Mission Opportunities

Camp Supplies Needed

The Avondale AC4Ed (Alliance Center for Education) is collecting donations for the week-long overnight camp enjoyed by 40 youth enrolled in the AC4Ed summer program. Donations are needed by July 31, 2024. Please drop off at the church office. If you would like to contribute to the supplies needed, please click to sign up. Thank you!


Refugee Family Resettlement Assistance

Avondale is working with Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency to furnish a home and help move in a newly resettled refugee family. We will need donations of household items as well as furniture. We will also need drivers and movers. Stay tuned … more information to come.

Message from Matt Smith,

Communications Coordinator

As you may have heard during Sunday worship, I have accepted a full-time position at another church and my last day here at Avondale will be Monday July 8. Thank you all for my brief time here and the welcome and love you have shown me. Please click here or my picture below for some deeper thoughts and reflections. Blessings to you all!

Upcoming Events

Painting Our Prayers

Painting Our Prayers Sacred Art Group

Painting Our Prayers is part of our Sacred Space Art Small Group. We meet monthly on the 2nd Monday from 6:30-8:30PM. We discuss and demonstrate what it means to visually express one’s ideas and prayers. All skill levels are welcome. You are invited to join this coming Monday July 8th. Please email Cheryl Judd-Magee cjuddmagee@gmail.com with any questions.

Session Meeting July 14

Session elders, please remember our next meeting is next Sunday July 14 at 12 noon in the McLean Fellowship Hall. Thank you all for your leadership!

CLT Bike Camp July 15-19

Please be aware of CLT Bike Camp who will be using our parking lot for their bicycle instruction camp the week of July 15-19.


Tech Updates

Realm Privacy Change

Many of you received a message last week saying your privacy settings in Realm (our online directory) have changed. Apologies for any inconvenience. This was a system-wide update to ensure your information remains password protected. Please know your information was never at risk, this is just an extra security measure. If you have any further questions about this update or about Realm in general, please contact Fay Palmer in the office or email her at fay@avondalepresbychurch.org

Hands texting

Church Text Messaging Updates

We recently switched to a new SMS text message provider. Formerly, we used a service called Text-Em-All to send recorded voice messages and texts. We are moving away from the voice messages and will be sending text messages for major churchwide announcements from Constant Contact (which we already use as our email blast service). The cost of upgrading our Constant Contact account was less than the amount we were paying Text-Em-All. However, we will only send church-wide texts for major events or emergency communications. These would include a reminder of Advent and Holy Week schedules or interruptions to utility services or campus access.

Thankfully, the incorporated database within Constant Contact has many of your phone numbers. In order to receive these text updates, you will need to opt-in and ensure your accurate text-enabled phone number is listed. Please visit the link below to opt-in and/or ensure your phone is accurate.


Please keep in mind we will still send the weekly e-News and other periodical announcements to your email. That is not changing, only the platform for text updates. Feel free to reach out with any questions or help. communications@avondalepresbychurch.org

Holiday Office Closure

4th of July closure

The Avondale Church Office will be closed tomorrow in recognition of the 4th of July holiday so our staff can spend time with family.

Happy Birthday America!!

Worship at Avondale

Coming up on Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Join us for worship on July 7th at 10AM. We will share Holy Communion. If you are unable to join us in person, please join us online as we Livestream via YouTube. You can also watch the archive of services on our YouTube channel via the button below.

"Avondale Presby Church" YouTube Channel

Click here for the Children & Communion guidelines

Children and Communion

Avondale Presbyterian Church believes children are an important part of our worshiping community. We promise to nurture, educate, prepare and love our children from the minute they are born and support them through out their lives. Avondale takes an active role in educating our children and helping to prepare them for communion.

Worship Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday morning worship could not go as smoothly without help from our many volunteers. If you would like to be a part of the worship team to provide flowers, greet everyone entering the worship space, reading liturgy, or setting up the room please reach out to Lynn Wilkerson with questions. lbwilkerson@att.net

If you are ready to commit to certain weeks, please click the button below linked to our SignUp Genius page.

Worship SignUp Genius

Member News


Prayer List

Matt Smith and family; Dennis Brandau; Donnie Cates; Libby Stanley; Lindsey DeBorde; Amanda and Eric Shanks; Betsy and Rick Shanks; Corey, Jessica, and Griffin Shanks.

Connect With Us

Please do not hesitate to request prayers from Avondale for the joys or concerns on your heart. We encourage you to let us know of any sickness, crisis, or situation where we can provide support or care. You may contact Rev. Jim Ewing. We will keep prayer requests on this list for four weeks. Please let us know if you would like them extended.

Baby Blessing Opportunity!

Please see the link below to contribute to the Baby Blessing Basket for the Cascalenda Family.

Sign-Up Genius: Baby Blessing Basket

Member Directory

Do you use the directory often? Do you prefer a paper copy? We can provide one.

If desired, please contact the office. We will print a copy and mail it to you. Or, open the UPDATED Directory here (same password as the website). Email Fay for a password, printed copy, or updates.

Serve with:

Roof Above Lunches

Serve with:

Room In The Inn

Serve with:


Avondale Presbyterian Church

2821 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209

Church Office: 704-333-6194

Avondale Children's Center: 704-377-6960


2024 Leadership
Give to Avondale

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As a congregation, God calls us to: 

  • Create close relationships to support a dynamic faith
  • Not only serve our neighbors but know them personally
  • Prepare the hearts of children and families to abide in Christ
  • Reduce economic inequities by breaking down barriers to education
  • Develop and demonstrate a sustaining faith