Regional / Relevant / Relatable

Space to Think

This summer has heralded lots of incredibly positive news for Sunderland's progress. We've seen the launch of the much-anticipated £4m Sheepfolds Stables, a development that is a major contributor to hundreds of jobs being created by the city's thriving food and drink scene. The green light was given to the £25m Crown Works Studios and a major new manufacturing skills academy is also planned. Sunderland BID has also been central to much positivity and bringing together city centre businesses. We're passionate about playing our part as affiliate members and shining the light on our cherished city for all of the right reasons.

Space to Think Image Square

BIC Shortcuts

Does (or could) your company provide a service to the film and TV industry?

North East Screen supports all incoming productions with locations and facilities throughout the region with its free listing service. The team is currently updating its list to give a comprehensive overview of what's available and is keen to hear from anyone who'd like to become a supplier. Find out more here.

Is there space in your trophy cabinet for a new sparkling award? We're proud to be sponsoring the SME and social enterprise of the year categories of the Sunderland Business Excellence Awards and we're urging the brilliant businesses we work with to throw your hat in the ring! From boosting staff morale to building brand recognition winning - or even just entering - an award makes great business sense. Get involved here.

Dedication to making a difference finally pays off

Tyler had the idea for his new education consultancy on the back burner for a long time because he didn't know how to get it started. Then he met our business adviser Helen, and together they made his dream a reality.

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Coach celebrates her own professional growth

She loves nothing more than supporting others to design the life they want. Now, Suzanne is celebrating her own achievements as her coaching business moves into new premises at our sister site.

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Gold award for work to support the armed forces community

We're passionate about helping the region's veterans harness their skills and experiences to become business leaders of tomorrow. So, we were honoured to receive royal approval for our work.

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Everything you need to know: setting up an online shop

More people than ever are turning past-times and passions into businesses on platforms like Vinted. Save hours of scrolling with our handy guide to mastering the main online marketplaces.

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Content Block Landscape

Only Human

Real life as an entrepreneur

Meet Laura


Below is a selection of workshops and networking sessions across the region.

For a full list of events, visit our website and search by topic or events in your area including: Start Up Sunderland > Growth Lab > Social Enterprise Workshops

4th Sept Connecting for Good County Durham

10th Sept How to Start your Own Business

18th Sept Veterans in Business

24th Sept Social Media for Business

1st Oct LinkedIn for Good

4th Oct Intellectual Property Surgery

9th Oct Lead From the Front

18th Oct Growth Lab Sunderland: Strategy Masterclass

View all events

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