January 2024 Newsletter

BHCC Meeting Information

01.16.2024 - Meeting Minutes


I hope each of you has had a great start to the 2024. Even though January felt like 3893238 days, we made it!

I appreciate your patience as I got the January Newsletter out; I know it is late. There was such great stuff at the end of the month that I wanted to share with you all.

Thank you to everyone who could attend our January meeting and our partner, the Burlington Library Public Library, for welcoming us back this month.

Moving forward, every 2024 meeting will take place there, and I hope you get to join us. Anyone is welcome to come to a meeting. And I encourage you to bring a friend if you do attend.


Käaren Flint

Program Coordinator for BHCC

United General District #304

February Meeting - Full Membership

Please bring a friend and join us on February 20th from 3:00 to 4:30 at the Burlington Public Library.

Address & Link to Map: 820 E Washington Ave, Burlington, WA 98233

*A meeting reminder with the agenda will be sent out on the Monday before the meeting.

RSVP & Add February Meeting to Calendar Here!

February Meeting - Executive Team

WEDNESDAY, February 14th, from 2:30 to 3:30 via Zoom.

We will meet on a Wednesday this month so Käaren can attend the Sedro-Woolley RISE meeting on February 13th to watch Dr. Jason Kilmer, an Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington, present at their meeting. I encourage you to attend with me if you are able. He is a fabulous presenter!

**A meeting reminder with the agenda and link for the meeting will be sent out the Monday before.

Events and Announcements

Burlington Healthy Community Coalition 2024 Meeting Schedule

Remember to mark your calendar!

Starting in 2024, all Burlington Healthy Community Coalition meetings will be at the Burlington Public Library. A big "thank you" to Jenny Cole and all our friends at the Burlington Library for ensuring we have a consistent place to gather together.

You can also find details for each meeting on the BHCC website events page.

Have questions or want more info? Contact BHCC Program Coordinator Käaren Flint at kaaren.flint@unitedgeneral.org.

2024 BHCC Meeting Schedule - PDF

Congratulations, Käaren!

On January 5th, our Program Coordinator, Käaren Flint, was honored by the Burlington Chamber of Commerce and received the Humanitarian of the Year award.

You can watch Käaren's acceptance speech and opening video from the awards by following the links below.

Humanitarian of the Year - Nominee Video
Opening Video
Humanitarian of the Year - Nominee Video
Acceptance Speech

Website and Social Media Links


I've had many conversations with parents and school staff, and the need for resources was mentioned in almost all of them.

We invite you to send ideas and information you think might be within our scope of work to share with the community.

Have you got something? Sent it to Käaren! kaaren.flint@unitedgeneral.org

Check out our BHCC website, where you can find our events calendar with detailed event information, expanded youth opportunities, and blog post updates.

Stay tuned as we update the BHCC "Resources" page. Below, you can find some new resources that will be added to the new "Parent/Guardian Resources" section (coming soon) on our website.

NEW Parent/Guardian Resources:

Social Media Links:

Instagram account (BHCC) Facebook (BHCC) Instagram (B.E. Well) Facebook (B.E. Well)

B.E. WELL Club & Youth Coalition - Report

Mission: "To create substance-free, open-minded, safe spaces open to everyone to tackle mental health and substance use among our peers."

B.E. Well students are working on brainstorming project ideas they can complete throughout the year. Stay tuned for more details on how you can support our youth coalition when we bring their ideas to life.


B.E. Well's Instagram page is now live! You can check out the trip to DC and all the things we did there and follow them to see the positivity they share, helpful tools for teens, and FUN!

On January 28th, 2024, four students from B.E. Well (youth coalition) traveled with Käaren, Tessa, Sedro-Woolley's youth coalition CAMP, and other United General District #304 staff to Washington, D.C., to attend the CADCA Leadership Forum.

Students attended educational classes geared toward youth, learned about coalition work, and learned how to be leaders in their community. We also snuck in time to visit historical sights, including a tour of the White House!

Students who attended the will present what they learned and their trip experience at the February Burlington-Edison School Board meeting on Monday, February 26th. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm at the District Office - 927 E Fairhaven Ave, Burlington, WA 98233. We encourage you to join us at the meeting and hear what our students share about their experiences.

Repping B-E at the CADCA Leadership Forum.Jude, Lynn, Isabel, and Elijah

(L to R)

It was so incredible to see students from around the country come together and learn more about mental health and reducing substance use among their peers.

One takeback from students was the need for Narcan (naloxone) training for students and staff at B-EHS and our community at large.

Waiting to meet Congressman Larsen.

Elijah, Tessa, and Käaren (L to R)

Waiting to meet Congressman Larsen.

Lynn and Isabel (middle and far right) prepared a speech and spoke with Congressman Larsen directly. Jude (far left) spoke to Senator Maria Cantwell. (see photo below)

Visit the B.E. Well Website

Recent/Upcoming Trainings & Additional Information

Jude (right) is speaking to Senator Maria Cantwell (left). Jude shared with her how students are vaping (nicotine and cannabis products) to reduce stress and cope with the ever-growing pressures of life. He asked her to support legislation and funding to surrounding youth mental health and for increased/continued funding to support the work of B.E. Well and BHCC.

We still need members to fill out the media release and membership forms. Help BHCC create and capture memories!

We all cringe a little at a stock photo and don't have to choose between that and the real thing when media releases are on file!

Please take the time to fill out and send back the completed and signed media release to Käaren at:


Fill and Sign Here

Superintendent Dr. Chris Pearson will attend BHCC's February 20th Meeting at the Burlington Public Library. We will have some open discussion and a presentation from Käaren and Tessa about the CADCA Leadership Forum experience.

Come to the February B-ESD Board Meeting on Monday, February 26th at 6:00 pm to hear the students from B.E. Well present about their club and experience in D.C. attending the CADCA Leadership Forum.

Käaren is now a part of the B-ESD Parent Advisory Committee in the capacity of a community partner. It is an exciting opportunity, and she is excited to be part of the conversation and learn from the parents of the youth we serve.

Käaren will also be part of the ad hoc committee put together by the district to address Title IX and Sexual Harassment policies and procedures.


As part of our community engagement work, we have been discussing possible sponsorship/event opportunities that would get us in front of the community and interacting with the Burlington residents.

Recent suggestions have included:

  • Berry Dairy Days (ON HOLD until Feb Meeting)
  • Trek for Treasure - Approved
  • B-Town Fall Fest - (Revisit later in the year).

If you know of opportunities for BHCC to reach the community, reach out to Käaren at kaaren.flint@unitedgeneral.org

An Easy Way to Give!

Do you shop at Fred Meyer? Do you have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card?

Fred Meyer offers a program through your rewards card called "Community Rewards." It allows you to pick a local non-profit, like BHCC, and just by shopping, give!

Each time you use your Rewards Card, it returns a percentage to BHCC.

Follow the link below to our Facebook post about enrolling your rewards card, and start giving today!

Enroll In Community Rewards

Donations and Fundraising

PayPal and Venmo are coming soon!

We are excited to announce that BHCC will soon begin accepting donations through PayPal and Venmo.

PayPal will be rolled out first, and sometime in mid-February, you will see a "Donate" or "Give" button added to the BHCC website.

Later in the spring, we will roll out a Venmo account, making it extra easy to collect money with just the scan of a QR code.

The money collected will help pay for things the DFC grant doesn't allow and expand our ability to engage with the community.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything mentioned above, please get in touch with Käaren or someone on the Executive Team. We are happy to help!

Upcoming Dates for Strengthening Families - Parents and Youth ages 10-14

Watch our social media channels and share information about this program with our community. Reach out to Käaren with any questions or for more information.

What is the Strengthening Families Program?

The Strengthening Families Program is a 14-session, evidence-based parenting skills, children’s social skills, and family life skills training program that is part of BHCC’s Sustainability Plan and is specifically designed for high-risk families. Parents and children participate in SFP, both separately and together. Group Leader Manuals contain a complete lesson for every session. Parent and children handouts are also provided for every session.

Learn More about Strengthening Families

Sedro-Woolley Classes - (English)

  • This class has been rescheduled. Please take a look at the NEW class dates below.

NEW DATES: February 13th through March 26th, 2024, meeting every Wednesday from 5:30 to 8:00 at Cascade Middle School. (Class will NOT be held on March 19th)

If you would like a flyer for this event, please get in touch with Käaren.

Register HERE for Sedro-Woolley

Anacortes Classes - (English)

  •  February 7th through March 20th, 2024, meeting every Wednesday from 5:30 to 8:30 at Anacortes Middle School.


Share this information with families with kids ages 10-14.

Dinner and childcare are provided.

Register HERE for Anacortes

About Peer-to-Peer

Peer 2 Peer is a youth cannabis prevention program that trains middle and high school students to become peer educators, and it's part of BHCC's Sustainability Plan. After taking part in free (and fun!) training, peer educators are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to teach younger peers about health, coping with stress, the effects of cannabis, social norms, and more.


  • High School Training: February 21st, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm - Registration Now Closed
  • Middle School Training: March 26th, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm


Both trainings will take place in the Reid Harbor Room at ESD 189 (1601 R Ave, Anacortes, WA 98221)

We are currently searching for an additional middle school Peer 2 Peer Adult Advisors. Learn More about Peer 2 Peer

Register to be a Middle School Advisor!

Burlington Healthy Community Coalition - Executive Team

Tessa McIlraith


Todd Setterlund

Vice President

Jackie Cress


Jenn Angelis


Rich Wesen


Searching for a


youth Member-at-Large!

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