What a Year! BCP opened new doors to equity by expanding onto a second floor and doubling our space. In true BCP fashion, we covered the space in art, including murals created by our patients and other local youth. During construction, BCP staff spent most of the year in make-shift offices and working through loud noises - a testament to our incredible staff is that they did it all with a smile and continued to put patients first. We hired new staff, our patient panel grew, and all patients continue to have access to mental health, care navigation, and wellness services along with the highest quality pediatric care. 

BCP saw the challenging effects of the housing crisis and inflation on our patients as the high cost of food and housing often caused families to choose between paying their rent and feeding their children. We brought in new partners to support families such as Cocotree Kids, which supplies new underwear for patients, and preventive dental care from BU Dental School. BCP threw the best Back to School event in collaboration with the Pedro Martinez Foundation and once again created BCP's own Holiday Shop this past weekend. BCP supported both staff and patients in so many ways and we feel incredibly grateful to be able to do this work in this beautiful space with wonderful patients. We look forward to 2024 and continuing to change the way healthcare is delivered to all children! 

Cheers to 2023 and Peace in 2024!


The BCP Team

BCP Expanded Our Space!

We are so excited to have opened our doors to a bigger and better BCP by doubling our footprint in 2023! Since opening in 2020, BCP’s staff has expanded from 8 to 20, our patient population has grown by over 900% - BCP is now serving over 1,400 patients, and we are doing so in double the space - now 5,000 square feet!

Our newly expanded office includes additional exam rooms, a community room with a teaching kitchen and large space for programs, a care navigation & wellness suite, consult rooms, Auntie Jane’s clothes closet, and all the beautiful new art! 

Learn more and explore our expanded space here.

Corrie in Color

When you walk into the BCP office, the first thing you will likely see is this very special art installation created by Corrie in Color! This piece captures the essence of BCP — bringing people together to make magic for the entire community. This art is a donation from Danielle Sidman and her family, long-time friends of BCP, catalyzed by Jen Hawkins, Founder and Creative Director of Jen Hawkins Events, and created by LA artist Corrie Sullivan, who runs a creative studio called Corrie in Color. Dr. Riseberg was thrilled to have the art “live” at BCP long-term and worked with Jen and Corrie to have BCP staff and patients co-create it.

Artists For Humanity

BCP is proud to continue its partnership with Artists for Humanity (AFH), an organization that employs teens to explore their voices and forge their unique path to success through creating art. AFH has played a major role in making BCP’s physical atmosphere reflective of patients and families, and their lived experiences. BCP’s vision for continued collaboration with AFH has been brought to life as each exam room now has a distinctive mural that was created in partnership with teens from the community and BCP’s staff. BCP supplied the vision and AFH teens delivered. It was an iterative process that took months of back-and-forth dialogue and the final product is absolutely incredible. The first patient who walked into one of the rooms summed it up perfectly: “Wow! This is so cool!”


BCP Celebrated Opening New Doors to Equity!

On October 12th, BCP welcomed donors, board members, corporate partners, community partners, staff, and patients to officially open BCP’s new space. The Reverend Dr. Gloria White-Hammond delivered the opening remarks, followed by José F. Massó, Chief of Human Services for the City of Boston, and Dr. Robyn Riseberg, BCP’s Founder.

Senator Nick Collins along with Senator Cynthia Creem, from the MA State Senate presented an official State Senate Citation recognizing BCP for expanding equitable access to pediatric care in Boston and beyond. At this event, BCP also launched our Sustainers’ Campaign, a community of multi-year donors that will support the next chapter of BCP’s journey. As Dr. Riseberg said, “while tonight signifies the end of our construction, it is really just the beginning of when the real work of a fully expanded BCP begins.”

Thank you to all those who were a part of this very special evening, including our incredible corporate supporters! BCP could not do this work without you!

As Always, BCP Supported Patients!

BCP aims to address the social determinants of health (SDOH) through all of our services and programs, especially at critical points in the year that may bring greater financial and emotional stress. Here is a glimpse into some of the work we did this year to meet the needs of families.

BCP Got Patients Ready for School!

In August, BCP, in collaboration with the Pedro Martinez Foundation, provided over 500 patients with backpacks (filled with school supplies, a hygiene kit, and a Target gift card), fresh produce, and shelf-stable groceries. Kids got excited to go back to school while meeting Pedro Martinez along with fun activities, an ice cream truck, a photo booth, and a pitching station (Pedro was able to pitch a few balls to some of our patients!). Pedro and Carolina Martinez joined us at The BASE to wish all the students a great year at school and encouraged patients to work hard and go after their dreams!

Thank you to our partners who made this this event possible including Audax Charitable Foundation, About Fresh, The B Fund, The BASE, Chef Nick Calias, Gordon Food Service, Hope & Comfort, and all our dedicated volunteers.


BCP Distributed 300 Thanksgiving Meals!

As Thanksgiving can be a very stressful time for many families, especially families with low- income, right before Thanksgiving, BCP distributed turkeys, sides, pies, produce with recipes, gift cards, shelf-stable food, and several winter coats to 300 BCP families. As one Mom wrote to us, "Thank you so much for making sure we received the food. I really appreciate everything you do for us and the community. You are amazing." This is a huge team effort and we are so grateful for the team at BCP and BCP’s incredible community for making this happen!

A special thank you to Commonwealth Kitchen, Auntie Vies, Breez Gourmet Caterers, Sweet Teez Bakery, Jacobson Floral, and Gordon Food Service.

BCP Created Another Magical Holiday Shop!

For the third year, BCP transformed an empty space in the South End into a winter wonderland to host its Holiday Shop. Families were welcomed in to shop for new gifts (at no cost to the family), while also receiving fresh produce, shelf-stable groceries, hygiene products, gingerbread houses, gift cards, stocking stuffers, hot cocoa cones, and books. Families got to take pictures with Santa while Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat read books to children. Our kids' corner kept patients occupied with fun crafts and books, while parents selected gifts, which were then secretly wrapped. Families ended their Holiday Shop experience by enjoying grilled cheese and tater totes from Roxy’s food truck, and some patients were even able to take home delicious pre-packed meals and cookies from Christmas in the City.

A special thank you to The B Fund, Bain Capital, Christmas in the City, Cohere Capital, First Republic/JP Morgan, Greater Boston Food Bank, Jacobson Floral, Jen Hawkins Events, JNG Event Consulting, National Charity League Wellesley Chapter, Silversmith Capital Partners, Stonegate, YMCA of Greater Boston, the BCP Brigade, Laura MacLean, and Maggie Moore for your support and dedication to make this holiday season wonderful for BCP families!

BCP Was Recognized in the News!

BCP loved being featured in several news outlets this year. Here is the most recent article in The Boston Guardian.

BCP Helped Our Patients Shine!

Meet Osiris!

During a BCP well-child visit this summer, Osiris, a rising sophomore in high school who is a straight-A student from Worcester, was talking about her love of running and how she would love to run a half marathon. Dr. Riseberg suggested the BAA half. They signed up together and BCP sponsored the registration fee so that Osiris would be able to participate. With matching BCP outfits, Osiris warmed up with Dr. Riseberg for 3 miles and then finished the race on her own (Dr. Riseberg could not keep up)! Her whole family came to cheer her on. BCP is so proud of Osiris and can’t wait to see what her future running career will bring.

BCP is Grateful For Our Corporate Partners!

One of BCP’s goals for 2023 was to expand our corporate partnerships in order to establish more diverse and sustainable funding. BCP is so proud to be supported by so many fabulous corporations listed below. BCP was highlighted in Takeda’s press release this spring and most recently in The CVS Health Foundation’s Hometown Fund press release this month.

Join BCP's Sustainers' Circle!

BCP's Sustainers' Circle is a community of multi-year donors committed to pediatric health equity. To realize the long-term vision of expanding BCP’s model, BCP needs to raise $8M over three years (2023 - 2025). Help make BCP’s dream of equity in pediatric healthcare a reality today, tomorrow, and for years to come. Become a member of the Sustainers’ Circle today!


Please consider telling a friend about Boston Community Pediatrics, Sharing our website, or making a gift today!


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