Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic  Newsletter
 Number 105 * May 2018
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  
                             Mountain View, CA 94040, 650-961-1660     

The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care



Pacific Naturopathic will be operating from our new offices at 1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7, Mountain View, starting Tuesday, May 29!  (New phone, too: 650-961-1660) We have loved being in the Rees building and in our beautiful office for the past eight years.  Tom, Denise, Laura, Manny and the rest of the management team on the fifth floor are wonderful, high-integrity people and we have felt blessed to be here.  We do feel that every once in a while, we need to rattle the cages and push change so we can move to the next level of creativity and service. 

One of the main reasons for our move is that our present building is closed on Saturdays. Many of our patients have requested Saturday appointments.  So starting on Saturday, July 7, we will be offering Saturday morning hours for I.V. therapy with Dr. Marcel and consultations with Dr. Connie. That first Saturday, we will have a Myers Cocktail "happy  hour" from 8 to 10, serving cocktails at a discounted price of $125.  This is for established patients only. No appointment is necessary. First come, first served.  New patients will need to schedule a 30-minute intake before they can join the fun.  See "Change" article below for full details of all the changes at Pacific Naturopathic.

Hernandez Center  articles include the cancer-nutrition connection, the cooking oil that is linked to cancer, heart disease and dementia and how tomatoes stop the progression of stomach cancer cells.

On a final note, we are very delighted to tell you that former associate, Dr. Benjamin, and his partner, Suzanne, are happily enjoying their newlywed life together in Portland while she finishes her final year of medical school.

May all beings be healthy and happy!

Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. David, Dr. Sage,  Brad B., Jane H. and your health care team  at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie at the entrance to our new office, Suite 7 at 1580 W. El Camino Way in Mt. View

Musings on Times of Crisis

Years ago, beloved San Franciscan pacifist and Jungian psychologist, Katherine Whiteside Taylor, introduced me to that interpretation of times of crisis as times of dangerous opportunity. We are in such a time of crisis now, in nearly every aspect of human affairs, including (and absolutely not limited to) global, environmental, societal, political, medical and individual affairs. 
The crises are self-evident. The daily news reports record torrential rains and flooding, volcanic eruptions, ferocious fires, earthquakes and other environmental destruction. We are witness to the dismantling of rational government, to societal unrest, to unprecedented homelessness, to angry and mentally unstable individuals wreaking heartbreaking havoc on an almost daily basis, to the skyrocketing costs of inadequate medical care, to epidemics of anxiety, depression and hopelessness. 
The danger is that the immediate impact of these crises may overwhelm the creative thinking from which inspiration and re-imagining might arise. Einstein famously reminded us that problems can not be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. Therein lies the opportunity. 
The "Be the Change" movement is an inspirational avenue to both still the mind to make room for creative inspiration, and to actively change the world through resonating at a higher vibrational level. (Click on , and scroll down and click on Palo Alto for information on the upcoming festival at which "Be the Change" information will be available, and go to )

Consider the study in which it was found that the serotonin levels rose in people living in proximity to a room in which experienced meditators sat in deep meditation. That is but a tiny reminder of the powerful impact of individual transformation on societal change. 
On a microcosmic level, we are privy to the crises presenting themselves on an individual level to many, if not most of our patients. These crises are health crises, family issues, and financial difficulties of magnitudes not previously experienced by that individual. 
On a personal level, Dr. Marcel and myself have found ourselves under siege by an invading army of microscopic black mold spores that have temporarily driven us from our comfortable Mountain View apartment to a minimalistic nomadic lifestyle. Our return has been hampered first by the necessity of decontamination with its ensuant destruction and chaos, and then by city ordinances requiring updating of outdated electrical systems before renovation can occur.  Opportunities include detachment from material possessions, de-cluttering, down sizing, and an enhanced sense of gratefulness for the amazing support of friends, patients, spiritual community.
At the same time, after giving notice on our lovely office of many years now, the lease on our projected new office space fell through due to the demand that WE finance THEIR outdated, not to code electrical systems.  This gave us the month of May to reimagine, to find, build out and relocate to a new office. Oddly, we found that this did not contribute to sleeplessness, but rather to increased meditation and to a re-examination of priorities. Should we retire, transition to an online presence? Or, by the grace of God, could we, would we find a relatively affordable and available space in this crazily overpriced Silicon Valley scene?
We are happy to report that we have found a nearby space. Pacific Naturopathic will be moving forward with our practice intact. See below!

Read more about the medical services Dr. Connie offers  here:

Comes to Pacific Naturopathic

Although we've searched for a new office for some time now, when change came, it came all at once.  Due to circumstances beyond our control, we signed a lease on a new office just 10 days before our projected move in date, which is Memorial Day Weekend.  As any of you who have searched for lease space in the Mountain View area undoubtedly know, space is at a premium.  Much more limited is space with an in office handicapped accessible bathroom for our I.V. patients, reasonable parking options, and a non strip mall environment. Yet, we have found such a space which should work for all of us, less than a mile from our current location.
New digs!

As of Tuesday, May 28th, we will be operating out of 
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7 (ground floor corner), in Mountain View,  at the corner of Mariposa Avenue and El Camino.
Parking options include handicapped parking, guest parking, side street parking, electric vehicle parking and (if all else fails), parking at the shopping complex across the street and down the block. 
We will also have new phone and fax numbers:
650-961-1660 (voice)
650-961-1665 (fax)

We did everything (including begging) to keep our old phone and fax numbers, but the phone company prevailed, as phone companies do. 
New office hours!

ACTION ITEM:   Would you like us to have regular Saturday hours for consultations and I.V. therapy? If so, please let us know. Contact us at and let us know if you are interested.   
New programs!

We've noticed that our I.V. patients love interacting and learning from each other while receiving their I.V. therapies. This being so,

starting July 7th, we're offering monthly thematic Myer's Cocktail parties, open to all patients who have previously received I.V. therapies with us or from a referring doctor, as well as to other patients current in the last year.  Rates for Myers Cocktails will be discounted on that day only!  (Usually $145; Saturday, July 7, $125)
Saturday, July 7th: 
(Hawaiian) Myers Cocktail Day

Featuring Hawaiian music, hot Hawaiian mamake tea, chilled barley tea, and Hawaiian macadamia nuts. 
(Note: Patients new to us and/or new to I.V. therapies will need a prior 30 minute consult with one of our doctors.)

New Electronic Medical Records System!

Our new medical records system will offer a patient portal for emails to staff and doctors, and for easy access to lab results and doctor instructions. 
Telemedicine Services at Pacific Naturopathic!

Are you tired of traffic congestion and unpredictable commute times? Do you have friends and family in areas not serviced by naturopathic doctors, and needing complementary and alternative medical opinions?
Consider the options of having phone visits on our dedicated phone lines, or FaceTime visits.  Schedule with the front desk, as you would schedule any appointment.
Online Ordering of Supplements!

Tired of making special trips to the office  for supplements?  Save time and money.  Our doctors can prescribe and order through Fullscript, our online service, which offers speedy service and free shipping on orders over $50.  Ask our front desk how to do this.

The Key to Meaningful and Satisfying Change

Dr. David Kamnitzer, DC

Most people change things to avoid something!

Although sometimes useful in the short-term, it is not a workable way to be and live if you want to know Authentic Self-Expression on a consistent basis.

There is another type of change that is simply a natural expression of Being, Love, and Life.

Life is DYNAMIC.  Winter turns to Spring ... Day turns into Night ... Children become Teens ...

Real Life IS True Motion!

Our lives CAN BE True Motion, expressing in, through, and as us.

However, for most of us, we must do a considerable amount of deep inquiry before this Glory unfolds.  We must release our addiction and attachment to CHANGE and ACTIVITY in order to connect with the STILLNESS that allows for TRUE MOTION.


  1. CHOOSE to allow yourself to BE PRESENT in THIS moment of now.
  2. Slow down and deepen your breathing pattern.  Relax INTO the rhythm.
  3. CHOOSE to stop fighting what is occurring for you in the PRESENT moment.
  4. ALLOW yourself to become aware of whatever you are aware of.
  5. CHOOSE to let whatever you are aware of be EXACTLY the way it is ...  and is not.
  6. CHOOSE to let you sense of yourself be EXACTLY the way it is ... and is not.
  7. RELAX more fully INTO this moment.
  8. NOTICE what WANTS TO HAPPEN (without your forcing anything).
  9. LET IT BE.
  10. ACT only as you are MOVED.


Dr. David Kamnitzer, DC  (Holistic Chiropractor and Ontological Coach)

* * *

Dr. David is generously offering complimentary no-obligation 20-minute consultations and evaluations during the months of April and May 2018.

Call Pacific Naturopathic at 650-917-1121 to schedule your appointment ... and Dr. David mentioned it is OK to extend this offer to others as you are guided.


On Challenges and Opportunities


"A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself."
                                                             - Laura Gilpin

As a kayaker and river rafter, I have always loved river metaphors.  Heraclitus, one of the lesser known ancient Greek philosophers, said that you never step twice into the same river. 

As a young man, this was an ah-ha! moment when I first heard it.  I also learned that if for some reason you floated down a fast-flowing rocky river in only a life vest, the way to survive was to not resist the flow, to be totally focused in the present moment and to float on your back with your legs bent to serve as shock absorbers as you bounced off rocks.  I've done this many times.
The lessons here are obvious: that  the experience of life is constantly changing, and that acceptance, focus, flexibility and instinctual adaptation are the ways to survive and thrive. 
In the past, when Dr. Connie and I have reached a point of professional and personal stasis in our lives, we've always recognized that we needed to initiate change to move to the next level of creative expression.  But whoa!  Hold on a minute... how much change do we need to motivate us to begin the path to the next level of being?   In the past 10 weeks we've had to move out of our home of 14 years while black mold was eliminated; we're having to move from our office of eight years, and the car we've had for 13 years informed us it was dying and that we needed to let it go. Are we overwhelmed yet?  Are we a bit nervous about things? Well, to be honest, perhaps a wee bit.  But we are also excited about the newness of our daily experience, joyfully energized and curious to see what emerges.  We feel guided.
With the dynamic nature of our present external world,  every day we seek refuge within the unwavering availability of grace and spirit.   It's always there for us, just waiting for us to recognize and accept it.  With connection comes peace.  With peace, chaos, fear and unpredictability have no power over us.  In truth, my loneliest, darkest moments have been when my connection faltered.  
What does all this have to do with health?  Easy. The body is continuously changing. To a large extent, our lifestyle and choices can help guide the changes.  At times, our bodies change in ways we may not understand, much less desire. A chronic illness is the ultimate example of this.  It is at these times when the acceptance, focus, flexibility and the instinctual adaptation needed to survive in rivers are needed to thrive in difficult circumstances. Then the choice then becomes simple: just hop on the vehicle of your challenge and ride it to spiritual transformation.  Every challenge offers countless opportunities.
"Challenge yourself, grow, blossom, and become who you were meant to be."   - Carolyn Aronson

For more on Dr. Marcel's work click  HERE.

Recommended by 
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...

For Sale in our clinic...

Molten Chocolate Vitality Elixirs!
We've discussed the health benefits of Cacao in past issues, so we are taking that as a given here. Dr. Connie's patients pretty much all know that Dr. Connie believes deep, dark chocolate to be a food of the gods.  There are, though, some parameters . The chocolate should be ethically sourced, fair trade, organic, and vegan. Over sweetening and sweeteners in general are an issue (a much bigger issue for those prone to over consumption, or for those on strict sugar free diets). Stevia is one of the better choices, though it can impact flavor. Coconut sugar is one better option. Medicinal herbal components or spices are an added benefit.
Considering all things, it is also best to choose "Zero Waste, Leave No Trace" packaging.
We have discovered, in Molten Chocolate Vitality Elixirs, a delectable healthy-ish treat that satisfies all our parameters. The elixirs can be prepared as a drinkable treat, or thickened in the fridge for delicious puddings. Available now are 55% Rich Dark Chocolate (with cinnamon, nutmeg, and lucuma), 60% Golden Dark Chocolate (featuring turmeric, maca, mesquite and cardamom), 70% Spicy Dark Chocolate (with reishi and harbanero), 75% Mint Dark Chocolate, and 80% Extra Dark Chocolate (with vanilla bean and Himalayan salt). Read more about this great product HERE
Yum Yum!

Available in our office for $14.00

I.V. Glutathione Benefits for Optimal Health


Glutathione benefits include living longer, living better, better sports performance, slow aging and increased energy. Glutathione (GSH) is made naturally by our bodies. It is our body's master antioxidant and detoxifier.   GSH deficiency is linked to about 70 diseases including cancer, heart disease, stroke and many others.
Here are the benefits of having increased levels of glutathione in our bodies:
1. GSH is the body's master antioxidant and detoxifier. Vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E and alpha lipoic acid become unstable after they have neutralized free radicals. GSH re-stabilizes the vitamins, allowing them to do their job again and again. Deficiency of GSH makes other antioxidants ineffective in fighting free radicals.
2. GSH is anti-inflammatory.  GSH rids the body of  free radicals, preventing cellular inflammation which leads to many diseases. GSH is the body's fire extinguisher.
3. GSH is abundant in the liver. The liver is the main organ of detoxification, ridding the body of waste materials.  GSH also removes drug poisons, environmental toxins and heavy metals from the body.
4. GSH transports proteins and nutrients into the cells.  Even with a good diet, lack of GSH may lead to malnutrition.
5. GSH protects the immune cells from oxidative stress, allowing immune cells to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
6. GSH is needed for energy production. GSH protects energy-producing cells from oxidative damage.
7. GSH never becomes a free radical. GSH constantly recycles itself in order to neutralize free radicals and support other antioxidants.
8. GSH slows down aging. Studies indicate that higher GSH levels are protective against age-related diseases. 
9. GSH protects your eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light. It can  help prevent macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease. 
10. GSH improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.  GSH improves skin health by helping keep it moist, supple and inflammation free. It also stabilizes collagen, helping to prevent premature aging.
11. GSH induces delta wave sleep. When GSH is oxidized, two oxidized GSH molecules come together to form GSSG, Glutathione disulfide. GSSG creates deep and restful sleep, allowing the body to fully repair and rejuvenate itself.
12. GSH supports peak athletic performance and accelerates muscle recovery. Athletes may experience better endurance and  faster recovery. 
Intravenous glutathione therapy is  available  in our office.  
A simple GSH push takes about 10 minutes. Combined with a Myers Cocktail, 
glutathione is restorative and powerfully anti-aging.



Interested in exploring the world of IV nutrient therapy?  
Dr. Marcel is happy to address any of your questions.

Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information.

Change - It's Scary

Jane 2013

You found an outfit that fit you perfectly and brought out the color of your eyes - you loved to wear it but it has shrunk on repeated washings and is tighter all over. You can barely sit for fear of ripping the seams. However, you've worn it everyday for 20 years and that's what you're used to. 
Think about that.
OK, now that you have mulled that one over, I'm sure you understand that it doesn't make sense. Change your outfit already! 
So let's assume that your current way of doing something is no longer working smoothly yet you still resist change. Why is that?
When you are avoiding change in any way, ask yourself if there are specific fears holding you back, and please be honest. 
Does change really have to be so hard? No, it doesn't. Maybe it's uncomfortable, or different, or new. Maybe there's some fear of the unknown or what "it" will look like when you commit. 
But here's the thing, you have been changing your whole's inevitable. 
You changed from a baby to a toddler then to a child, teen, adult. It's constantly happening and you know what, It's a great reason to be alive because we are never finished.
When clients come to see me they are often desirous to change something that is inside them which they don't like. They can wish to change but it doesn't happen until they actually do the work.

That's it. It's that simple.  The fear of doing the work, feeling uncomfortable, facing something new, or sitting in the unknown is the source of resistance.
I often use the example of anxiety. Over time you build up an anxiety cluster of neurons in your brain that becomes your default behavior. However, through the use of tools like EFT and hypnosis you can essentially create a new, more relaxed default instead. It's like bushwhacking a new pathway. Isn't that worth changing?
The process of hypnosis bypasses the critical factor of the brain through relaxation and a focused concentration. So the resistance is lowered and the old programming that is causing you to repeat the default bad behaviors can finally change to what you want. At last you can allow the new, more positive changes to assume a priority and become the positive default.
Think of it this way...we want to be always evolving because that makes us more flexible and resilient. The more you allow yourself to perceive of your life from this perspective, the more successful you will be in carrying off that new outfit that fits you perfectly for who you are today.

* * * 

Jane sees clients at Pacific Naturopathic on Thursdays 
and in Sonoma and by appointment.
Schedule an appointment with Jane Hernandez, CCHT, by phoning 510-676-1460, or by email at

* * *
For more information about Jane and her work click here.
Medical Humor:  A Break From 
"Matters of Consequence"

About food:
Try Tempeh, For a Change

From Wikipedia: 
"Tempeh is a traditional soy product originating from  Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled  fermentation process that binds  soybeans into a cake form.  Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy foods in that it is the only one that did not originate from  Greater Chinese cuisine.

"It is especially popular on the  island of  Java, where it is a  staple source of protein. Like  tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different  nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole  bean give it a higher content of  proteindietary fiber, and  vitamins. It has a firm  texture and an earthy  flavor, which becomes more pronounced as it ages."

Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel have enjoyed tempeh for many years.  Here is how we like to prepare it:


1 block of tempeh, cut into small strips  
1/2 diced onion
1/2 diced red bell pepper
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon rice vinegar 
olive oil for sautéing
hot sauce (optional)


Stir fry the tempeh over medium heat in olive oil until golden brown and remove from frying pan or wok.  Stir fry the onions and pepper until the onions are translucent. Add the tempeh to the pan and soy sauce/vinegar/hot sauce mixture and stir fry until the liquid is absorbed into the tempeh.  Put over rice or noodles and serve.  


Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- changes in temperature -


When reviewing breast thermography reports, we look for changes.

An increase in temperature or increased vascularization is a change indicating an increase in metabolic processes. Increased metabolism may reflect injury, inflammation, or even a developing cancer.  A decrease in temperature may reflect a reversal in these processes. 
If values are stable over a long period of time, we may conclude that the pattern is normal for the person whose breasts we are considering. If values increase, we are alerted to the need for further evaluation. When we prescribe treatment protocols to improve breast health, we expect to see a lowering of temperature differentials. If we do not see that positive change, we generally change the treatment protocol

Read more about 
breast  thermography  at
Pacific Naturopathic   here.

Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii: 
Be One With Nature in Paradise

Check Future Openings 
(then click on "Calendar")

Imagine yourself here:  Dr. Connie waits patiently for whales to breech 
Finding yourself in need of a quiet space in which you might restore your outer self through communion with nature, and re-experience the peace and calmness of your deep inner Self? 

Change on the Big Island

The contours of the Big Island of Hawaii are ever changing. Molten lava runs in rivers, burning and destroying as it goes, then creating new land as it flows into the sea.  Those who live on the sides of the volcano have an understanding of the spirit of the volcano, and band together in times such as these. There is great Aloha.
Much of the island is untouched. We are grateful that Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center is not in harms way. The fumes and airborne particles do not reach us, though if the infrequent strong Kona winds were blowing, we could experience a few days of Vog. 
Our Kapulena neighborhood remains a beautiful place to be, with Waipio Valley up the road, untouched beaches on the other side of Waimea, and the lovely Hawi area and Pololu Valley less than an hour away.

Check our RETREAT CALENDAR  and see if there is an opening that works for you.

* * *

Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself. 

For more information, please visit our dedicated web site.

The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

* * * * *

What We Offer  at the  Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

There is light in the darkness

Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that  our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive. 

The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer (including  intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells. 

  Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience.  And our bodywork approaches help reduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress. 
  The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure, 
although we are definitely open to miracles, 
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity 
and understanding, for however long that may be.

The Cancer-Nutrition Connection

Cancer Tutor

Cancer diets are wide-ranging and, like any diet, success depends on you. In this article out good friends over at The Cancer Tutor showcase a list of foods for cancer patients to eat as well as cancer diet recipes. We also will spotlight which foods not to eat on a cancer diet.

But can food actually heal cancer?

The Cooking Oil That's Linked To Cancer, 
Heart Disease & Dementia

By Ty Bollinger

There's a certain type of vegetable oil that you might have in your kitchen that has been proved to be harmful to everything from the cardiovascular system of humans to the animals whose habitats are destroyed in the production of it. This oil has been linked to cancer, heart disease and dementia.

Stomach Cancer Cells Halted with Whole Tomato Extracts

Natural Health 365

Are you a fan of the tomato? If not, then you might want to reconsider adding it to your diet. Recent research suggests doing so can help minimize your risk of stomach cancer. Hence, you could eat your way to good health. What could taste better than that?

Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center

--I.V. therapy is not just for cancer patients--

Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients. 
But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients.   More than half of our IV patients come for various  "cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health.  We offer a number of individualized versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE
Other cocktails we offer promote brain health, assist the liver in its detoxification efforts, relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue, help reduce stress, bring rapid relief from sinusitis, colds and flus, address immune system disorders, slow the progression of macular degeneration, reduce chronic pain and fibromyalgia and many other conditions.

Who Would Benefit from IV Vitamin Therapies?

Although anyone could benefit from IV therapy, people with the following health concerns especially benefit from IV therapies:
  • Advanced Aging
  • Allergies
  • ALS
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Asthma
  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Before and after surgery
  • Cancer treatment
  • Cancer prevention
  • Chron's Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Chronic Pain
  • Colds and Flus, both preventive and acute treatment
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Dementia
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Detoxification
  • Enhanced athletic performance
  • Environmental toxicity
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Fatty Liver
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastritis
  • General health maintenance
  • Hangover recovery
  • Heart disease
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • High blood pressure
  • Immune system disorders
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Insomnia
  • Joint Replacement candidates
  • Liver detoxification
  • Low functioning immune systems
  • Lyme disease
  • Macular degeneration
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Migraine headaches
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • PMS
  • Post Stroke
  • Post trauma/post surgical wound healing
  • Prior to important events, meetings or travel
  • Respiratory infections
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Serotonin increase in the brain
  • Sinusitis
  • Times when one cannot afford to be tired or Ill
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Ulcers
  • Viral infections
  • And More... 
Check out our IV web site at

For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at   

Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-961-1660 (v) * 650-961-1665 (f)

In This Issue

* Dr. Connie muses on times of crisis

* CHANGE!  We're moving!

* Dr. David: True motion

* Dr. Marcel: On challenges and opportunities

* Our recommended product: Molten chocolate vitality  elixirs

* IV therapy: Glutathione

  * Jane H: Change. It's scary

About food: Try tempeh for a change.

  * Breast thermography

 * Hawaii retreat: personal retreat in paradise
Hernandez Center: News and Commentary on Cancer Topics
 - - - 
* What we offer at the Hernandez Center

* The cancer-nutrition connection
* Cooking oil that is linked to cancer
* Stomach cancer halted with tomato extracts

*Other IV therapies offered in our clinic

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The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7 Mountain View, CA 94040
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Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
