Our mission is to inspire appreciation and understanding of the beauty, biodiversity and legacy of Cave Creek Canyon through volunteer work and outreach programs.

November 3, 2021
This photo was taken at Vista Point, a trail of only 200 yards that leads to a viewpoint overlooking Cave Creek Canyon's forest canopy that gives a good idea of the canyon's geography. This is looking to the northwest; Winn Falls, with a drop of 365 feet, is in shadow just to the right of center (though it's dry at the moment) and the Arizona Sycamores along the forks of the creeks give another color amongst all that green. The formation to the left is one of the "ears" of Mule's Ears. By Steve Wolfe
Autumn Colors To Enjoy

The last few weeks of October through the first Week of November is the height of autumn colors in the Chiricahuas.
Above and below by Steve Wolfe
By Statia Dougherty
By Cecil Williams
Bridge across South Fork of Cave Creek by Steve Wolfe
Above by Steve Wolfe
The Aspens Of The High Chiricahua Mountains

The aspens continue to regenerate after the 2011 fire. Picture by Alice Wakefield.
By Alice Wakefield
By Winston Lewis
The South Fork Day Use Project
by Reed Peters

The South Fork project is still moving forward, but very slowly. There were many objections to the latest plan, primarily about the road closure. Because of the large number of objections, the USFS is developing a new alternative plan. When it is released, there will be a new comment period.  
We will let you know when the new plan and comment periods are announced.
Butterfly Explosion Continues!
Great Purple Hairstreak by
Carol Comeau
Reakirk's Blue by Carol Comeau
Pipevine Swallowtail by Alice Wakefield
Dog Faced Sulphur by Debb Johnson

Painted Lady by Alice Wakefield
Tailed Orange by Alice Wakefield [above]

Queen by Carol Comeau
The Moods of the Mountains by Nydia Walker

By Alice Wakefield
Above - Lucifer Hummingbird - Carol Comeau
Sparrow Comparison
The White-throated Sparrow is somewhat uncommon in the Portal-Paradise area. It is slightly smaller that the very similar White-crowned Sparrow. The White-throated has yellow lores above the eye and a gray bill.
White-throated Sparrows by Carol Comeau
Compare the White-throated Sparrow above to the White-crowned Sparrow below. The White-crowned does not have yellow lores, has an orange bill and does not have a white throat. Below by Steve Wolfe.
Hunter's Moon
Moonrise over the Peloncillo Mountains by Steve Wolfe
Moonset over the Chiricahua Mountains by Tony Donaldson
Photo by Alice Wakefield
Friends of Cave Creek Canyon Board Members
Bob Ashley
Sheri Ashley
Geoff Bender
Rick Beno
Rene Donaldson
Rolf Koford
Pat Parran
Reed Peters
Kim Vacariu
Jeff Wakefield
Alice Wakefield
Cecil Williams
Mike Williams
Help us thank our Business Members who have given generously to Friends of Cave Creek Canyon. Without their assistance, we would be hard pressed to accomplish our goals. Click on the underlined names to check out their websites.    
A.S.K. Pest Control 
Carrie Miller
Ed Newbold Wildlife Artist
Painted Pony
Sky Islands Grill & Grocery  
Daussin & Associates   
Migration Taco
OL' Morani Ranch 
Sky Island Rolfing  
Terry Miller
Umphres Propane
Would you or a friend like to submit and article for the FOCCC Newsletter? Our goal is to share information about current events in the Canyon.

Always include: your email, pictures w/credits (jpeg format) and text. We can't guarantee your article will be used but all submissions will be reviewed and considered. Remember to keep it relevant, timely, and brief.

Send your plain text article with photos attached via email to