Issue: 8 August 2017
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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  Meeting    President's Note   ipFAC Vendor Registration 

Our wish for you: May your work life and vacation coverage schedule return to normal soon!  Enjoy the last month of Summer as you make your way to the State Fair and prepare for the upcoming school year.  Don't forget to register for the Fall Aging Conference, see below for more details!
MeetingMembership Meeting

Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association  Membership Meeting

Thursday, August 24, 2017
2:20 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn

TOPIC: The PRACTICAL Tool: A Person-Centered Approach to Guardianship Assessment

SPEAKER:   Anita Raymond, LISW, CMC
Program Manager: Center for Excellence in Supported Decision Making/Protective Services 

The PRACTICAL Tool was developed by the American Bar Association, with assistance from the National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making.  Developed for lawyers, it should also be applied in any situation where a person is contemplating guardianship for another person.
  • Understand the tension Guardianship/Conservatorship presents between helpful tool and infringement on civil rights.

  • Understand how PRACTICAL can aid in identifying and facilitating less restrictive alternatives to guardianship.

  • List PRACTICAL's 9 critical steps in determining the need for guardianship/conservatorship.
Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427

directions and parking info: 
Call Karen Mandile, 952-345-4405, MASWA Program Chair
with questions related to this program.
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $30.00 Guest fee $5.00
PresidentPresident's Note
Linda Debner
Hello MASWA Members!

I was sitting on my deck this evening, looking at the beautiful flowers, the woods, birds in the trees, and damage to a dead tree by my friendly neighborhood woodpecker.  As my mind drifted I thought about North Korea having the ability to put a nuke on a missile that will reach the USA; Russia, hacking into our election process; Iran, being Iran; Caracas, Venezuela and all of the horrific demonstrations; and too many numerous other things; and came to the conclusion "I am so thankful I am an American!"  Proud, too!

I didn't start out thinking I would be making a patriotic declaration, but I did think about all of you.  I feel so lucky to be a MASWA member, especially your President.  I've been a member for many, many years and have been given the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people.  Just think about the things you do every single day of your life.  Think about the frail elderly population you touch on a daily basis, and how easy it is "to make their day".  There are some elderly people who need your services more than others, and it is those individuals who may not know you are providing services, or may not have the ability to acknowledge and thank you for your services. 

You, senior workers, take many moments throughout your day to touch the lives of others, to appreciate the contributions they have made when they were younger, and to let them know their life has had meaning. 

I want to personally thank all of you for the contributions you have made to make lives better for those you serve, and in turn, it defines a better life for all of us. 

Linda Debner

VendorRegistrationVendor Registration - Fall Aging Conference 2017
Vendor Registration Now Open!  

Join us October 26, 2017 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Earle Brown Heritage Center.
Sponsoring the Fall Aging Conference is the perfect opportunity to present your business to over 300 senior care industry professionals. Spots fill quickly so register online today at brought to you by the Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association and the St. Paul Senior Workers Association Contact Brielle Betzold with any questions at (651)334-2118 or

Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426