Volume 55 | June 2019
Your monthly news & updates
Youth Leaders Demand Equitable Funding From KHSD
Dozens of youth leaders spoke at the Kern High School District's (KHSD) June Board Meeting to make recommendations about the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which is intended to support students who are foster youth, low-income, or English Language Learners.

In 2013, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), dramatically changing the way school districts are funded by directing resources to higher-need school districts with the addition of equity-based dollars tied specifically to low-income students, foster youth students, and English Language Learners. The LCAP is LCFF’s vehicle for transparency and community engagement, as every school district across the State is required to actively seek input from the all members of the community, including students, parents, and teachers.

Kern youth, along with Building Healthy Communities-Kern and the Kern Education Justice Collaborative, requested that the Kern High School District implement the following changes for the 2019-2020 academic year:
  • More school therapists
  • LGBTQ professional development for teachers and staff
  • Free accessible feminine hygiene products
  • Healthy food options
  • Funding for activities celebrating Black History and Hispanic Heritage Months to encourage staff and youth to organize campus celebrations
Three BHC Youth Recognized at KHSD's PEAAK Awards
In May, several South Kern youth were recognized for their leadership and dedication to their community.Held at the Harvey Auditorium, the award recognizes high school students who have excelled in athletics, academics, arts, and community involvement.South Kern youth Barbara Perez, Jaime Flores, and Jacelyn Gomez of Golden Valley High School were the winners of the "Best Community Service Project" award for their work on advocating for and bringing a sidewalk to her community. 
Youth Leadership in Depth!
Read the op-ed by South Kern Sol's young reporter Barbara Perez (one of the PEAAK Award winners) about how it feels to make a difference in her community!
Celebrate Immigrant Life Through Art
Arvin Farmers Market Is A Hit!
More than 400 people turned out at the Farmers Market at the Arvin Library on June 13th. Sponsored by CAP-K, the Kern County Library, Committee for a Better Arvin, and BHC-Kern . A very special thank you to all of the volunteers who made it happen!
Missed the Arvin Farmers Market? It's Not Too Late!
Building Healthy Communities| 9000 Stockdale Hwy| Bakersfield| CA| 93309

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