Klamath Irrigation District will hold an election by mail for the purpose of electing a person to the Board of Directors on November 8, 2022.

The election will be for the director position for Zone 5. 
Zone 5: Following the District boundaries. Generally East of Wilson Road.

The following candidates are eligible for election.
Fred Simon                 - Candidate
Weston Walker          - Candidate

This is a 3-year position.

The polling location for Zone 5 will be the Klamath Irrigation District Office. The polling location will be open from 7:00am to 8:00pm on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Members of Klamath Irrigation District, who are registered to vote, residing, and owning land in Zone 5 are eligible to vote for the director from that division. There are voting location rules for absentee landowners with land in more than one division, individual, and owners of Corporation, LLC Trusts, etc. The last day to update voter registration with the District is 18 October 2022 for this election.

Please contact the KID office to determine your voting eligibility or for absentee ballot information. The phone number is 541-882-6661, and the address is 6640 KID Lane, Klamath Falls, OR 97603.
Klamath Irrigation District is a Special Government District. Learn more about Special Government Districts by viewing the video below.
2023 K.I.D. Budget Request Preparation
The Klamath Irrigation District's Executive Director and his advisory group are preparing a 2023 budget request to present to the K.I.D. Directors at the 14 November 2022 Board Meeting. The budget must be approved by the Directors in November to allow the staff to prepare annual assessments in accordance with Oregon Revised Statute 545.381.

Many K.I.D. patrons may have received a letter from a K.I.D. patron demanding the Executive Director take immediate action to cut expenses...and then resign.

As we develop the 2023 budget request, the following facts influence our recommendations:

  • The last K.I.D. assessment increase occurred in November 2013.

  • Core annual inflation CPI-U averaged 2.04% between 2013 and 2021 for a combined inflation rate of 17.56%. $1 on Jan 2014 is equivalent to $1.27 in August 2022.

  • 2022 inflation is nearing 9%. Fuel costs continue to rise (28% since August 2021). A 12% increase in electricity costs for our pumps and headquarters is anticipated on 1 January 2023. At 9% inflation in 2022, this would be a 27.56% increase in basic costs since KID’s last increase.

  • The Joint Prosecution Agreement councilmembers voted to assess $4 per acre for 2022/2023 to defend water right in the Klamath Adjudication.

  • K.I.D. Union Employees – incurred a pay freeze in 2022

  • The 2022 budget request recommended utilizing $1.2 M of the K.I.D. reserved funds.
  • Currently we are on track to underspend the 2022 budget by being frugal with our limited resources, prioritizing and scheduling our workload utilizing proven project management techniques, and by enjoying the valuable input of our employees to find better, more efficient ways to address problems focusing on a 50-to-100-year fix instead of employing a cheap band-aid that needs to be constantly readdressed.

  • K.I.D. employees are our most valuable resource. We invest in our employees. These employees have unique knowledge of the specific nuances how each foot of a canal, lateral, or drain works. There are over 400 miles of canal bank and drains in the district with over 1800 turnouts and hundreds of control structures. Each structure is specialized as designed, built, and maintained over the past 115 years. Each lateral has its own historical operational issues based upon how it was built utilizing the topography and local soils which vary greatly across the district. Ditch riders are our local historians; they are the experts within their zones. Management and maintenance personnel rely heavily upon the ditch rider team to inspect, record, evaluate, and recommend priority maintenance activities.

  • K.I.D. requires individuals with certifications in dam tending, aquatic and general herbicide application, pest control, commercial driver's licenses, forklift operators, traffic controllers, CPR and first aid, SCADA system coding, Public PUC Power Plant operators, ArcFlash Hazard Avoidance, and ASCE mechanical skills. We employ journeyman level carpenters, heavy equipment operators, concrete finishers, electricians, welders, and other with mechanical skills. As we bring employees on, we look at the hiring of an employee as a long-term investment in the District. These skills have value with increased experience. The increase of experience within the District decrease costs to the District.

  • Our "ditch riders" also have the job title of Maintenance Level II. While they are not patrolling the ditch banks in the irrigation season, they are working on or leading a maintenance crew.

  • Maintenance crews are created based upon the priority of work and a specialized skill set.

  • Rebuilding 10-ton bridges requires journeyman level carpentry skills led by an experienced individual familiar with the Reclamation's engineering standards.

  • Concrete teams require surveying, grade serrying, carpentry skills, masonry skills, finishing skills, and a team leader knowledgeable of the slump conditions required for the specific structure.

  • Turnout replacement teams require individuals with expert concrete skills, carpentry skills, heavy equipment operation, surveying and gradient skills, and an expert understanding of soil characteristics.

  • K.I.D. builds, in-house, all structures for board spills, turnouts, and check structures with a purpose built, pre-cast form set fabricated by K.I.D. employees specifically for the unique needs of the district which is cost prohibitive to have custom built off-site.

  • K.I.D. employs a full-time fabricator for all metal fabrication who is proficient in all types of welding disciplines to include arc, mig, trig, oxy-acetylene, plasma cutting, and aluminum welding for a fraction of what this would cost patrons if it were contracted out.

  • K.I.D. requires the skills of a master/journeyman level electrician. Our team must know high voltage, medium voltage, and low voltage power distribution. Single phase power, three phase power motor control is also a basic requirement for these individuals. Automation controls, relay logic, programable logistic controllers, variable frequency motor controls, human machine interface application, and SCADA system management are routinely required as we maintain and modernize the infrastructure.

  • The District's employees further assist in providing services to the city and county for flood control. This is an invaluable service the district provides to our community.

  • 20 of K.I.D.'s employees' salary and benefits are negotiated in a collective bargaining agreement with the Local 701 Operating Engineers. There are legal implications and significant costs to modifying any word in this contract which is NOT up for renegotiation in 2023.

  • K.I.D. management is paid on salary; they are on call at the need of the District. Many nights and weekends are spent by management responding to various issues across the district to include responding to calls of a canal breach, C-hydropower facility emergency alerts, canal level alerts from our sensors, in addition to emergency calls of trespassing or safety related issues. Our management team also spends most mornings and evenings patrolling the district to inspect or identify issues that are not emergency related. For this reason, the Directors have authorized members of management to utilize District vehicles for transportation to and from work. This is cost effective for the district as it allows for the management team to immediately respond to an issue and maximize the use of bulk fuel costs versus reimbursing individuals at the per diem rate for utilizing their personal vehicles for District business.

  • K.I.D. management and staff also partner with Federal, State, County, City, and Townships on multiple department levels to ensure public safety, public recreation, and infrastructure integrity on recuring schedules.

  • Recommendations to furlough K.I.D. employees are often brought to the District as a cost saving measure. Given the cost of unemployment insurance, the difficulty in retaining quality employees with the skill set the District requires, the various certifications in maintenance disciplines, and our unique contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, management will consider these recommendations when maintenance operations are unable to be performed and a cost savings can actually be shown to result.

  • A review of maintenance activities is done monthly during the Board of Directors meetings which are open to the public.
Upcoming Events
Klamath Irrigation District
19 October:
K.I.D. staff mails election ballots mail for Zone 5

8 November:
Zone 5 Election

14 November
District November Board Meeting and canvas of vote
Klamath Water Users Association
9 November.
2p.m. Meeting of the KWUA Board of Directors.

Oregon Water Resources Congress
OWRC Annual Conference
November 28-30 in Hood River, OR

Oregon Water Law Conference
NOVEMBER 4 & 5, 2021

2023 Annual Conference
Mark your calendar for the 2023 SDAO Annual Conference! It will be three years since we have been able to meet in person at our annual event, and we couldn’t be more excited! We will have over 20 training and education sessions, networking opportunities, our ever-popular exhibitor trade show, and more.
February 9: Pre-Conference Sessions
February 10-12: Annual Conference
Water Conditions Report
Water Year 2022 Summary

The Williamson River inflow to UKL has been at or below the 25% of average level for almost the entire period of late 2020, 2021, and 2022. However, outflows below the Keno reef have exceeded 120% and average well over 80% of average. This is not the proper way to balance a checking account.

Between 1 March and 30 September (during most of the irrigation season demand):
  • 336,000 acre feet of water flowed into UKL (accounting for evaporation on the natural water body)
  • 400,000 acre feet of water was programmed by Reclamation to be sent to the ocean for a species that is not in the Main Stem Klamath River (at times over 120% of average flows since the 1980s, and significantly higher than natural flow would have allowed when inflows were under 25% of average)
  • An additional 7,000 acre feet of water was programmed by Reclamation to be sent to the Yurok tribe for a boat dance when inflows to UKL were under 25% of average.

  • 463,047 acre feet was released from Iron Gate dam to the ocean, well above the amount which would have been available under natural conditions.

  • Only 90,000 acre feet of water was returned to the former lakes and marshlands that naturally would have evaporated more than 566,000 acre feet in 2022 while maintaining critical habitat for endangered species, other fish and wildlife. None of these needs were met in 2022.

  • The 90,000 acre feet of water returned to the former wetlands did not produce the natural weather cycle in the region which historically cooled the air temperatures and created late afternoon thunderstorms from the water evaporating off the 188,000 acres of natural lakes and marshes (now farmlands). This lack of water directly resulted in no precipitation to recharge the Upper Klamath watershed in the late summer.

Between 1 October 2021 and 28 February 2022:
  • 366,392 acre feet flowed into UKL
  • 217,641 acre feet flowed out of UKL
  • Unnatural flows from the Lost River System to the Klamath River was limited to just 10,000 acre feet with the remaining water used to maintain wildlife habitat along the Lost River system.

  • Only 148,750 acre feet was stored in UKL (stored under a water right for the sole purpose of irrigation - which was less than what was required to meet Klamath Tribal lake elevation water rights) (of the 148,750 acre feet of water, only 90,000 acre feet was released for agricultural use...over 58,000 of stored water and all the live flow was released between 1 March and 30 September to the Klamath River with no demonstrated water right for stored water). But for the Link River Dam, 100% paid for the operation and maintenance by the Klamath Project farmers and ranchers, there would be no stored water to meet these unnaturally high flows, nor to meet these unnaturally high lake levels.

Oregon Water Conditions Report
October 3, 2022
Happy New Water Year! October 1st marked the beginning of water year 2023.
There have been no additional state or federal drought designations over recent weeks. Thus far in 2022, 17 Oregon counties have received state drought declarations under ORS 536, while 29 counties have received USDA crop disaster designations due to drought.
Warm temperatures and little precipitation, in combination with already low streamflows and dry soils, led to expansion of abnormally dry conditions in western Oregon, according to the US Drought Monitor.
A Little Klamath Project History
Graphs and charts shared with KWUA's Let Farmers Farm Fall Harvest Tour
These charts were provided to those who joined this years educational tour of our area.

News and Stories Recently Shared with Us
Klamath Lake wetland project honored

SALEM, Ore. - Transformation of a degraded, contaminated 45-acre landscape on the shores of Klamath Lake into wetland habitat was honored today by the State Land Board during the 18th Annual State Land Board Awards.

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A California federal judge should consider all arguments, including those related to tribal water rights, put forward by a farming interest group in a summary judgment ruling on yearslong litigation over water releases from Upper Klamath Lake, the Oregon-based Klamath Water Users Association said Tuesday.
Response attached | Read full article »

State leaders press Federal Gov. on drought relief funds

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A federal judge ended a central Washington farm's legal challenge to a nearby U.S. government-aided wetlands restoration project, saying the farm couldn't establish a right to sue over the government's failure to obtain state water permits. 
Order attached | Read full article »

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Funding and Grant Opportunities
Research and Development Office

The Bureau of Reclamation seeks new and improved methods to manage rooted (or attached) aquatic vegetation in canals. Solutions should reduce the cost and labor required for managing vegetation. In the western United States, canals are the...

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NRCS Oregon accepting applications for RCPP Nutrient Management Grants
PORTLAND, Ore., September 1, 2022 – The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Oregon is currently accepting applications for Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) nutrient management grants. Apply on by 9 p.m. PST on October 31, 2022. 
NRCS’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program Critical Conservation Area (CCA) Nutrient Management Grants are a limited and targeted grant funding opportunity for eligible applicants to co-invest in impactful and innovative solutions to on-farm, watershed and regional natural resource concerns.  
In Oregon, project proposals must be located in the Columbia Basin and Klamath Basin. View the designated Western Waters Critical Conservation Areas here. Proposals must focus one or more priority resource concerns specific to the CCA and achieve conservation benefits through more efficient nutrient management primarily by utilizing NRCS 590 practice standards and associated practice standards. Project proposals may request between $250,000 to $10 million. Only seven projects will be awarded nationally. 
This RCPP Grants opportunity is intended to support project structures and approaches that cannot be carried out as effectively through RCPP Classic projects. RCPP Grants applicants must describe the innovative nature of the conservation approach they are proposing to justify potential funding through RCPP Grants rather than previously awarded RCPP Classic projects. Eligible applicants can be:
a. An agricultural or silvicultural producer association or other group of producers; 
b. A State or unit of local government, including a conservation district; 
c. An Indian Tribe; 
d. A farmer cooperative; 
e. An institution of higher education; 
f. A water district, irrigation district, acequia, rural water district or association, or other organization with specific water delivery authority to producers on agricultural land; 
g. A municipal water or wastewater treatment entity; 
h. An organization or entity with an established history of working cooperatively with producers on agricultural land, as determined by the Secretary, to address - 
·        i. Local conservation priorities related to agricultural production, wildlife habitat development, and NIPF management; or 
·        ii. Critical watershed-scale soil erosion, water quality, sediment reduction, or other natural resource concerns; or 
i. An eligible entity as identified by NRCS pursuant to 7 C.F.R. part 1468.
Applicants should review the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NFO) which is available on The NFO can also be found through a search on for RCPP. This opportunity is federal financial assistance and it is recommended that applicants take the Grants 101 online course. Grant course information is available in the NFO.
NRCS held an RCPP grant webinar on August 30 and recorded it. Check the National RCPP page for the webinar link or reach out to
Funding Recommendations for OWEB Spring 2022 Open Solicitation Grant Offering
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board sent this bulletin at 09/28/2022 11:24 AM PDT
Applications and Recommendations
At its October Board meeting, OWEB will consider awarding over $12 million in restoration, technical assistance, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring grants.  In response to the Spring 2022 Open Solicitation Grant Offering, OWEB received a total of 117 grant applications from across the state seeking over $18 million in funding for restoration, technical assistance, and stakeholder engagement projects. Regional Review Teams evaluate all submitted applications and provide funding recommendations to OWEB staff, who then provide funding recommendations to the OWEB Board.
Regional Review Teams (RRT) spent many hours evaluating the applications, including document review, virtual site visits, and technical review meetings. OWEB staff considered RRT recommendations and funding availability and developed recommendations for the board to fund:
·   38 restoration applications for over $7.6 million,
·   21 technical assistance applications for over $1.2 million,
·   7 stakeholder engagement applications for $462,707, and
·   17 monitoring applications for over $ 2.7 million.
Below are instructions for accessing electronic copies of application evaluations.
Public Comment
The public is welcome to provide written or verbal comments to OWEB in response to the funding recommendations. All comment requests should be sent to April Mack at no later than 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 20.  
Please include the assigned number of the application being referenced. The Board will take public comments and make award decisions at its October 25-26 meeting.
Contact Regarding Review and Recommendations
For questions about accessing evaluations or the RRT review of your application, contact your Regional Program Representative.
Please email questions about staff funding recommendations to Eric Williams, Grant Program Manager, or phone him at 971-345-7014.
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board is pleased to announce a new Partnership Technical Assistance application solicitation.
Partnership Technical Assistance Grants
Partnership technical assistance grants support existing partnerships to:
1) generate a new or enhance an existing strategic action plan;
2) elevate the partnership’s current level of performance;
3) support partnership capacity. 
Projects do not have to address one of OWEB’s Board-identified Focused Investment Priorities.
Partnership technical assistance grants are available for either Partnership Capacity, for partnerships that are already operating as a collaborative partnership and have a strategic action plan or Partnership Development, for partnerships that desire to develop a strategic action plan and a collaborative partnership. Partnership TA grants are required to lead to implementation of conservation actions.
Applicants can request up to $150,000 in this offering and projects can last up to 3 years. OWEB expects to distribute up to $703,000 under this offering.
Application Information
The partnership technical assistance application is available through OWEB’s Online Grant Application system.
The deadline for the Partnership Technical Assistance application is 5 pm, December 9, 2022. Late applications will not be accepted.
Staff Contact: Denise Hoffert, 971-701-3206
Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program Grant Offerings – Working Land Conservation Covenants and Easements, and Conservation Management Plans
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board sent this bulletin at 08/17/2022 09:04 AM PDT
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) is accepting applications for two Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program (OAHP) grant offerings:
·   Working Land Conservation Covenant & Easements
·   Conservation Management Plans
Visit our OAHP web page for an overview of the grant program. These grants are supported by General Funds from the Oregon Legislature and available Statewide.
The grant cycle deadline for OAHP grant offerings is 5 p.m. on October 31, 2022. 
Who can Apply? 
Working Land Conservation Covenants and Easements:
·   Entities eligible to hold a conservation easement as defined in ORS 271.715, other than a state agency
Conservation Management Plans:
·   Entities eligible to hold a conservation easement as defined in ORS 271.715, other than a state agency
·   Watershed councils; and Not-for-profit organizations other than a state agency
Eligibility Requirements Proposed projects for both grant offerings must take place on lands that are actively used by an agricultural owner or operator for an agricultural operation that includes, but need not be limited to, active engagement in farming or ranching.
Actions Eligible for Funding
Working Land Conservation Covenants and Easements:
1.  The purchase price and the purchase option fees associated with the working land conservation covenant or easement;
2.  The interest on bridge loans needed to secure closure on the property prior to when funding will be available for distribution through the program;
3.  The staff costs incurred as part of the covenant or easement acquisition process related to the property;
4.  The cost of due diligence activities, including appraisal, environmental site assessment, survey, title review, and other customary due diligence activities;
5.  The cost of baseline inventory preparation;
6.  The legal fees incurred;
7.  The closing fees, including recording and title insurance costs;
8.  The cost of securing and maintaining the agriculture and conservation values associated with the property in accordance with the application or a conservation management plan approved by the Director; and
9.  Up to 50% match for the value of a stewardship fund, but program funds contributed to a stewardship fund may not exceed 5% of the total appraised value of the covenant or easement.
Conservation Management Plans:
1.  Funding may be utilized to develop, conservation management plans. (See Application Guidance for further details)
Application Guidance Please review the Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program web page for detailed application guidance. The documents available outline important information about the grant programs’ structure and provide guidance to potential applicants that will help determine if proposed projects are appropriate for the OAHP Grant Programs.
If you have questions about applying to OWEB’s Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program grant offerings, visit the Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program web page or contact Taylor Larson at 971.701.3248, .
Recent Public Notices
Congressmen LaMalfa and Bentz: Klamath Dams are Engines...

(Washington, D.C.) - Congressmen Doug LaMalfa (R - Calif.) and Cliff Bentz (R - Ore.) released a statement highlighting the importance of hydropower energy in the West and opposing the removal of the four Klamath hydroelectric dams.

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Increase in avian flu expected during fall migration: Waterfowl hunters should take precautions
October 5, 2022
SALEM, Ore.—With many duck and goose seasons set to open Oct. 8, waterfowl hunters should be aware that Highly Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) has been circulating in wild birds in North America since December 2021.
The current strain of the virus was first detected in Oregon in May 2022 and continues to be found in wild birds and backyard poultry flocks. More detections are expected during fall and winter as waterfowl migrate through Oregon or spend the winter here. Hunters are also likely to come in contact with infected waterfowl during the hunting season.
Although Low Pathogenic strains of Avian Influenza naturally circulate in wild waterfowl, detections of HPAI strains in wild birds are less frequent, with the last occurrence during the winter of 2014-2015. Typically, HPAI does not cause large-scale mortality in wild waterfowl but often causes severe illness and death in other groups of wild birds and in domestic waterfowl and poultry.
However, this strain has caused increased mortality for wild waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and scavengers such as vultures. This strain has also been detected in some mammalian carnivores such as coyotes, foxes, and skunks that have likely fed on infected birds.
Wildlife managers are continuing to monitor for the disease by testing birds found dead and sampling live birds and birds harvested by hunters for the disease.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, humans appear to be at low risk for infection with the current H5N1 strain, although individuals who have frequent close contact with wild birds, especially waterfowl, may be at higher risk for exposure and should take precautions. More info at
Hunters: practice safe bird handling
Hunters should always practice the following safe bird handling and cooking techniques and especially this season due to HPAI:
·   Do not harvest birds that are obviously sick or found dead.
·   Wear rubber or latex gloves when handling and cleaning game birds.
·   Do not eat, drink, smoke or touch your face when handling birds.
·   Keep the game bird and its juices away from other foods.
·   Thoroughly clean knives and any other equipment or surfaces that touch birds. Use a solution of one third cup of chlorine bleach per one gallon of water.
·   Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after handling birds (or with alcohol-based hand products if your hands are not visibly soiled).
·   Cook all game meat thoroughly (up to at least 165° F) to kill disease organisms including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Use a food thermometer to ensure the inside of the bird has reached at least 165° F.
·   Do not feed dogs raw meat, organs or other tissue from harvested waterfowl.
ODFW asks that hunters and the public report groups of three or more sick or dead wild birds to the Wildlife Health lab at 866-968-2600, so they can be investigated and tested for avian influenza. Typical symptoms in wild waterfowl include cloudy eyes, shaking or swinging the neck around, swimming in circles, and incoordination. In areas where birds have been infected, sick, dead, or neurologically abnormal wild mammals also may be cause for concern and should be reported.
Do not handle wildlife that is sick or found dead. If it is necessary to do so, use a shovel or wear impermeable gloves, wash hands with soap and water, and change clothing before having contact with domestic poultry or pet birds.
Falconers are advised to avoid hunting waterfowl and other waterbirds during the HPAI outbreak because of the risk it presents to raptors. HPAI is killing raptors that come into contact with infected avian prey or carcasses.
Danger to domestic poultry
This strain of HPAI (H5N1) is also deadly to domestic birds (chickens, turkeys, Guinea fowl). The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) strongly encourages backyard poultry producers to prevent contact between their birds and wild birds. Any sick domestic birds should be reported to the State Veterinarian's office at 1-800-347-7028 or
ODFW is part of the State of Oregon's multi-agency response to highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza, along with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, the Oregon Health Authority and the US Department of Agriculture's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS).
For information on avian influenza in domestic birds, visit ODA's website:
Photos of ducks and geese available at