April 2023

More Non-traditional Tech is Becoming Fundable by SBIR/STTR

Through a highly competitive process, the SBIR and STTR programs provide non-dilutive grant funding to early-stage small businesses developing high-risk technologies based on scientific and technological innovation. Key to the process must is that you explain how your technology advances the current state of the art in your field, and how you will commercialize it to solve a problem.


It might surprise you to learn that many non-traditional technologies are being funded by various participating agencies’ SBIR/STTR programs. Here is an overview of the EdTech, FinTech, and Gamification technology areas that are getting attention:


DOD Quad Charts Provide a

Snapshot of Your Proposal

A Quad Chart presents a brief visual overview of your SBIR proposal across four quadrants of a single slide (see example). These useful charts are used by DOD for a variety of planning and communication purposes. 

Some DOD components, like DARPA, require a Quad Chart as part of their SBIR submissions. Read the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to determine if the agency has that requirement. Some agencies, including NASA and DHS, require a specific Quad Chart template and this will be annotated in the BAA.

When requesting a meeting with an agency representative, sending a Quad Chart along with the meeting request is useful.   


What you missed:

From the Source's Mouth NSF Recap

Every month BBCetc hosts a Program Manager from one of the federal agencies that participate in the SBIR/STTR Programs. We call this monthly event “From the Source’s Mouth.” In March 2023 we hosted Dr. Ben Schrag, a Program Officer, and the Policy Liaison for the NSF SBIR/STTR Office. Some of the highlights from Dr. Schrag’s presentation:


BBCetc Success Story: AtollaTech

“We tried another resource for SBIR guidance but we came back to BBCetc.”

Sonia Dagan

Founder, Atolla Tech 

Sonia Dagan founded AtollaTech, a company that provides real-time insect detection and identification to help give growers an early alert to the threat of potentially damaging pests.

My PhD in Atmospheric Remote Sensing provided the original design of the Lidar that identified aerosols in the atmosphere,” said Dagan. “It turned out not to be a commercial market nor did the next application—early forest fire detection.”

But Dagan and her team discovered that the technology could be adapted to identify insect types and locations to help growers make more informed decisions about next steps.


Reminder: Only a Notarized Letter Completes Your SAM Registration

In last month's issue we reviewed the registrations you need to complete before moving forward on your SBIR/STTR application. These free registrations include:

  • SAM.gov: which will also issue a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) - This registration can take weeks to complete, so you should start this one first.
  • SBIR.gov: this registration will issue a pdf that includes your company SBC Control ID number
  • Agency-specific web portals where you upload and submit the application

There is yet one more step to complete your SAM.gov registration, so don't think you’re finished when you get a “pending,” “active,” or “complete,” message. You still need to submit a notarized letter.


From the Source's Mouth - April

April 27

11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT


Don’t miss your chance to hear directly from the Director of the Navy’s SBIR/STTR and Special Programs, Mr. Robert Smith.

The Navy funds over $300M in SBIR awards every year and accounts for over 50 percent of all Phase III commercialization dollars for DOD SBIR/STTR programs. It usually has topics in the DOD 23.1/A, 23.2/B and 23.3 BAAs and is expecting to feature an SBIR “Open Topic” opportunity this summer.

Join this overview of the NAVY SBIR program and learn from the source what technologies they are looking for and what’s needed to submit a successful proposal. Following the presentation, there will be ample of Q&A time with the presenter.

The session is ideal for technology-based entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses familiar with the SBIR/STTR programs who want to learn more. New to SBIR/STTR? Please view our on-demand webinars before joining our “From the Sources’ Mouth” training sessions.


BBCetc Training

SBIR/STTR Overview

April 11, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT


Find out how the government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs can provide a source of R&D funding between the development of your innovative idea and proof that it is marketable. You will learn about eligibility requirements, participating agencies, the differences between SBIR and STTR, common misconceptions, and more! REGISTER

NSF SBIR/STTR: Intensive Proposal Preparation

April 20, 9:00 am - 2:30 pm EDT


The National Science Foundation (NSF) invests more than $200 million annually in their SBIR/STTR Program to promote the progress of science; advance national health, prosperity, and welfare; and secure the national defense. Join our virtual SBIR classroom for an overview of the NSF SBIR/STTR program and proposal requirements. REGISTER

DOD SBIR: Proposal Preparation Workshop

April 26, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm EDT


Targeting Department of Defense SBIR 23.2 or STTR 23.B solicitations? This Department of Defense-focused workshop provides detailed instruction on preparing a proposal to meet the requirements of the DOD, including both technical and commercialization plans and navigating the submission process. REGISTER


Funding Opportunities

Use the links below for up-to-date information about active solicitations.




Special Note: BBCetc is committed to promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We will watch for relevant funding opportunities focused on underserved STEM entrepreneurs (in underserved geographies, females, and entrepreneurs of color) in this section of our newsletter. Click the link below to view two current solicitations.

For more information about any of the solicitations listed here and how to submit a proposal, please visit our website and fill out the assessment form.

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About BBCetc
BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting, LLC (BBCetc) works with technology-based entrepreneurs and companies across the U.S. on strategies to advance their R&D efforts to commercialization. The BBCetc team is nationally recognized for its success in helping clients secure federal funding through the SBIR and STTR programs. BBCetc services include research grant assistance, SBIR/STTR training and proposal development assistance, and grants and contract management.

Contact us: www.bbcetc.com / 734.930.9741 / info@bbcetc.com