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Marketing Communique 
April 20, 2017                                                                 MC-17003

A business is much more than a brick and mortar location; it is also the sum of its information and data. That is why losing a physical location or hardware is not nearly as bad as losing important company data and the ability to process that data for the business. Be sure to have a plan to recover the data, AND be able to process that data, for business continuity.

BackupBASIS Backup and Disaster Recovery Services
Employing BASIS' DBMS Database and File replication feature, users can have one or more near real time copies of their production data available at all times. This feature is extremely useful for backups, business continuity, and load balancing through read-only data access on target machines. Since BASIS built replication into the BASIS DBMS, customers do not have to update their applications to keep targets automatically current with changing source data.
Read on for details.
  • Near real time cloud backup copies of your data
  • Atomic level replication (preventing any possibility of data corruption)
  • Clients can access and validate a READ ONLY copy of their data - "reach out and touch it"
  • Low risk with BASIS' resilient and reliable data structures
  • Email system alerts should there ever be an issue
  • Extremely low overhead for limited performance impact
  • Easy administration via a web interface
  • Peace of mind for the most important part of your business

Validated Data Backup + Disaster Recovery Instance = Business Continuity 
Disaster recovery

For additional details and pricing on this unique service presented and supported by BASIS, read HERE or contact
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The BASIS International Advantage
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