All articles summarized by members of the ISDS
Literature Review Sub-Committee
between May 2016 and April 2017 were eligible. The pool was then narrowed by the Literature Review subcommittee to 34 articles. ISDS Members were invited to nominate one or more of the 34 articles or suggest additional relevant articles. The Award Committee reviewed all nominated articles and put forward 4 finalist articles in each award category. The ISDS membership voted to determine the final Award winners.
The Research Committee is proud to announce the winners of the 2018 Awards for Outstanding Research Articles in Biosurveillance:
Impact on Field Category
Second Prizes:
Scientific Achievement Category
Second Prize:
The Awards will be presented at the Awards Ceremony at the
2018 ISDS Conference in Orlando, FL on February 2, 2018.
We congratulate all of the authors of the winning articles for this achievement!