AveNEWS March 2017
Avenues supports more than 300 youth a year - and we can't do it without you! To help homeless youth move from surviving to thriving, please donate.   

Mark Your Calendars

Join us in celebrating the dreams of our youth at the 4th annual Building on Dreams breakfast! Join us on May 2nd at the St. Anthony Main Event Center. Coffee and mingling begins at 7:30 am, program and breakfast at 8:00 am. The program will end promptly at 9:00 am. Register here
Avenues'  ConneQT Host Home Program Manager, Ryan Berg, will speak at the 18th Annual Spring Child Welfare Conference on April 19 (8:30 am - 12 noon) at the University of Minnesota. Click here to register
St. Paul Public Schools is hosting a discussion about LGBTQ youth in foster care or are experiencing homelessness. Staff of Avenues' ConneQT and GLBT Host Home Programs will be on a panel, and Ryan Berg (Avenues' ConneQT Host Home Program Manager) will read from his book, No House to Call My Home. Join the discussion on April 10.  Click here for more details. 

Avenues is partnering with Borealis Dance to create "Love Stories," a dance recital that brings awareness to youth homelessness. One dollar of every ticket sold will be donated to Avenues. To learn more, click here. Tickets go on sale April 10 and "Love Stories" will be playing May 12-13. 
On April 29, Aliese Hoesel, soprano, and Steven Zubich, piano, will present a recital at the Hennepin Avenues United Methodist Church. A free will offering will be donated to Avenues.
This Month 

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the Red Affair, which raised almost $23,000 for Avenues! Thank you to everyone involved with the 3rd Annual Red Affair - Suzanne Erickson and her team at  Jungle Red Salon Spa Gallery , Sounds of Blackness, Fogo de Chao, Hookers and Blow, Rusty Kath, Shannon Paul, Scott Herold and guests who supported Avenues! 

We are so grateful for the three sets of new washers and dryers the Minnesota Association of Justice donated to Minneapolis Avenues!

Shout out to Duncan Macklem-Johnson who organized a benefit concert that raised over $1,500 for Avenues! The Early Eyes, Crosswalk, Snake Posse and The Happy Children sounded great! 

Thank you to the wonderful volunteers from Associated Bank  who deep cleaned at Minneapolis Avenues in March!

Thank you Shrey (13) and Meena (8) for collecting towels and body wash for Avenues' youth! Shrey partnered with local businesses to collect over 400 towels in his 10th annual towel drive. His sister Meena also collected over 200 bottles of body wash. Shrey is now organizing the City of Savage's Service Fair, where volunteers will assemble dental kits for Avenues. Thank you, Shrey and Meena, for all that you do! 
Shout out to Brenda Howe Photography for volunteering your time and talent to photograph Avenues' key staff and board members!  
Avenues Wish List
We've updated our wish lists with our current needs. Click here for a printable list Shop locally and deliver to Avenues (must schedule ahead). Or shop online at  Amazon , Target and Walmart

Avenues makes in-kind donation drives easy! If your organization wants to hold a drive, we will supply donation bins and marketing materials. Our staff can even drop off and pick up, if needed.
We're Hiring
Mental Health Therapist 
Maintenance Technician 
Marketing and Communications Intern 
Youth Support Specialist 
Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter 
Avenues for Homeless Youth
Administration Offices:

1708 Oak Park Ave N.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411
Dear Friends:

I hope you'll join me for breakfast on May 2 to make a big difference in the lives of homeless young people in our community. This will be our 4th annual fundraiser breakfast, and it gets bigger and better every year. Our goal is to net $100,000 this year.

We call this event "Building on Dreams" for a very important reason -- because all youth deserve a chance to dream big and achieve their dreams. We are literally raising funds to build on THEIR dreams! 

See the link below to register. Consider being a table captain; invite your friends and colleagues to join you and learn about Avenues. Two event sponsorships are still available.

If you can't attend Building on Dreams, please forward this newsletter to at least one other person. Then click Donate Now! 

Avenues relies on the community -- people like you -- for donations of all sizes to support our programs and youth. I invite you to review our FY16 Report to Community, just published on our website (link provided below). 

Our team is working very hard to raise $1.4 million in community donations this year. We are 78% of the way there, with $325,000 left to raise in the final 3 months of our fiscal year. Every donation  is critical. Thank you for your support!

Deborah Loon
Executive Director 

What's your dream for youth experiencing homelessness? 

We invite you to our 4th annual Building on Dreams breakfast, presented by Alerus Mortgage. Join us on May 2nd to celebrate the dreams of Avenues' youth and honor the 20th anniversary of the GLBT Host Home Program. 

Come at 7:30 am for coffee and mingling. A complimentary breakfast will be served at 8:00 am. Our program will feature a moving new video and comments from Hawa, a young woman who stayed at Brooklyn Avenues. 
Overheard at Minneapolis Avenues: 
"My dream is to to finish school and become a pilot in the Air Force."
Pictured Below: Rocki Simóes, PJ Arcani, Ryan Berg and Kelly Brazil 

Celebrating 20 Years of the GLBT Host Home Program   
Big plans are taking shape to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the GLBT Host Home Program. This innovative program, described by Program Manager Rocki Sim ões as "both messy and magical," was created by the community nearly 20 years ago to provide culturally-specific housing and supports for homeless youth who identified as LGBTQ. It has an amazing story to share.

We are working to connect with all founders, hosts, youth, staff and supporters of the GLBT Host Home Program. Watch for more information soon about a big community party this fall, along with a special fundraising campaign to ensure our LGBTQ-specific programs remain strong into the future. 
Overheard at Queer Avenues: 
" JP and Kelly gave me so many resources and opportunities to improve myself. They were my main support and they are badass."

Together for Good: Funding the Community Safety Net  
Avenues is pleased to announce a fundraising partnership with the Community Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP) called "Together for Good."  Please join us on May 24, 7:30-9:00am for a complimentary breakfast and compelling program at Edinburgh Golf Club, 8700 Edinbrook Crossing, Brooklyn Park.  

Every year, Brooklyn Avenues and CEAP help thousands of community members move from surviving to thriving. Together, we provide critical supports to youth experiencing homelessness, families in financial crisis and seniors needing hot meals. 

At Together for Good on May 24, you'll learn more about both organizations, the people we support and what you can do to make a difference. Please join us. Click on the links below to register or to sponsor the event. 

Our FY16 Annual Report is   
Now Available! 

FY16 was a big year for Avenues - we started the ConneQT Host Home Program, prepared for Avenues for Young Families, and celebrated the first full year of operations of Brooklyn Avenues. With the community's support, we were able to support over 300 young people. To see that news and more, check out our FY16 Report to the Community (click below)! If you would like a hard copy, please contact Rachel Blair, 612-844-2001 or by email