Soarin' Hawk Newsletter

Baby Barn Owls
Late Wednesday evening a Soarin' Hawk volunteer received a message from the local DNR C.O. informing us of a "problem" with a Barn Owl family in a farmer's silo. It came as quite the surprise! Barn Owls are very rare in northern Indiana. On average only 10-15 nests  are discovered annually; most of which are located in the lower half of the state.
The following morning Soarin' Hawk drove out to the farm and was immediately greeted by the family. All work came to a complete halt as they trooped through the stock pens and shed to the base of a 45 foot tall silo.
Inside the bottom and huddled against a wall were three Barn Owl fledglings.
They had fallen from their roost at the top of the silo.
A fourth bird, and probably the smallest, had died. Jennifer climbed down into the silo to evaluate their condition. They were all were weak and emaciated. After giving each bird a short drink of water, they were placed in individual carriers.  
She then proceeded to climb to the top of the silo. In an effort to evaluate the condition and safety of the nest, a fifth fledgling was discovered. The bird was roosting inside an auger discharge chute across from an access port 15 feet away. It appeared healthy. The auger port was a perfect place for laying eggs but it was too small for five fledglings. After successfully appraising the situation, she discussed plans with the farmer about placing a nest below the roost and possibly adding a "real" nesting box for the future. Biologist John Castrale from the DNR was later contacted to help develop these plans.
She took the three owls to Dr. Funnell, where they were re-hydrated with subcutaneous injections of Ringers solution. Then we tube fed them a delicious slurry of nutrients. Overnight, the weakest baby didn't survive but the other two continue to recover; feasting on chicken breast and noisily attacking anyone that approaches.

From the Director of Peace Montessori School, New Haven IN
During the late evening hours of August 15, our Chihuahuas discovered a Red Tail Hawk near the back door of our house, on the campus of Peace Montessori School. Given that it didn't react to our small dogs I suspected that it was most likely injured. 
We checked on him later that evening and then went out to check his whereabouts as soon as the sun came up in the morning. As I had anticipated he was still sitting on the patio, affording me the opportunity to marvel in his grace and beauty. My son and I dearly love these magnificent birds and will often drive about looking to catch a glimpse of them. They are very special to us and we knew immediately that we must do whatever we needed to in an effort to provide him aid. By 7:30 that morning we were actively communicating with one of the volunteers at Soarin' Hawk in an effort to help him. 

A volunteer was working diligently to find someone to come and rescue him.  I knew within the hour that there was no one available until 11:30. I had the opportunity to share with Jennifer just how much these birds mean to my son and me. I tentatively asked if there were any other options.
"Do you consider yourself to be a brave person?" she asked. "I can if I need to be," was my reply.  She told me that she would walk me through a rescue step by step and encouraged me to help him.

I knew I couldn't do it by myself so I enlisted the help of my dear friend Chad.  With an audience, my son, my partner, friends and co-workers Chad had him in the cage in a moment and we were off to take him to Dr. Funnell.
I knew in my heart that I been in the presence of a magnificent, beautiful animal that truly needed us. I also knew that we were there to help him. I will never be able to explain the impact that Monty (the name we have given him) had on me that day. 

As a Montessori teacher, I work to always teach my children the importance of caring for the global community, that one may never know who or what will need our help. I encourage my young friends to care for not only one another, but all creatures. To that end our school with be embarking on a fund raiser to help with the cost of rehabilitating Monty. 

In closing, it cannot be left unsaid that these magnificent birds are a gift, one that is dutifully cared for by the volunteers at Soarin' Hawk. I encourage every one to reach out to them and thank them for all that they do and to join us in trying to help rehabilitate these gifts of nature. 
In honor of Monty, we thank you.
260-241-0134 |
info@soarinhawk.orgl |