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August 2024 BLC Newsletter


Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7pm @ the Brainerd Eagles Club 287

New Location

Hello Everyone, 

It's crazy to think with all the rain and cooler temps, we'd be talking about HOT water. But if you were on the water in the last two weeks, you might have noticed the water temps were getting high. Once the water temp hits that 79 plus it's a good idea to take a break from chasing muskies. We want to preserve the fisheries we have for the future. Another good thing to remember is Clean, Drain, Dry. With the spread of aquatic and invasive spies on the rise throughout the midwest, we should do our part in helping control the spread. 

We have a few upcoming events, first we have an MOHTY event this Sunday on Pokegama Lake. You can launch out of any access you would like, but the pot luck afterwards will be held at the Tioga landing on the Northwest end of the lake.


Then, on Tuesday August 13 we will be holding our youth night instead of a normal monthly meeting. This will be held at the Nisswa Community Center. If you are able to help out in any way during the event that would be great, reach out to our youth director, Jordan Moss. We also have another MOHTY event the evening of Tuesday September 3. This is a sponsor event, which means fish need to be caught on a sponsor's bait.

Tight Lines, 

Levi Stifter

August 13th Meeting - Youth Night

Nisswa Community Center

6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

There are still a few spots available as of August 8th. So there's still time to register!

Meetings are open to the public and FREE to attend! Chance to win various prizes from lures or maybe a rod in our meeting raffles. Come to hear and share fish stories and more. One random door prize drawing for those in attendance. Bring your friends!

* 2nd Tuesday of the Month - Brainerd Eagles Club 287 - 7 pm *

August 11th

MHOTY Outing - Lake Pokegama - 7am to 3pm

August 13th

Monthly Meeting - Youth Night - Nisswa Community Center

September 3rd

MHOTY Outing - Cedar Lake - 4pm to 9 pm

September 10th

Monthly Meeting - Guest Speaker - Ryley Hansen

2024 Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge

Gil Hamm, along with many others, was instrumental in the creation of the Muskies Inc organization, seeing the importance of musky conservation for future generations. Going back more than 40 years ago, Gil Hamm and the others from Chapter #1, the Twin Cities Chapter, decided that bringing everyone together for a fishing event couldn’t have been a better idea (I think we can all agree)!

The North Metro Chapter of Muskies Inc will be hosting the Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge this year. Join them for this annual event, coming together as a greater Muskies Inc nationwide event. Get to know your fellow musky fishing peers from around the country and have a great time fishing on world class waters.

Where: Red Wing Lodge - Lake of the Woods

When: August 21st - 23rd, 2024


•6 people per team.

•Unlimited numbers of teams per chapter can fish the tournament.

•No cost per individual to enter - the BLC picks up the cost per team entry. 

•Participants must find and pay for their own lodging.

•Contact Jody Young at 218-821-3727 to sign up

We currently have two teams with room on the second team for two more anglers. Please let Jody know ASAP if you would like to participate!.

For more information and updates, check out the Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge website.

Jeff Young Memorial - 2024 Muskie Shootout

The 2024 Jeff Young Memorial Muskie Shootout is fast approaching. With 35 teams currently registered, this is shaping up to potentially be the largest field of boats we have ever had. And that means larger payouts for those lucky enough to score at the top of the leaderboard!

We will once again be headed back to Agency Bay Lodge on beautiful Leech Lake. Clear your calendar for the weekend of October 5 - 6, 2024 and register your team today. Remember, starting positions are determined by the order of registrations. So it pays to sign up sooner rather than later!

Youth Member Spotlight - Lily Justin

Grade: 4th

Favorite fish: Crappie

Favorite lake: Mille Lacs or Leech

Favorite lure: Wax Worms

Favorite boat snack: X-tra Cheddar Goldfish

How many Muskies have been caught: Not Yet

Favorite person to fish with: Dad

Tell us a story: “When we went to Florida, I casted out and felt something bite. It was a black tip shark. Probably about 40 inches..”

Lily was the lucky winner of the youth lifetime fishing license given away for our membership drive. It’s safe to say that we have a forever fisher-gal in our chapter!

We’re looking for more youth members to spotlight for our newsletter! Contact Jadyn at to be featured! 

** NOTE: Muskies Inc is a proud supporter of getting youth outdoors and on the water. Photos and stories can be about any fish that your youth finds exciting! **

New Sponsor Spotlight - Rig Boss Baits

Rig Boss Baits is one of our newest sponsors. Rig Boss makes high end cedar jerkbaits and crankbaits. Head on over to Facebook and join the Rig Boss Baits Facebook page for a closer look.

2024 BLC Muskie Hunter of the Year (MHOTY) Schedule

June 23

Lake Bemidji - Northwoods Access - 7am to 3pm

July 20

Virtual - Any lake in Minnesota - 6am to 11pm

August 6

Lake Roosevelt - Ladies/Kids get double points for muskies caught - 4pm to 9pm

August 11

Lake Pokegama - 7am to 3pm NEXT UP - Look for the details and reminder in your Friday email inbox

September 3

Cedar Lake - Sponsorship night - fish must be caught using a BLC sponsor's lure - 4pm to 9pm

September 21

Leech Lake - 7am to 3pm

October 12

Lake Waconia - 8am to 3pm

October 26

Lake Roosevelt - 8am to 4pm

** Schedule subject to change **

** Potluck following most outings **

Find our entire outing schedule, results and MHOTY standings on the website.

BLC Memorial Outing

September 14

Mantrap Lake - 7am to 5pm

This is separate from the MHOTY schedule and is run a bit more like a tournament style with prizes for the winner as well as big fish pot and raffles afterwards.

**NEW** BLC 50” Club and First Muskie Club

Catch a 50”+ muskie during the 2024 Muskie season, or catch your FIRST muskie and automatically get in for an annual, commemorative shirt!

Here’s how it works:

  • You must be a current member in good standing as of the time the fish was caught 
  • Submit a release form, minimum, to the BLC

Send us your photos - we’d love to be able to post these to social media, use in the newsletter, submit to MUSKIE magazine, use at the end of the year, and more! These photos can be of any fish caught throughout the season, not just the biggest fish - all Muskies matter!

Release forms can be filled out online ( or sent to Nathan French at, along with any fish photos throughout the summer.

NOT the actual shirt. For attention only.

NOT the actual shirt that you will receive. Image for attention only!

2024 Release Contest

Current Release Standings

If you would like to participate in our 2024 release contest or be eligible for a free replica, please make sure to check out the above link and scroll down for requirements. Also remember that it can pay to participate in our release contest. All fish registered the previous month will go into a monthly drawing at our monthly meetings for a $25 Musky Tackle Online gift card. Must be present to win!

  • July release drawing will be held at the September meeting. So we will draw for both July and August winners at that meeting.

Save 10% at Musky Tackle Online

Orders placed with Musky Tackle Online that are delivered at monthly meetings are eligible for a 10% discount (and no shipping charge, of course). You need not be a member. You simply need to show up at the meeting to receive your order. It's that simple!


How does it work?

1) Register an account at Musky Tackle Online.

2) Email Aaron at MTO to let him know that you would like to have your order delivered at the next meeting.

3) He will set your account up to receive the appropriate discount.

4) He will let you know when you can proceed with putting in your order. Discount will apply automatically in your cart.


The BLC will get paid too! For every order that is placed this way, MTO will match the discount amount in the form of a donation to the chapter in the same amount. So not only will you get a great deal on some gear, but you will be contributing financially to the BLC!


Please support our great sponsors that support us. We wouldn't be able to do the things that we do without their help!

Special offers from select sponsors for BLC members.

Click here for discount details

Connect with us

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BLC Photos of the Month

Let's see what our fellow members are up to! Would you like to have your pictures featured in the next monthly newsletter? Send your fishing or outdoor related pictures to us at Include a brief caption if you would like anything included with the picture.

Important Links

BLC Board Members

BLC Website

Download Release Form

Donate to the BLC

Visit Muskies Inc

Visit Gil Hamm

Visit MMPA

Muskies Inc National Newsletter - July

Join Muskies Inc or Renew Membership