Hello Friends, 

A few notes just to clear up any confusion so we can respond to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you wish to contact Raymon please email him at raymon@raymongrace.us  

April handles all questions related to the Energy Clearing which Raymon does every morning -  april@raymongracefoundation.org

Nancy handles the sales of the merchandise - sales@raymongrace.us

Raymon handles the questions you ask~~ about everything imaginable~~ as best he can~~but has stopped writing LONG emails, due to the time involved. He also handles class registration. 

There is NO reason to write to anyone else about our work.

There may be more time from November through the Winter to have personal sessions with you but life is going to be busy until then. Will still help you regular clients as best I can. - Raymon

We have also added an additional class in Abingdon, VA for October. Please see the calendar below. 

There have been lots of questions about an online live class.  We are hoping to get that going later this Fall/Winter. Info to come soon.

Have a beautiful day!

April Grace

A Note From Raymon 

Howdy Foks,

Since the last 3 newsletters have included 10 suggestion to empower yourself, thought something different might be in order.

Some folks from out of state bought about a hundred acres that join my property and transformed it into a target shooting range.

Since this was only half mile away, I could hear lots of gunfire on weekends. Since they weren’t shooting at me, I dropped by for a visit to get acquainted. 

This is mountain country and mountain people are different than city people, so guess these folks didn’t know what to expect when I showed up. 

They were very polite and said they hoped their shooting didn’t disturb me. 

My reply was, ‘It don’t bother me at all. IT IS ‘THE SOUND OF FREEDOM’ There are few places on this planet where you can shoot as much as you like without any interference from anyone.’

Seems I made instant friends. I keep an eye on their place and cut some firewood for them from time to time and give them whatever extra vegetables available. We country folks do things like that. 

About 2 weeks ago, I received a call that a German Shepard belonging to one of the ladies~ had disappeared.

 In an effort to find the dog, she had its picture on Facebook and at every vet’s office in three counties. 

Last week she thought her dog was dead since it have been gone 9 days. My feeling was, I could find it as dowsing indicated it was still alive and not far away to the West.

 I ‘imagined’ the dog walking from my barn in the direction of my house.

Two mornings later, my 3 dogs were barking a lot and I went to investigate. Sure enough, there was the German Shepard near my barn [to the West] walking toward my house, but my dogs chased it away.

Called the dog’s owner and she and her husband immediately drove 3 hours to get here. Told them to go sit on my cabin porch near the barn and the dog would show up. Within an hour, she had her dog back and was most grateful.

This is just an example of what we can do with dowsing and INTENT. I created an image of the dog waking from the barn toward my house and the dog followed my intent. 

This is a good time to repeat. NO ACT OF KINDNESS IS EVER WASTED. 

Have been playing Willie Nelson’s song, ‘Energy Follows Thought’ at the start of each class and the classes are going smother. 

Last week I had seven 'problem' trees cut easily and this week found a lost dog. Wonder what next week will bring? Life is never dull.

Use your mind to solve some problems this month,


Raymon's Website

Class Calendar 

  • September 10-11 - Panama City, FL (few spots left)
  • October 1-2 - Abingdon, VA - FULL
  • October 8-9- Abingdon, VA - FULL
  • October 15-16 - Abingdon VA- 
  • To register email Raymon at raymon@raymongrace.us 

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

  • Hi Raymon -- I forgot the time difference between us when I emailed you, and thought your cleansing of my new house wouldn't start til the next day. That's what I meant. In fact, I did feel a shift on the day I emailed you! Clearly that's when you started. In particular, a smelly carpet suddenly became less odorous, and there was a gentle explosion of open energy both within my home and the surrounding apartment units. I'm so grateful for your work! Thank you so much

            Blessings 🌿🌻🌿


  • April please tell your dad just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate his energy. My life has been on an upward trajectory since signing up for your clearing. - S

Raymon Grace Foundation
Energy Clearing Project
One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com