In recognition of

Autism Awareness Month

we're hosting an


         during April 2013 


 Save 20% on over 40 books on

- family life & siblings' perspectives

- early intervention 

- inclusion & social skills

- communication

- feeding issues

- gluten-free living

- reading & literacy

- health & wellness

- puberty

- functional behavior assessment

- activity schedules                                              Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  Find us on Pinterest

- transitioning    


Sample the following books:

Visual Supports for People with Autism 


Thicker than Water: Essays by Adults Siblings of People with Disabilities 


The Kitchen Classroom: 32 Visual GFCF Recipes to Boost Developmental Skills 


Managing Anxiety in People with Autism 


A Picture's Worth: PECS and Other Visual Communication Strategies in Autism