August Newsletter

Dear MMAMTA Members,


As the summer winds down, I hope that you all have enjoyed the summer, and have had some downtime to enjoy with family and friends (and perhaps some music as well!) as we enter the orbit of another year busy academic year.


It is my pleasure to announce that after meeting with the new director of the MU School of Music, Jared Rawlings, we received approval to hold the MMTA District Auditions on Saturday, September 23rd in the Fine Arts Building. Don’t forget to apply your students for:

MMTA District Auditions – ca September 6 ($35 District Registration)

MTNA Competitions - Deadline September 13 at 3pm EST (

Those of you entering MMTA, look for more information about your students’ district times from our intrepid district chair, Nancy Dreier as we get into September. Thank you, Nancy, for all your work in advance.


Looking forward, reminder that the MOSY Piano Showcase application ($35) deadline is September 25, with auditions on October 7 and Piano Showcase in Missouri Theatre on October 29. For students passing the MMTA District auditions to State, the deadline for applying for state auditions is October 5 ($40 State Registration), and the State auditions are confirmed for November 1-5 hosted by UMKC in Kansas City.


As we transition to new leadership at MU, I’m still working on confirming what MMAMTA events will take place in its spaces, but I can confirm that the Evaluative Auditions in Columbia will be held on Saturday, November 18 in Sheryl Crow Hall in the Sinquefield Music Center. That date has been confirmed for the parallel event in Jefferson City, as well.


If you are a chair of an MMAMTA event, please don’t forget to confirm dates and locations and get the information to Ayako, who is working on updating the website and creating the handbook.  I’m sorry the dates for a fall workshop event with Glenda Austin did not work out for the traditional late August period, but Judy Shaw is still working on getting Glenda to mid-Missouri for an event sometime this fall – more information will be conveyed as it unfolds.


In the meantime, I’d like to invite you all to some musical happenings in the coming weeks.  The Odyssey Chamber Music Series kicks off its celebration of its 20th season on Friday, August 18 at 7pm in Columbia’s First Baptist Church with a fantastic program featuring Artistic Director, Ayako Tsuruta and chamber musicians from the Intercultural Music Initiative in St. Louis (please check out the entire season at I will be presenting a solo piano recital on Sunday, August 27 at 3pm in Whitmore Recital Hall consisting of Chopin, Debussy, Balakirev and ending with Musorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.


Please enjoy the remainder of the summer, and hope to see you soon!



Peter Miyamoto, MMAMTA President


c/o Dr. Peter Miyamoto

Professor of Piano

Fine Arts Building

University of Missouri

Columbia, MO 65211

For Listing of Events: