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Blackstone Heritage Corridor Launches


Legacy Campaign: Reimaging Our Future

On May 30, 2024, Blackstone Heritage Corridor volunteers, partners, and Valley residents gathered in the town of Blackstone, MA, at the latest bikeway segment now under construction. Dennis Rice, Volunteer-Chair, and the Board of Directors of the Corridor announced the public launch of a 1.3-million-dollar Legacy Campaign: Reimagining Our Future. This four-year campaign will support four key initiatives that will allow the Corridor to expand its efforts to preserve, promote, and celebrate the Valley’s historic, natural, and recreational resources. During the quiet phase of the first year, private individuals, family foundations, and corporations contributed $390,000 with an additional $130,000 donated so far this year. 

At the event Dennis Rice introduced Wm. Eric Breitkreutz, Superintendent of Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park. Eric emphasized the importance of the Blackstone Heritage Corridor. “The tremendous impact of the Volunteers-In-Parks (VIP) Program greatly benefits the Valley through its many activities. The Corridor’s partnerships with tribes, municipalities, and many nonprofits are game changers when it comes to leveraging scarce resources and maximizing outreach that celebrate and educate residents and visitors to this nationally and internationally significant story of the Blackstone River Valley.”

Rice then introduced Michael F. Debroisse, Director of Planning and Development for the City of Woonsocket, RI. He and his wife are active users of the Blackstone River Bikeway/Greenway. “For many years, we’ve appreciated the help of the Blackstone Heritage Corridor and their continued advocacy for the completion of the Bikeway/Greenway. The use of Blackstone River Bikeway/Greenway has been an important driver of tourism, and its economic impact has significantly benefited the residents of Woonsocket, RI.”

Rice went on to explain the four key initiatives of the Legacy Campaign.

1.           Create New Attractions - The Blackstone Heritage Corridor has kept the history of the Valley alive using wayside exhibits, interpretive panels, and heritage center displays. Now, after nearly 40 years, they are starting to show their age. It is time to replace, update, and create new ones. Recently, new signage was placed at the trail heads along the Blackstone River Greenway in Blackstone, Millville, and Uxbridge. A project coordinator will be hired to oversee the many signage projects in the region.

2.           Recruit, Train, and Support Volunteers - Blackstone Heritage Corridor manages the Volunteers-In-Parks program, a highly respected program of the National Park Service. On any given day, you will find volunteers in a wide variety of places doing amazing presentations, activities, and programs from leading bike rides, historic tours, bird watching hikes, and even cemetery conservation. According to Dennis Rice, “This new funding will allow us to increase training opportunities, improve programs, invest in uniforms, and increase recruiting materials. Today, we have 250 volunteers, and by the end of the Campaign, we’ll have over 300.”

3.           Invest in our Partners - There are over 50, mostly small, non-profit organizations working separately to protect and appreciate the beautiful and historic Blackstone River Valley. From Dennis Rice, “Just think of the positive impact for our 25 communities, if we coordinate our 50-plus partner organizations through developing a common vision to guide our actions and resources.” Through the expansion of the Corridor's Partner Grant Program, we can improve our partner’s amenities, storytelling, access, and enjoyment for our visitors and our communities. 

4.           Advocate for the Blackstone River Valley Bikeway/Greenway - Championing for the completion of the 48-mile Bikeway/Greenway/Multiuse Trail from Worcester, MA, to Providence, RI. Dennis Rice imagines, “taking a ride on a beautiful spring day from Worcester to Providence, with many stops to explore nature, discover history, and have ice cream. RI is around 85 % complete; MA is unfortunately a bit behind. "But progress is happening right here in front of us," says Rice pointing at the ongoing construction, "connecting Blackstone to Woonsocket. But miles to go before we’re finished It will take sustained advocacy by a passionate public and we need the help from all of you!” The Blackstone Heritage Corridor is creating a new position, Bikeway Advocate, to work with individuals, cities and towns, and the state and federal government to see this project done.

Long celebrated as the Birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution, the Blackstone River Valley continues to power economic, cultural, and environmental advances. Final remarks at the public launch of the Legacy Campaign were made by Executive Director Devon Kurtz and highlighted the history of the Blackstone River Valley and how the Corridor helped create a strong sense of place and belonging for residents and visitors alike. “Through preservation, promotion, and celebration, the Blackstone Heritage Corridor champions the myriad stories that continue to build our understanding of the past, present, and future of the region. This is a pivotal time for the Blackstone Heritage Corridor as we embark on the Legacy Campaign. We are excited to work together with all of you as we Reimagine Our Future!"

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