South Kern Improvements Within Reach

In September, the Kern County Board of Supervisors created a new economic opportunity zone intended to boost the economy in South Kern. The special zone, dubbed the Arvin-Lamont Economic Opportunity Area, will receive funds from all non-oil and mineral-related tax increments (property and sales) for the next ten years, and those funds will be used only within that zone.

Running between Highway 99 and Towerline Road (West to East), and Mountain View Road to Herring Road (North to South), residents are hoping these funds will support infrastructure that has been sorely needed. County officials estimate that by the end of 2019 more than $30,000 will be available, and that in 10 years time, more than $300,000 will have been generated.
BHC partners Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability and the Center for Race, Poverty and the Environment were in attendance and supported the zone put forward by Supervisor David Couch.