• Meet the Team
  • ICYMI: Shabbat Honoring Our Volunteers
  • High Holy Days: Sign Up Now
  • Book Club
  • Adult Hebrew Celebration & Opportunities
  • Committee Update: Social Action Reenergized
  • Actions to Support the Uyghurs
  • Nachas Notes
  • Meet A Member
July 2021 Newsletter
Rabbi Elhanan "Sunny" Schnitzer
Tammuz/Av 5781

CLICK for the Complete BJC July Events Calendar
Kriat HaRav—The Rabbi’s Call
Rabbi Elhanan “Sunny” Schnitzer

It is my great pleasure to share the news that our congregation will be meeting in person in our Sanctuary for High Holy Day services in September. That the BJC choir will be singing again. That we will have the opportunity to meet outdoors to feast and schmooze. So, as long as our present reopening trajectory and restrictions remain the same, get ready for reentry beginning on Monday evening, September 6.

But are we really ready?

We have enjoyed three weeks of Shabbat evening services in Covenant Hall during the month of June, and yet as many, or more members, continue to attend services on Zoom as here at 6601 Bradley Blvd.

Some of us are learning again to shop without fear, enjoy a meal in a restaurant, and to hug loved ones again. But for some, reentering the world is a struggle. There is an uneasiness about returning to the old normal of schools and offices, hugs and handshakes, synagogues, and social gatherings large and small.

Like the ancient stories of the Prophet Elijah or Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, we are leaving the cave that protected us in a time of danger, but are uncertain as to how we should behave in the world.

The American Psychological Association reports that Americans are now experiencing the highest levels of stress since April 2020, and that half of surveyed adults are uneasy about returning to in-person interactions.

We must quickly relearn how to deal with beltway traffic, getting to work on time, parking, managing family schedules, and having social interactions all day. Those are the small things that can add up to leave you feeling overstimulated or exhausted, making those typical daily tasks into anxious moments.

There’s no right or wrong way to handle reentry, but mental health experts offer some advice: communicate your needs, go at your own pace, and think of the changes as a way to build resilience.

Just as we all had different pandemic experiences, our reentry experiences will be diverse.
This will show up in the most basic, everyday interactions. A friend of mine told a story that may soon be common: “I was talking to someone, but she was too close to me for my comfort. As I stepped backwards, she stepped forward. With each step my anxiety was rising!” Her reaction may not be fully rational given the new data about vaccination safety and virus transmission, but some of us need time to adjust to close encounters.
At a funeral last month I struggled when family members I had not seen in over a year offered a hug or a handshake. I hugged back, but it gave me pause, and I had to do a quick assessment as to the likelihood of their being vaccinated. After one or two such encounters, when someone offered a hug I responded with, “ Are you vaxxed?” An affirmative answer led to a hug.
The solution to all of this? Communicate—early and often. Don’t be embarrassed to share your needs or discomfort. It’s OK to say, “I have become used to and am more comfortable with speaking at a distance.” It’s OK not to conform to what others are doing.
We’re reentering a different world, with new rules, and we are coming from different pandemic experiences. Decide what boundaries you want to have, what activities you are comfortable with, and communicate that to others.
The experts agree that reentry can be gradual: Evaluate and adjust your comfort levels one encounter, one grocery store trip at a time.
We are still all in this together. When the pandemic was at its height, I offered an old Jewish aphorism— Gam Zeh Ya’avor —This Too Shall Pass.
It still applies.

Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
President's Column—Double the Energy
For those of you paying attention at the Annual Meeting in May, you may have noticed that for the coming year, which starts July 1, BJC is embarking on a new paradigm: Co-Presidents. While we’ve had trustees and committee chairs split this responsibility in the past, this is the first time our congregation will benefit from two at the helm. As this is as new for us as it is for you, we’ll be figuring it out as we go along.

Why did we do this? Simply because we are both at the age when we are ready to resume our extended travel, and we have other obligations as well. And often, we’ll both be here. This month, we’re both writing to let you know a little about each of us. Other times, it may be just one of us in this space. Rest assured, we’re both excited at the opportunities of working together, creating real synergy, and helping BJC thrive.
From Wynne Busman
Here’s a little bit about me. I have been a BJC member since 2002 and have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of our caring congregation. My husband, Bruce, and I feel a part of the BJC family and have developed many treasured friendships. In my professional life, I hold the position of Executive Director of Infant Toddler Family Day Care, a small nonprofit in Northern Virginia providing a range of services to family child care providers.

I have volunteered for BJC in a number of different capacities including serving as the Oneg Chairman from 2006 to 2020, volunteering at the annual Thanksgiving brunches, ushering for High Holy Days, serving on the BJC Speaker’s Bureau, and working with the Rabbi to organize a congregational trip to Israel.

Our granddaughters, Talia and Isla O’Brien, attended BJC religious school, and Bruce and I helped with Purim carnivals and other religious school events. I have found these volunteer experiences to be very rewarding, and I hope that each of you will dedicate some time to BJC.

Click here to connect with me. Have a safe and joyful summer
From Harri j. Kramer
My family has been BJC members for about 26 years. In that time, I’ve served in several capacities, including a past stint as President (2004-6), chair of the Enhancing the Flame fundraising campaign, chair of the Congregational Engagement 21 program in (2013-14), Social Action chair from (2016 until 2021), and now getting a do-over as President, partnering with Wynne. Oh, and I edit this newsletter!

Professionally, I spent 30 years at the U.S. Department of Justice, retiring after 30 years in 2004 as an SES in the Office of Justice Programs (state and local crime control issues), then 7 years with an Alaska Native owned corporation as a government and media relations executive, and then 7 more years running my own consulting practice, Kulmoose, which focused on teaching communications skills, writing and editing for others, especially doing resumes. Since retiring for the third time in 2019, I’ve been busier than ever.

Among my passions are traveling and time chilling at the beach year round in Emerald Isle, North Carolina, which gives me time to read for my two book clubs. My husband Russ has always been by my side at BJC; you probably know him best from stints in a dress during Purim spiels or wearing his orange vest as a parking captain at High Holy Days. Our son Zane, part of the BJC bar-tending duo with his pal Benj Korelitz, lives in Gaithersburg, and our daughter Sadie lives in Silver Spring with her new husband Trevor. Both “kids” grew up at BJC from 1st grade through working as madrichim post-confirmation.

I’m so looking forward to re-engage with you in person as we crawl out of our pandemic dens. Please make it point to say hello!
Your New Board of Trustees
Wynne and Harri extend our sincerest thanks to outgoing President, Sandra Walter. Sandra successfully guided BJC during the past two years and during the challenges of the Pandemic! Her enthusiasm and dedication are contagious, and we are grateful that she will continue to provide her wisdom as the Immediate Past President and fund-raising guru.

We would also like to express our deep appreciation to outgoing board members Alan Lichter, Sammy Peterson, and Issie Resti for their commitment to BJC and service on the board.

We are looking forward to working with the full board, including new board members Helen Dalton, Robin Sorkin, Amy Rubenstein, and Rebecca McMillen, our youth representative.

And we extend a very warm welcome to Amy Kertesz, our new Program and Social Media Coordinator. Amy brings creativity and enthusiasm to the Congregation, and we look forward to working with her!

The new board starts its work on July 1. See the full list of Board Members at the end of this newsletter. This fabulous team of volunteers have each indicated a desire to have more of you involved with their activities and efforts. Make this the year you get to know your board.
Looking Forward to Meeting You
By Amy Kertesz, Program and Social Media Coordinator
Hello, Bethesda Jewish Congregation! I am delighted to be joining the staff as your Program and Social Media Coordinator. I’m a born-and-raised Jersey girl, moving to Maryland almost 3 years ago from Miami. It’s been quite a change, but we’re very happy to be back up north. I hold a Bachelors in Psychology from Rutgers University, where I met my husband of 22 years, Kevin, who is always called “Mo” (short for Moshe).

We have five amazing boys: Michael, Eli, Joshua, Daniel, and Joseph, ages 16 to 6. You may have seen our “15 minutes of fame” back in February, when the kids and I baked hamentashen for a Washington Jewish Week video. 

My background is in marketing and communications. I worked in the fashion industry for over 8 years, as part of the marketing teams of Etienne Aigner and Liz Claiborne Inc. In Miami, it was my privilege to be on the board of Women’s March Miami as VP of Communications. I also joined the Florida gubernatorial campaign of Andrew Gillum as a team leader, running the “Women for Gillum” social media platforms. I’m incredibly excited to use my skills as a “digital cheerleader” for BJC.

But I need fellow cheerleaders in the squad! And I hope that all of BJC will be part of that. We’ve seen, especially in the past year, how valuable online connections can be. We need to use that to our advantage and let the region know that Bethesda Jewish Congregation is an amazing, welcoming community. And while I definitely have ideas and strategies planned for the year ahead, I love hearing from people. Thoughts, suggestions, questions, send them all my way at

I’m looking forward to bringing my entire family to Friday night services. Please come up and say hello!
Education Updates: On the Horizon
By Maran Gluckstein, School Coordinator
We finished the school year with a great flourish, and now our thoughts are already turning to planning for the new year. Registration information has gone out to our returning families. 
BJC’s 5782 Jewish Learning will focus on a Jewish value each month, as well as a special activity for the 3rd or 4th Shabbat of each month for our school-age members. We’re also planning two adult ed offerings and an appearance by a special guest each month.
Generally, our students in grades 3-6 will meet on the first two Saturdays of the month for 1.5 hours, during which time there will be an academic and a cultural component, which might include cooking, art, music, or something else. Tichon is our program for grades 7–10 and will meet for 1.5 hours on the first Saturday for an afternoon activity that is both fun and the embodiment of that month’s value. 
There are wonderful opportunities for your students to invite their friends along and for you to encourage people to attend whom you would like to introduce to BJC. Specific details will be on our website.
Each student in grades 3-7 will have TWO 20-minute individual Hebrew lessons on Zoom each week. The 26 weeks of Hebrew lessons will begin the week of October 11. We won’t have Hebrew lessons certain weeks, and if you choose lessons on Monday, you’ll need to reschedule with some Monday holidays. 
Tichon students who would like to work with the younger students as madrichim (guides/teaching assistants), will have the opportunity to do so from 9:30 to 10:30 before their own class meets and from 9:30 to 11:00 on the second week. They will earn $15 an hour, which will give them that all important first paid job experience!
Stay tuned for additional information over the summer. Of course, please get in touch if you have questions. Email me at
Have a wonderful, happy and healthy summer. L’hitra-ot B’October -- See you in October.

B’shalom, Maran
Please be in touch with me in times of joy, sadness, or illness in your life or in the lives of a loved one or another member of the congregation. HIPAA regulations have made getting information from hospitals extremely difficult. I greatly appreciate your help keeping me informed of the health needs of our congregation. If you have a pastoral need, please call the BJC Office at (301) 469-8636 or email me at
SNAP SHOTS: Getting Together for Worship & Fun
Click for the complete BJC July Calendar
Zoom links will also be provided weekly in BJC Now

BJC continues our Friday night worship live and streamed throughout the summer. Consult BJC Now for the link to services if you prefer to worship with us virtually.
We do not have Saturday Shabbat services in the summer; they will resume August 28.
In Case You Missed It: Welcoming Shabbat & Each Other
By Harri j. Kramer
On Friday, June 25, Covenant Hall was filled with joyous voices, bird song, dog barks, and kids’ voices, not to mention some unknown animal noise, as the open doors welcomed Shabbat with the sound of the world around us. Even though we were masked, it was obvious there were smiles beaming as many in our congregation relished seeing each other in person for the first time in a long time.
The occasion was the installation of the new board, expressions of heart-felt appreciation to those who are leaving the board, and most importantly, acknowledging the many volunteers who have donated countless hours to make BJC such a special place.
While we’re foregoing onegs for now, the carts with wine and juice were wheeled about Covenant Hall, and other volunteers handed out individual slices of challah using tongs and napkins.
How wonderful to enjoy the simple act of making motzi together again.
Please join us on a Friday night to welcome Shabbat with your BJC Family. Also, we will live stream our service for those who aren't ready to join us in person.
High Holy Days Volunteers Needed
By Jim Korelitz, High Holy Days Coordinator
One thing that makes BJC so special is the active participation of our membership in our services and events. This is especially true now that we’ll be back to seeing each other in person during the High Holy Days.

We need our volunteers to help guarantee that everything runs smoothly for our members and guests. Volunteers will help with our usual tasks of ushering, parking, removing/returning books, setting up and cleaning up for the Rosh Hashanah Kiddush and Tashlich, etc. We’ll also need volunteers to help with the online broadcast of our High Holy Days services.
Please volunteer for one or more tasks by going to SignUpGenius by clicking here. (Note: You do not need a SignUpGenius account to sign up).

If you have any questions or need help signing up, please contact me, High Holy Days Volunteer Coordinator, or 301-385-3015.
Book Club
Wednesday, July 28, 8 PM

Come every month or drop in when you like! Generally, it’s the 4th Wednesday.

July 28: Sadness is a White Bird by Moriel Rothman-Zecher. Unflinching in its honesty, unyielding in its moral complexity, this novel is about a young man who is preparing to serve in the Israeli army while also trying to reconcile his close relationship to two Palestinian siblings with his deeply ingrained loyalties to family and country.

August 25: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett explores the practice of “passing” in 1950s America with the story of identical twins, Stella and Desiree, whose lives follow decidedly different trajectories.  

September 22: The Night Watchman by Louise Edrich

Click here to get the Zoom link for the meeting or to join the Book Club. 

More about BJC's Open Book Club is our website. Click here.
Adult Hebrew Students Celebrate a Successful Year of Study
By Diane Blumenthal
On June 18, Burt Bachrach convened the annual Maran Gluckstein Appreciation Society (a/k/a BJC’s adult Hebrew students) luncheon inside Not Your Average Joe’s in Georgetown Square. We met to celebrate the end of one school year and the beginning of another.

While not every student was present in body, based on responses to Burt’s invitation, all were present in spirit. Those pictured include: Maran Gluckstein, Gabrielle Baines, Nancy Glassman, Diane Blumenthal, Burt Bachrach, Bernard & Shirley Altschuler, Helen Dalton, Sana Shastel, and  Ellen Lieberman.

Typically, BJC’s adult Hebrew students meet in the lounge at 9 AM on Saturday, studying in small groups or individually according to ability. However, last year was not your average year! We were distanced due to the pandemic, and Maran quickly transitioned Hebrew classes to Zoom. She taught each group at times convenient for that group. Instruction over Zoom worked well, and many of us learned more Hebrew because of Maran’s focused attention. But we did miss each other’s company and now we look forward to classes meeting at BJC over the summer and into the 2021/2022 school year. As a testament to the esteem in which we hold our Morah, here are a few comments made by students after the luncheon:

“It was so smooth and a pleasure to be together, and for me to meet more of my fellow Hebrew travelers. And it was a joy to be able to celebrate Maran in person.”

“Maran, you are, indeed, an extra-special person. I know all of us appreciate that extra many miles you've gone this year, valuable well-beyond our forward progress in Hebrew.”

“Your generosity is unending, but not surprising. It will be wonderful to be back at 6601.”
Interested? Adult Hebrew classes return in person Wednesday nights in the lounge beginning July 7 from 6-7:15 PM. After High Holy Days, classes will be a combination of in person lessons on Saturday mornings from 9-10:15 AM and Zoom based, depending on when BJC is in the building.

All are welcome! Want to learn more? Click here.
Social Action Wants You to Know: We're Back in Action
By Helen Dalton & Robin Sorkin, Co-chairs
We are delighted that we are not losing a Social Action committee chair, we’re gaining a co-President of BJC’s board. Intimidating as it may be, we are also delighted, and a bit humbled, to be stepping into Harri Kramer’s shoes and taking on this assignment as co-chairs. We’re past Communications Committee chairs and board members, so we kind of know our way around the block. But we will be taking a fresh look at the initiative Show You Care—Do Your Share and, along with our committee of current and new members, will work to breathe new life into our Social Action work after such a long Covid-induced absence. 
We’ll also be re-acquainting you with our standing initiatives and the committee members who are on point for them. We hope you will find a connecting spark with one or more of these initiatives, and please stay tuned for other opportunities to show our community that Bethesda Jewish Congregation is an inspiring, inclusive, caring community that welcomes all.
Have a passion about making the world a better place? Want to get involved? Get in touch with either one of us. Click here for Helen and click here to connect with Robin. We’d love to have you. Our next meeting is via Zoom on July 6. Join us!
Helen Dalton
Robin Sorkin
Stepping StonesOur Help is Still Needed
By Terri Reicher
BJC still supports Stepping Stones, a Rockville shelter for homeless families located in a converted farmhouse in Rockville. As part of our congregational Tzedakah, last year we provided this worthwhile organization with $500 to support their families.
We do more than write a check—BJC provides a dinner for the residents one night a month (or more if you want to participate more!). Our next dates are: Tuesday, July 6 and Monday, August 9.
If you want to help for either of these dates, please contact me. We will add dates as their signup calendar opens up, but the shelter also needs meals on other dates, so if you can’t provide a meal on one of our BJC signup nights, let me know and I’ll get you signed up. 
You can cook the meal yourself or provide a meal (think Costco); you can cook by yourself, with your kids, or with friends. Meals must have an entrée, a salad or other vegetable, and possibly a starch. Dessert is nice but not required. We usually feed about 20-25 people, mostly children, with generally about 7 adults or teens. The shelter requests we limit the pasta (they get a lot of pasta), but we’ve done lasagna and shells before. We’ve done BBQ chicken, enchiladas, tacos, meat loaf, and one memorable December we provided a brisket and kugel. We’ve done entrée salads and other cold entrees in summer, chili and cornbread, and anything else you can think of. 
Meals are dropped off at the shelter’s main entrance before 5:30 (earlier if they need to be heated). It’s simple, fun, and it makes a big difference in the lives of people who have probably had a worse year than any of us. And students get 3 hours of SSL credit—contact me for details.
From the ICPC: Action to Support the Uyghurs
By Marty Ganzglass
Do not stand idly by! Make your voice known as an upstander, not a bystander. Protest the genocide of the Uyghurs!
On June 24th, members of BJC and Adas Israel joined together outside of the Chinese Embassy to support the Uyghurs and condemn Chinese genocide. Gary Sampliner, Jeremy Mendelson, and Marty & Evelyn Ganzglass participated. What have you done to support the Uyghurs?
Here are some other concrete actions you can take:
1. Email or contact friends and relatives to support S. 65, The Uyghur Forced Labor Protection Act. A full list of the current cosponsors, as well as the text of the bill, can be found here. The Uyghur Human Rights Project has an easy-to-use link to sign a petition to your Senators.

2. Contact Volkswagen of North America to protest their factory in Xinjiang Province that either uses Uyghur forced labor or suppliers that do so.
3. Join Jewish World Watch, which is working diligently to end the genocide of the Uyghurs.

4. Look for the label—don’t buy clothing Made in China. Most of the cotton produced in China comes from Xinjiang Province. Uyghur slave labor is being used to harvest the cotton and produce it into cloth or clothing marketed in the United States.
Do your part so that “NEVER AGAIN” really means “NEVER AGAIN.”
Editor’s Note: Let us know share in your happiness. New job? New baby or grand? Got into that college? Engagements or weddings? Send to:

Mazel Tov to:

  • Rachel Kirkpatrick, daughter of Elizabeth & Ralph Kirkpatrick, who graduated from University of Maryland and will begin work at CGI in Virginia in the fall.
  • Benji Magin, son of Ruth & Todd Magin, who graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Architecture degree. He is working towards his certification as a Jr. Architect at Perkins & Will in Denver, Colorado.
MEET A MEMBER: The Lindholm Family
In their own words
Our family—Danielle, Brian, and Nicholas Lindholmwas first introduced to BJC by one of Nicholas’ elementary-school friends. After attending High Holy Days services about four years ago, we came back…and came back again. In the midst of the pandemic, we appreciated the emphasis that Rabbi Sunny and BJC leaders put on safety and maintaining a healthy community and how everyone came together: people gathering from their kitchen tables, the congregation taking turns to recite text online, and the commitment to continue with the children’s schedule via Zoom. That and the discussions that we had with school and membership leaders cemented our belief that BJC is the right place for us.
Nicholas started Hebrew school in the spring, and he’s enjoying the instruction. He’s participated in only a few in-person events thus far, but he seems to enjoy the other kids. We’ve felt welcomed by other families on those occasions, and we’re all keeping fingers crossed for “normal” in the fall.
As for our family, we live in Potomac. Brian, a former sailor, originally from central Illinois, leads a consulting company that provides competitive intelligence for firms in the federal market. Danielle, originally from Miami, is a lawyer who works on Capitol Hill. Nicholas is 11 and loves Minecraft, books about mythology or dragons, and thinking up restaurant reviews. We also have an adopted 10-year-old red-coated lab mix named Star who loves walks, sleeping, and rawhide—not necessarily in that order. 

Yahrzeits: July 2021

Patricia Bixhorn, wife of Herbert Bixhorn
Rosalee Bratt, mother of Jay Bratt
Shirley Cherenson, mother of Ruth Magin
Howard Faigin, father of Marty Faigin
Maurice Folsom, Father of Al Folsom
Daniel Goldstein, father of Jim Goldstein
Hope Horn, Mother of Rebbitzen Yaffah (Joanie) Schnitzer
Bernard I.H. Kramer, father of Harri Kramer
Martha Kraus, mother of Mitch Kraus
Frank Kretz, father of James Kretz
Eva Levi, mother of Karen Levi
Ruth Magin, mother of Todd Magin
Froma Maiman, mother of Lois Maiman
Julia Robinson, daughter of Kurt Kohn
Sara Schlacter, mother of David Slacter
Marla Schwartz, sister of Linda Baum
Coleman Silbert, father of Earl Silbert
Kenneth Stein, father of Margo Stein
Michael Wolpert, father of Ira Wolpert
Tips from Treasurer Terri Reicher
By now you have received your first billing statement for synagogue support and tuition as appropriate. Our thanks to those who have already made partial or full payment. We understand that using ShulCloud can take some getting used to, particularly for those writing checks.
We have a tutorial available here.
We’d like to highlight a glitch some of you have encountered: once you save payment method, you are not done. One-two days later, you have to go back into your ShulCloud account and confirm e-check payment by writing in the two micro deposits your bank account received from ShulCloud. It usually takes one-two days for the deposits to show up. Once confirmed, the information is saved, and you can continuing making all payments by e-check and avoid the convenience fee imposed by ShulCloud for using a credit card. 

Of course, if you prefer, you mail still mail a check to the office.
If after reviewing the complete instructions again and you’re still stymied, feel free to reach out to Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, our Membership and Administration Coordinator. You can email her by clicking here or call 301-469-8636. As always, if you have questions or need to discuss your statement, please email me

Why not take a minute and sign up for Amazon Smiles? Every little bit matters: those pennies, nickels, dimes, and sheckles add up. You’re already shopping—why not let BJC in the reward?

Signing up is quick and easy. It never costs you anything, and BJC will get 0.5% of your purchase.


Rochelle & William Banta, in memory of Rochelle’s father, Arthur Barrios
Wynne Busman, in honor of Bruce Busman on Father’s Day 
Judy & Al Folsom, in memory of Judy’s mother, Ida Kornfield
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in honor of Father’s Day and remembering Harri’s dad, Bernard I.H. Kramer, and her grandparents Aaron (Harry) Kramer and Abraham Sherman
Terri Reicher, in memory of her mother Sally Cohen Reicher
Sheila & Ira Wolpert, in memory of Jerome Schlossenberg
Sheila & Ira Wolpert, in memory of Michael Wolpert


Lorrie Van Akkeren, in appreciation for Maran’s Adult Hebrew Class


Judy & David Scott, in memory Judy’s mother, Sonia Gold
Lorrie Van Akkeren, in memory of the yahrzeit of Bill van Berg
Karen Levi, from the Authors Among Us

And to all of our members who “round up” their synagogue support and donate their time.
Board of Trustees (As of 7/1/2021)

Co-Presidents Wynne Busman & Harri Kramer
Vice-President Jeremy Pelter
Treasurer Terri Reicher
Secretary Lorrie Van Akkeren

Shoshanah Drake
Ken Fine
Karen Levi
Karen Levy
David Slacter
Steve Turow
Board Members & Committee Chairs

Chesed Society Lorrie Van Akkeren
Education Amy Rubenstein
Financial Advisor Steve Turow
Fundraising Sandra Walter
High Holy Days Jim Korelitz
Intercongregational Partnership Liaison
Marty Ganzglass
Membership Diane Blumenthal
Past President Sandra Walter
Programs Diane Horn & Joan Kaufman
Social Action Helen Dalton & Robin Sorkin
Student Representative Rebecca McMillen

BJC Administration

Spiritual Leader Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Program & Social Media Coordinator Amy Kortez
Membership & Administration Coordinator: Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
School Coordinator: Maran Gluckstein

BJC News
Newsletter Editor Harri j. Kramer


Bethesda Jewish Congregation
6601 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817-3042
Tel: 301-469-8636