Hotel Industry Update
Minister’s Statement on Report on Hotel Sector
Yesterday, Minister of Labour, Harry Bains, released a statement surrounding the unionized hotel sector as it pertains to COVID-19. In his response, he outlined his plans to not interfere with or override existing collective agreements between hotel unions and employers.

Minister Bains also stated that he will be asking colleague ministers to ensure that any government economic recovery package, particularly for the tourism and hotel industry, contains a pledge for employers to offer a right of first refusal to existing employees when work resumes.

See below to read the full statement:
BCHA Advocacy: BC Hydro Request for Relief
Yesterday, the British Columbia Hotel Association submitted a letter to government outlining serious concerns surrounding BC Hydro payments. It is the position of the British Columbia Hotel Association that BC Hydro provide relief measures based on the drop in revenue in 2020 vs. 2019. Other provincial energy providers, and crown corporations have provided relief measures by way of no line infrastructure charges, reduced billing based on usage, deferred payments to name a few. 

We believe a 30% drop in revenue year over year, 2020 vs 2019 is a solid measurement for providing relief to the businesses that need it the most. Hotels are currently assuming additional debt to pay fixed costs and some have even had to write personal guarantees in order to cover financing obligations. In order to alleviate this hardship, relief measures should be at low or no interest, allow repayment over time, and be backed by government.

Please click below to read full submission and reach out to our team should you wish to add your voice and experience to this dialogue.
Industry News
Manitoba Property Tax Deferral Program:

Yesterday, Winnipeg City Council held an emergency meeting. Included on the agenda was a motion to extend the City’s pandemic tax deferral program. 

The motion was approved to defer property tax and business tax payments until Nov. 30 without penalty fees. A previous change allowed penalties to be waived until Sept. 1 for business taxes and Oct. 1 for property taxes.To view the motion, please click here. The BCHA hopes this decision guides actions taken by our provincial government.
Update on Stronger Tomorrow Starting Today Campaign from the Business Council of British Columbia:

As part of Stronger Tomorrow, we were proud to release B.C.’s Low Carbon Advantage Plan. It is based on nearly two years of work with many of our members as well as the B.C. and Federal Governments to determine what our low carbon advantage is and what barriers to competitiveness we face. 

As described by Denise Mullen in her latest commentary, if we want to move to net-zero by 2050, we also need smart regulation that cuts complexity and cost, but not corners, and drive innovation with tools like market offsets.

To learn more, click here.
SURVEY: Western Canadian Lodging Conference
The world continues to change quickly and we know your thoughts and plans for travel may have shifted since the WCLC's last survey.
The WCLC would love to hear your thoughts on attending the Western Canadian Lodging Conference and have created a short survey to gather your input on  live vs. virtual, as well as what speakers and topics you would like to see on the program. 
The survey will take around 2 minutes to complete, all answers are anonymous and your input will help the organization better meet the needs of the industry at this challenging time.
Today, BCHA and TIABC will be hosting a webinar and open forum to outline the key issues and provide a reality check on the tourism and hospitality industry, our key messages, and ways we can coordinate and work together towards recovery. Join us for this important discussion.

The Professional Risk Manager's International Association will be hosting an educational webinar this Thursday. Ingrid Jarrett, is a panelist representing our industry. The session will explore the economic consequences of COVID-19 on select Canadian industries, including energy, real estate, financial services and hospitality, what their respective futures look like and how they can come back stronger.

Member Offers: Sona Pay and
Global Payment Solutions
BCHA Announces New Payment Processing Partners Offering our Members Choice in Money Saving and Technology Options
With technology advances and increased demand for secure, touchless transactions, as well as the industry’s need for reduced processing costs and chargeback reduction, BCHA has undertaken a lengthy and detailed study of payment processor options across the Canadian marketplace to determine the best approach for our members’ needs. Recognizing that our members have varied goals, volume and transaction models, we are pleased to have secured partnerships with two companies, providing a “best-fit” option approach for your individual property or organization.
Sona Pay and Global Payments both offer BCHA members significant discounts from typical payment processing options in the market, cutting edge technology and a proven track record in the lodging industry.  
BCHA members will receive additional incentives from these two new partners and while their approach differs somewhat, both companies are committed to cost savings and a high level of service for BCHA members.
In the coming weeks, the companies will be reaching out to members individually to explain how they can provide you with assistance to preserve in this challenging environment to help your operation and bottom line.  We strongly encourage you to take the time to understand how they could help.

To learn more about these exclusive BCHA member offers, click below and please contact them with any questions or a detailed assessment of how they could benefit your operation

If you are not a member and would like to find out more about the Association and the member benefits, contact Mike Macleod at
As part of our education pillar, BCHA continues to offer new courses and webinars from our education partners. Through our education series, BCHA members and hospitality professionals may access tools for continued growth within the hospitality industry at a significantly reduced price. We encourage you to take this time to explore the courses below:
Douglas College:
Click here to sign up for any of the upcoming courses or webinars or learn more about all the education BCHA has to offer.