B'nai Jacob Synagogue

1599 Virginia Street East

Charleston, West Virginia 25311


(304) 346-4722

June 10th-16th, 2024

A Thought For The Holiday of Shavuot

“Rabbi Pinchas says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish: The Torah that the Holy One, blessed be He, gave to Moses was white fire inscribed by black fire.”

-The Jerusalem Talmud

Tuesday night begins the holiday of Shavuot, the day we mark the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai.

The older I get, the more questions I have about what actually happened at Mt. Sinai and what was even given on that mountain.

But the image of “white fire inscribed by black fire” reminds me why the words of Torah continue to inspire me.

Black and white are generally not considered colors.

Black is the absence of color; it exists without light.

White is light seen by the human eye when wavelengths of the visible spectrum combine. Light passing a prism creates a rainbow.

Mount Sinai was more than dry ink on dead parchment.

Mt. Sinai was black and white fire passing through Holy light.

Divine words passing through white fire and allowing us to see more fully the spectrum of human existence.

Holy words written with black fire that help us see even in the absence of light.

Through Torah, one still sees hope in the darkness, even when no light is reflected.

And when light is reflected, those same sacred words open our souls to see a world in all its glory.

-Rabbi Victor Urecki

Dear Congregants,

Here is the schedule for this week along with links for those who choose to join us virtually.

Tuesday night begins Shavuot and along with the picnic, our schedule reflects changes due to the holiday. Please note that the office will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday.

I will be away this coming Shabbat so there will be no services on Saturday morning.

Join us online or in person and thank you for being a part of our community!

Shalom v'Ahava,

Rabbi Victor Urecki 

Special Shavuot Picnic at Coonskin Park

June 11th, 2024

5:00 PM

(Click here for directions)

Daily, Shavuot, and Shabbat Services

Evening Services


Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 5:45 PM

(Note: No Services on Tuesday Night)


Evening Services


Shavuot Services

Wednesday Morning

7:30 AM

(followed by breakfast)

Shavuot Morning Services

Thursday Morning

9:00 AM

(Yizkor at 10 AM)

Shavuot Morning

Shabbat Schedule

June 14th, 2024/9th Sivan, 5784

Candle lighting Time: 8:33 PM

Parshat Nasso

Numbers 4:21-7:89

Friday Night

5:45 PM

Friday Night Services

No Service This Saturday Morning

No Classes This Coming Week

Wondering Jews

The One Stop For All Things Jewish in West Virginia

Wondering Jews, Inc. is a nonprofit organization with the goal of connecting people who are physically or geographically challenged with the wide variety of educational, service, and faith activities in the local West Virginia Jewish congregations.

Moe and Janie Rubenstein have created a unique website which will allow all congregations and Jewish organizations who wish to announce activities and programs of interest for Jews throughout West Virginia. We have seen at B'nai Jacob how Zoom has opened the door to those who are challenged to allow people in isolation to join and be a part of our B'nai Jacob family.

The website is now live and will offer us and Jews around our state an opportunity to further connect and be together. You can even sign up for the American Jewish Committee program on that platform as well.

Check out Wondering Jews in the months to come and in the words of the Machzor (High Holiday Prayerbook), may we all be bound together, connected to each other.

Check out Wondering Jews here

Don’t miss ExploringJudaism.org, the digital home for Conservative Judaism. This site features a wide range of topics and creators including weekly Torah content (with study guides) thanks to our partners at the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center & Conservative Yeshiva.

B'nai Jacob Synagogue

1599 Virginia St. E

Charleston, WV 25311



"Traditional Judaism for

a Modern World"

Proud Congregation Member of USCJ

Congregation B'nai Jacob | www.bnaijacob.com

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