Brothers & Sisters,
Last May we launched our BEYOND initiative, trusting God to lead us into an exciting new future as a congregation. Now, 11 months into this 24-month initiative, it is prudent that we pause to acknowledge, measure and celebrate what God has done and is doing through our church.
In the last year we have observed measurable growth in our first objective of BEYOND: Greater Ministry Impact. By the grace of God, in our 2023 year end report we were able to share that every quantifiable metric at our disposal indicated growth in 2023. Ministries inside our walls, including children, students, BG’s and Life Groups, and attendance have all grown numerically. The same is true for ministry outside our wall - money given, members serving and witnessing to Christian hope. I am pleased to report that this growth has not only continued into the first quarter of 2024, but accelerated!
The second objective of BEYOND is New Construction on our property at 3200 Ross Bridge Parkway. As we have shared, historic inflation in the new construction market created some disappointing delays for the goal of building our new sanctuary. Our leaders immediately pivoted to develop a Phase 1a (project phasing strategy) with our design and build teams. I am pleased to report that after several rounds of study and revision with our city permitting office, revised plans for Phase 1a of our project are being submitted later today. It is our hope and expectation that this final approval will allow our general contractor to begin mobilizing to cut down trees and move dirt in the coming weeks in May!
Friends, our church is moving forward as the Holy Spirit grips and guides our hearts. One manifestation of God’s power is through your generous giving to BEYOND - the report we will share this Sunday will confirm that!
Over the coming month I look forward to celebrating progress to-date and envisioning our next steps as a church. We said from the beginning that God could work through us, together. You are allowing that - thank you and thanks be to God!
With hope,
Pastor Nathan