). Therefore and according to our by-laws, there was the September 24th announcement of upcoming Executive Board elections. Our by-laws limited both the privilege of voting and the holding of office to members. Those members that wished to exercise their privileges needed to complete the provided updated Membership Information Form. This formed the BOSAA electorate population.*
      The September 24th announcement also provided that nominations were not only welcomed but encouraged, including self-nominations. The opening of nominations was announced on September 28th. Nominations were received for the available positions.
      During the nomination period, nominees were vetted to determine whether they were, in fact, members. It should be noted that only members were nominated. Thereafter, the nominees were then advised of their nomination and asked to indicate whether they would accept the nomination and participate in the election process. Some nominees declined their nomination. Those nominees that accepted the nomination and agreed to participate (submitted a Nominee Information Form) and were then announced as candidates.
      In preparation for voting, it was determined it would be appropriate that the membership be allowed the opportunity to hear from the candidates and to personally vet them. An open debate format was utilized with the Nominations and Elections Committee presenting preselected questions to the candidates as well as allowing questions from the membership floor. This, a ‘Meet the Candidates’ virtual meeting was announced and thereafter held on October 14th.
      Voting was conducted electronically by Rutgers University. Given the technical difficulties we encountered, the voting period was extended from the initial cut-off date of October 19th to October 24th to allow for fairness. Rutgers University staff has confirmed that: 1) no cast ballots were discarded or voided, 2) casting of duplicate ballots was not allowed, and 3) no ballots were cast outside of the voting period.
      For the sake of transparency, the committee was provided with the voting results and tabulation which included both when ballots were cast, but also for whom. Of course, the identity of the voter remained secret. That tabulation is included herein.
                         Click for Results (2 pages)

Sincerely yours,
Nominations and Elections Committee 
Judge Anthony R. Higgins (fmr.) - Chair
Basirah Taha – Member
Lisa Douglas – Member
Nominations and Elections Committee
Black Organization of Students Alumni Association

* This population consisted of twenty (20).

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