AUGUST 2019 Newsletter
~ August 2019 ~
President's Message

Happy Dog Days of Summer!

I always thought that “the dog days” were those summer days so devastatingly hot that even dogs would lie around trying to seek relief from the heat.

Many people today use the phrase to mean something like that—but originally, the phrase actually had nothing to do with dogs, or even with the lazy days of summer. Instead, it turns out, the dog days refer to the dog star, Sirius, and its position in the heavens.

To the Greeks and Romans, the “dog days” occurred around the day when Sirius appeared to rise just before the sun, in late July into August. They referred to these days as the hottest time of the year, a period that could bring fever, or even catastrophe.

Hopefully, the dog days this year will bring nothing more than a series of wonderful summer days spent enjoying all that Maine has to offer.

It's a quiet month for CVOA, with no events on the calendar for August other than range activities… a chance to catch our breath as we are already looking ahead to a busy fall and winter.

The recently formed 20 th anniversary celebration committee – Mark Curtis, Val Hudspath, Patti Johnston, Jeannette Parker and I have begun exploring dates and ideas for a big party, possibly in January to honor our founders, our organization and all it has accomplished in the past 20 years - and we welcome all suggestions. PLEASE send an email to with any and all ideas. We hope to have the event scheduled by early October, so stay tuned.

And mark your calendars for the next board & member meeting, September 29. There are a couple of important items on the agenda and there will be an event scheduled for Saturday as well, so plan to spend the weekend in Carrabassett Valley.

And in the meanwhile, enjoy the dog days of summer!

All the best, Bonnie Farrar ~ CVOA President
Calendar of Events
September 29
- Board/Member meeting
Future Events & Adventures
Board and Member Meeting
Sunday, September 29
Save the date, and help us plan an event for the day before.
Summer Recreation . . .
So many options, so little planning . . .
It is not too late to add an event to the summer calendar; perhaps you can share your area of Maine with other members, introduce us to something special nearby, plan a hike or paddle, for instance.

For a mealtime gathering, CVOA offers funds to reimburse some of the costs, to the tune of $5 per member attendee. It is also appropriate to ask folks to bring a side dish, and BYOB. CVOA also maintains a large inventory of paper goods for such events; they are located in the storage unit at the range.
For short notice trips, Cindy will send out an email for you.
2020 Ski Trip Updates
Val Gardena, Italy – the first CVOA ski trip to fill up in the first two days, and Mike Parker is working with a waiting list.

Park City/Deer Valley, February 1 – 8
Trip Leader: Cindy Foster
With only 12 signed up, we are eager to add to the group; our minimum is 26 people. Please tell your friends, even non-members, about the trip. It is only $15 per couple to join CVOA and take advantage of our great trip packages. Our trip provider Ken Cutcliffe will help us fill the tour, but we would love to have more CVOA members.

Jackson Hole, February 26 to March 4
Trip Leader: Bonnie Farrar
We have 31 signed up, with room for 4 more.

Quebec City stay and ski, February 2020, contact Pete Weston if interested.

Greenville X-Country Ski Trip – see the next article.
Cross Country Skiing Trip
at West Branch Pond Camps, Greenville
Established in the late 1800’s, these family-run sporting camps, 28 miles north east of Greenville, have cozy, wood stove heated, winterized log cabins on a small lake with mountain views. Their own groomed trail system through the woods and around the lake connects to the extensive groomed AMC trail system. Back country xc sking, snow-shoeing trails and pond ice skating are also offered. The camps are known for their excellent hearty breakfasts, bag lunches and gourmet full suppers. It is BYOB and a comfortable, heated "gathering cabin" is provided for pre and post supper group social activities. 

Limited hours of electrical power is supplied by a generator. Use of personal "electronics" is discouraged in order to have a good rest from the outside world. Bring your sleeping bags. Comfortable beds and pillows are provided. There is a central shower house with flush toilets and also outhouses behind the cabins. There are many possibilities for skiing at various levels from easy to expert. 
We will drive in and park right at the camps early on the first day, stay two nights and leave in the afternoon on the third day. This would give us one full day and two half days of skiing. If there is enough interest, we could stay as a group an extra night to gain another full day of skiing. 
Members would book their stay directly with owner Eric Sterling at 207- 695-2561, . The cost is $125.00 per night per person double occupancy or $175 single occupancy. This includes lodging & all meals. Space is limited to 10 members, and it can be scheduled for a weekend or mid-week in late January or February, depending on what dates will produce the largest number of members who will go on it. 
At this point in the trip planning process, please contact me, Bill Cunningham (Home 207-487-3140, , Cell 207-416-8957). If you may be interested in going, tell me what dates you are available to go and if you want to stay 2 or 3 nights. After this input, I will set the dates and length of the trip so reservations can be made as soon as possible. Thank you!
~ Bill Cunningham
Range News

A Fond Farewell to CVOA Range Members Jim and Jane Heichel. They will be leaving Maine this month to move closer to family in Virginia, and we wish them well. Jim and Jane have been active Range members since the Range’s creation, shooting Rifle, Trap, and Five Stand. They have always been available to lend a hand, whether it was constructing picnic tables or targets, to actual buildings! Painting, cleanup, or running youth shooting days. Jim also trained as an NRA certified Range Safety Officer. We will miss their presence greatly!
Range Safety Officer Training is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th at Howell’s Gun Shop in Gray, ME. We still have openings for Range Members interested in becoming NRA certified RSO’s. The Range will pay for the day long course and your travel expenses. Please contact me if you are able to attend. This is a valuable certification for any Range to which you belong. 

August Events include our weekly Saturday Five Stand Shoots and weekly Sunday and Wednesday Trap Shoots. We had a number of interested Pistol Shooters try out Bullseye Shooting last month and will send out a special notice when we have a set schedule for a weekly event. 

Please contact me if you have any interest in attending the RSO training or any general questions about the Range and its activities.

Diane Stone
Range Secretary
Weekly Events
Saturday Five Stand Shoots -- 9 to noon
Sunday Trap Shoots -- 9 to noon.
Wednesday Trap Shoots with Al Poudrier -- 9:30 to noon. 
Past Events and Adventures
Paddle Big Jim Pond and BBQ at Bickfords
Saturday, July 13
July 13 dawned bright and sunny over the Flagstaff area, suggesting a great day for getting out on the water. CVOA members gathered at the Natanis parking lot on Rt. 27 just north of the Pines Market in Eustis. A long caravan headed to the King and Bartlett Road, and Big Jim Pond. We braved a sometimes rough road, but all made it to the Public Reserve boat launch. Along with several vehicles already there, we quickly packed the parking area with a variety of trucks, SUVs and station wagons all bearing colorful kayaks and canoes. 
Paddlers in single and tandem kayaks, as well as two canoes, busied themselves unloading and getting out on the water. We explored the length and circumference of the large and beautiful pond, with several folks venturing up the north inlet stream. Loons surfaced near several paddlers, a beach was visited by several boats, and a few folks took refreshing swims.
The weather held sunny and bright, and breezes were few and gentle. All were awed by the beauty and serenity of this remote gem of a pond.
By early afternoon, the group returned to the launch area, and the loading up began. Members ventured back to Eustis, and up the Eustis Ridge Road to the Bickford’s home, where snacks, drinks, and burgers were consumed, along with delicious offerings from the members. Members enjoyed the views of the Bigelow Range and Sugarloaf from the ridge, and spent the afternoon visiting and hanging out, with several more members joining as the afternoon went on.
As one member later described the day, “Wonderful weather, wonderful paddle, wonderful gathering at your wonderful home with a more than wonderful view. Oh, and with wonderful friends. What more could anyone want? It’s all so so special what we have!”
Well said! A perfect and fun outing up here for CVOA!
~ Peggy Bickford
Member News
Help Wanted
Craig Lehigh, owner of Western Maine Screen Doors . . .
... in New Portland writes:
Western Maine screen doors is looking for a retired, part time, here and there assistant who knows a little about wood working and running a orbital sander. Please email,  
with some qualifications if interested.
Community News
Adaptive Outdoor Education Center
Seeking Volunteers for August 19th event.
We are looking for someone to lead a nature hike around the bog at the Outdoor Center and someone to help folks fish at the catch and release dock on the bog. If you can help them out, they would be very appreciative, and you might even have fun!

Please contact Kayla at AOEC at or 237-2676.
Member Discounts
And still the most important news of all ....
D'Ellies has ICE CREAM!
And for CVOA Members - Get an extra scoop Free!
This month for CVOA members: Buy any ice cream item, and get an extra scoop free! To take advantage of the offer, tell the staff you are a member of CVOA.

Flavors change often.

D’Ellies is open Year-round:
Sun - Friday 8 am - 3 pm
Sat 8 am - 4 pm
Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association
Valley Crossing #6
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947