Volume 22, Number 2 | June 2024

Pitt Meadows, British Columbia. Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels.

We Want to Hear from YOU!

BC ELN wants to know what kind of connection, learning, and knowledge-sharing experiences our community would benefit from. Any staff member working in a BC ELN partner library is welcome to fill out this 10-minute survey.

Complete it by July 3rd to be entered in a prize draw for a book of your choice ($30 limit) from Iron Dog Books. Three chances to win. Shipping is on us!

Stack of books with stars around it. In the background the word "giveaway" is repeated. Text beneath the image reads: three chances to win a book of your choice!

Meeting Undergraduate Research Needs with Affordable Resources

This spring, BC ELN launched the Undergraduate Resource Bundle (URB), a 3-year package that combines Academic Search Complete and Business Source Complete, with 88% of BC ELN partner libraries signing on. By targeting generalized resources that support undergraduate studies, BC ELN secures consortial discounts that benefit a wide range of partner libraries. This approach allows libraries to allocate savings to other specialized resources. Notable achievements in transitioning from the all-in Common Suite to the opt-in URB have been BC ELN's ability to maintain low prices despite fewer participating sites, and successfully negotiated minimal annual price increases. The only question remaining: is URB pronounced "erb" or "you-are-bee"?

Actions & Achievements Reports

Discover the highlights of BC ELN's key service areas with our Actions & Achievements reports. Packed with infographics, key stats, user quotes, and annual financials, these reports are a must-read. Help us showcase the power of collaboration: Share with your colleagues and administrators!

Screenshot of the Arca Actions & Achievements 2023 Report

Download Arca Actions & Achievements 2023 Report (accessible version).

Screenshot of the AskAway Actions & Achievements 2023 Report

Read the AskAway Actions & Achievements 2023 Report (accessible version).

Screenshot of the WriteAway Actions & Achievements 2023 Report

Read the WriteAway Actions & Achievements 2023 Report (accessible version).

Showing ILL some LOVE!

What would we do without interlibrary loan? Quietly operating in the background, ILL connects patrons to a world of knowledge beyond their local library's collection.

In BC, over 100 post-secondary and public libraries cooperate to make their collections available via the Illume union database. In 2023, 82,000 ILL requests were fulfilled through Illume... that's a lot of happy patrons.

Read the Illume Actions & Achievements 2023 report (accessible version) to learn more about this important collaborative service.

Sunni Nishimura stands at the podium at ICOLC 2024

BC ELN Staff Attend ICOLC North American Meeting in Anaheim

In April, a trio from BC ELN – Reba Ouimet, Licensing Coordinator; Sunni Nishimura, Executive Director; and Leah Hopton, Communications Manager – traveled to Anaheim California to attend the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) North American Meeting. This annual event brings together library consortia professionals from across the continent (and beyond!) to discuss the latest developments and innovations.


During the meeting, Sunni presented updates on eHLbc and BC ELN initiatives and achievements. Leah took the opportunity to share the impactful work of the ICOLC Consortial Awareness Group, in addition to facilitating a session on metrics, where consortial colleagues shared best practices for measuring consortial value. Reba helped organize a session where ConsortiaManager vendors responded to questions from consortial staff.

Ten Canadian consortial colleagues sit around a restaurant table, smiling at the camera.

A key aspect of the trip was the chance to connect with Canadian consortial colleagues, whom the BC ELN team frequently collaborates with online but rarely meets in person. These face-to-face interactions helped strengthen relationships and foster new opportunities for collaboration.


The meeting sessions covered a range of timely topics, including Open Access and Open Publishing Models, Artificial Intelligence, and Resource Sharing. BC ELN staff returned from Anaheim with a wealth of new ideas and fresh perspectives, ready to apply their insights to enhance the services and support provided to BC ELN partner libraries.

Photo, top right: Sunni prepares to speak at the ICOLC meeting. Photo, bottom left: Canadian consortial colleagues enjoy a meal together.

Student Librarianship at BC ELN: Growing Future Library Professionals

Screenshot of the Poster Presentation

Current MLIS/MAS student Laura Moberg and former MLIS student Sydney Brogden recently shared their experiences learning — and growing — with BC ELN at the BC Library Conference.


Their poster presentation highlights the valuable skills and understandings they gained while working at BC ELN, such as:

  • Gaining a unique perspective on BC’s post-secondary library landscape

  • Having opportunities to apply course learning

  • Getting hands-on experience with project management and governance support
Sameena Sheriff on left, Casey Wagner on right.

Interestingly - not much is said about library consortia in professional competencies or LIS curriculum guidelines... something for us to work on!

A New Crew

This Spring BC ELN and eHLbc welcomed two new student librarians: Sameena Sheriff and Casey Wagner. Both are MLIS students at the UBC iSchool, and will be providing project and service support until December 2024. Learn more about Sameena and Casey.

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