News & Updates
August 2021

A Few Words from Our MASWA President
Come Join Us! 
We Are So Excited!

You’ve run a LONG, HARD race so far. Not many were cheering you on. Many times, no one knew what you had put into that race. Not many knew how much you had sacrificed. No one knew how much sleep you lost or how many times you had to say, “goodbye” to a person you cared for. How many times did you pray that this race would be over and that you’d prevail? How many times did you watch the finish line move beyond your reach? Masked up, you persevered and kept going, no matter what. Just as there appeared to be a lull in the race and that things were going well, you were told and learned that we needed to brace ourselves again as we rounded perhaps another turn. No one knows!
In order to run this race to win, we do know that we can win if we do it together. it is time to take a quick break in the race to help support one another. We know that we need each other for support and to help us carry on in this race.

When we get together with a supportive group of professionals, we gain that strength found at the “watering station” of our race. Let’s come together, in an OUTDOOR SETTING, masked up (if you’d feel more comfortable) and recharge! You will have a chance to see those folks you’ve missed. You’ll have a chance to enjoy great appetizers and tickets to two beverages of your choice…compliments of MASWA.
We need each other to help us endure what lies ahead. We need each other to help us weather the storm. Come Join Us. Get refueled. Having the opportunity to truly network with you, provide that needed support, and to hopefully kick-off the restart of our in-person MASWA networking meetings, is why we are so excited! 
Come join us!   
Thursday, August 26, 3:30 – 5:30 pm
Rock Elm Tavern, Plymouth –
See You Then!

Georgene Connelly
MASWA President