Issue #27 | Spring 2020
BATalk - is an electronic newsletter sharing important certification program information with Washington's Backflow Assembly Testers (BAT).
COVID19 and BAT Practical Examinations Update
We are currently unable to determine how and when BAT Certification and Professional Growth examinations will resume. We are waiting on our state governor and college president to determine it is safe to re-open statewide examination sites.

We will make every effort to re-open examinations as quickly and efficiently as possible. Keep in mind, when practical examinations resume, we may experience disruptions including cancellations due to outbreaks in specific areas. Please continue to check our website for updated information.

As you know, practical examinations cannot be completed in social isolation. The proctor and the applicant must be in the same room. We’d like you to fill out a quick survey for us. We would appreciate your input on what would make you feel safe while examining the same room with a proctor.

2020 Validation Cards Now Available.
2020 BAT Validation Cards are now available to save and print on WCS' website. 2020 cards will be available to access anytime until October 2020.
SVBA Testing on Professional Growth Exams 
Professional growth examination enrollees currently have 1 hour to test all four assemblies, allowing an average of 15 minutes per assembly. The average time it takes for an applicant to correctly test all four assemblies is 25 minutes, averaging 6.25 minutes per assembly. Few testers utilize the full hour to correctly test all assemblies.

There has been some consideration regarding removing SVBA testing from professional growth examinations, while still requiring SVBA testing for certification examinations. If the SVBA was eliminated from the professional growth examination, examination time would be reduced to 30 minutes for the remaining three assemblies, allowing an average of 10 minutes per assembly. The certification exams would continue to consist of all four assemblies and remain an hour long.

No firm plans to remove SVBA testing yet, as this is still in the exploratory phase. What are your thoughts on eliminating the SVBA testing during professional growth exams? Please fill out a quick survey to let us know your thoughts. The results will be compiled and sent to the Department of Health for future consideration.

1221 D Street N. E. Auburn, WA 98002
Phone: 253-288-3357