Welcome New
GALA Members!
Nina Arnold
Eleanor Sweetwood
GALA Board of Directors
Deb Giordano
Nowell Francis
Paula Botch
Guy Biechele
Chuck Heidorn
Bethany Price Susan Ellis
GALA was organized to promote the arts as an essential component of a healthy community. We believe that artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations. GALA will increase awareness and appreciation of the arts by way of exhibits, instruction, theater productions, musical programs and provision of scholarships to students in local schools.
PO Box 664
Gardner, MA 01440 a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Hello Friends,
This is an exciting month for us all! We will be opening our new Arts Gallery and celebrating by having an art show and live music. Please do come and celebrate with us! Our friend Clayton Phelps and the Mill Street Jazz group will be playing.
Mark your calendar! GALA's Arts Gallery opening show will be Saturday, August 18th, 2-6:00 PM at 135 Front Street, Winchendon, MA 01475.
We need art on the walls! Entry deadline is Sunday, August 12th. No installation fees! Art drop off will be Wednesday, August 15th 4-6:00 PM. If you cannot make it, call me to make other arrangements.
There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony, acknowledgments, art for sale, live music, raffle, light refreshments, and art activities for children. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the music.
We would like to sell artist's notecards in our new Arts Gallery. If you would like us to sell your notecards bring them to the art drop off on the 15th. Make sure you have prices on them and GALA receives 20% commission.
After our opening show the gallery will be open to the public. We will be open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We need volunteers to help for a few hours in the gallery. If you are interested please let me know.
We now have a wonderful, enthusiastic arts gallery committee and I know we will succeed in growing and doing great things. We are also planning a photography exhibit in October and a small artworks sale in November, just in time for Christmas shopping. More details soon!
Deb Giordano
President of GALA
GALA Events/Announcements
GALA "Paint the Town" Art Show
GALA Arts Gallery, 135 Front Street, Winchendon, MA
Senator Dean Tran Awards Citations
Senator Dean Tran made a surprise visit to our "Paint the Town" art show at Sitka Gallery on Friday, July 27th.
After Deb Giordano, GALA president, awarded the ribbons and cash awards, Senator Dean Tran spoke and presented a citation for "GALA's commitment for fostering strong artist communities in North-Central Massachusetts."
Senator Tran stated that he lives in Fitchburg and when he learned about the Fitchburg themed art show he was thrilled. Senator Tran is an art lover and supporter and decided to give citations for supporting his town. He also gave citations to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners for supporting Fitchburg and the arts.
Deb was delighted to receive the award and she will be having it framed and hung on the wall in the new Arts Gallery.
GALA event all about Fitchburg
From the Sentinel & Enterprise
FITCHBURG -- Deborah Giordano is an ambassador of the arts.
As president of the Gardner Area League of Artists, she has helped bring artists together in communities all around north-central Massachusetts, and is now collaborating with Tamar Russell Brown of Gallery Sitka in Fitchburg on an exhibition featuring local artists.
The unifying theme will be Fitchburg and its picturesque surroundings.
"I very much admire Tamar," Giordano said. "She is a dedicated supporter of the arts. Owning a gallery is hard work, and Tamar is very loyal to her artists. That's what it's all about, supporting each other to reach all our goals.
"We enjoy helping other area art groups and businesses by promoting the arts and culture in their towns," she added.
The show is scheduled for Friday, July 27, from 6 to 9 p.m., at Gallery Sitka, 454 Main St., Fitchburg. Artwork will be judged and awards will be given for first, second and third place. The awards are sponsored by NewVue Communities and The Fitchburg Cultural Alliance.
In addition to Giordano, contributing artists include Sandra Richard, Iphigenia Gossios Burg, Arlene Ferrier, Charlene Noel, Judith Fava-Houle, Scott Niemi, Andrew Niemi, Jonathan Niemi and Barbara Hallowell.
gallerysitka.com and
galagardner.org for more information about the show and future events.
Members of Gardner Area League of Artists -- or GALA -- chose to launch a show in Fitchburg because they were so taken by the town's quiet beauty.
A boomtown in the 19th century, Fitchburg has preserved much of the architecture that makes New England towns so enchanting to visitors and so dear to natives. Two notable examples are Rollstone Congregational Church and the home of Faith United Parish on Main Street.
GALA began in Gardner, a few miles west of Fitchburg and south of Winchendon, the town the organization now calls home. GALA has partnered with the Winchendon History and Cultural Center, and will soon have its first permanent quarters at 135 Front St., Winchendon. The organization will host a "gala" opening of its gallery on Aug. 18, in a space created by the renovation of a venerable old barn near the center's Murdock-Whitney House.
GALA is a non-profit organization, established in 2000 and staffed entirely by volunteers. Its mission is to "promote the arts and culture as an essential component of a healthy community."
Giordano and her fellow GALA members -- 180 and counting -- believe "artistic expression is a community's greatest legacy for future generations."
They are interested in all the arts and have members working in many different artistic media -- painting, sculpture, photography -- as well as people of letters and the performing arts, including poets, musicians and songwriters.
Membership is open to professionals and non-professionals.
"We collaborate with area government officials, local historical committees, educators, schools, art galleries, and other fellow arts groups and organizations," Giordano said.
The last several years, GALA has supported Seven Hills Foundation, a group of adults with disabilities and significant life challenges in Groton. The adults use painting as a tool to express themselves, and they are ecstatic to be a part of something and see their artwork displayed.
GALA has also helped teach crafts at local senior centers.
The group has made grants to graduating high-school seniors.
These days, GALA hosts open-mike poetry and musical events, teaches art to area residents, and exhibits the work of area artists with a view to helping them market their work. GALA reaches out far and wide, with participants all over north-central Massachusetts and as far afield as Cape Cod and New Hampshire.
Giordano is excited about new projects GALA will undertake in Winchendon.
"We have been raising funds to beautify the town," she said, adding that work will soon begin on two new, large, public murals.
That public spirit is essential to GALA's goals and aspirations. Members want to bring artists together to enhance the feeling of community that makes the area a fun and interesting place to live.
"Our shows are open to everyone," Giordano said. "We don't turn anyone away."
Read more:
Call For Entries: Arts Gallery Opening Show
GALA Arts Gallery, 135 Front Street, Winchendon, MA
GALA Arts Gallery Opening Show Come and Celebrate with Us! Show Dates: August, 18 - September 22, 2018 Entry Deadline: August 22nd 135 Front Street, Winchendon, MA
Open House: Saturday, August 18, 2-6 pm
Artists need to be a member of GALA for the duration of this show, but there will be no installation fees.
Two options for entering the show:
Option 1:
Online entry which submits your information & payment (if you need to pay for membership) to GALA electronically.
Option 2:
Paper entry form. A PDF Call for Entries which includes a form that you print & mail with payment (if you need to pay for membership) to
GALA, PO Box 664, Gardner, MA 01440.
** Please allow enough time for mailing so that your entry is received by the deadline. **
With either option, your entry is due by August 12.
Remember, you need to renew your GALA membership on your entry form unless you are a current member for the duration of the show. If in doubt, please email
Important Dates to Remember
Entry deadline: Sunday, August 12
Art drop-off at Arts Gallery: Wednesday, August 15, 4-6 pm
Open House: Saturday, August 18, 2-6 pm
Art pick-up at Arts Gallery: Saturday, Sept. 22, 4-6 pm
Lawrence Academy in Groton - Conant Gallery - (entrance on Rt. 40 in Groton)
An opening reception will be held on Friday, September 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Join us for some live music and refreshments. Carolyn's artwork will be on display from September 21 to December 14, 2018.
For more information contact Carolyn at carolyn@thetoddreport.com.
The work of GALA Artist Sue Weber is on display at Heywood Hospital beginning July 23rd. Sue recently transitioned from a hobbyist to professional artist. Before pursuing art on a full-time basis, Sue took colored pencil, pastel, and acrylic workshops put on by very talented local artists, which deepened her basic skills and also served to feed her hunger and passion for creating art.
In addition to her engaging works of nature, Sue's eclectic style includes whimsical designs, and she enjoys exploring and creating in different styles in a variety of media. Sue uses her supplies, tools, imagination, mood, and she draws inspiration from her surroundings. Since embarking full-time in art, Sue has entered her work in local art shows and has won recognition with some ribbons along the way.
By the policy of the Wound Care Center and GALA, all proceeds from any art sold go to the artist. Artists who wish to exhibit in this space, please follow instructions under Exhibit Opportunities at the end of this newsletter. In her exhibit at the Wound Care Center, Sue's originals and some limited edition prints are available. Sue donates half of the proceeds from art sales to Parkinson's Disease Research.
Sue Weber can be reached via email at suebeecreations@gmail.com, her Instagram page at instagram.com/suebeecreations, and on her Facebook page at, facebook.com/ArtbySueWeber.
This is her first time exhibiting at Heywood Hospital. and she is so excited, so please make the effort to visit the Center for Wound Care at Heywood Hospital during regular weekday hours.
The hospital is located 242 Green St, Gardner, MA, across from Mount Wachusett Community College.
Saxtons River Art Guild Bus Trip to the Clark Art Institute
Williamstown, MA
Saxtons River Art Guild Bus Trip
Clark Art Institute
Williamstown, MA
Wednesday, August 29
We are planning to go to the Clark Art Institute to see "Her Paris: Women Artists in the Age of Impressionism" on Wednesday, August 29, and welcome members of other art associations to join us. Our tour bus will originate in Swanzey, NH leaving about 8:30 am, followed by a stop to pick up those leaving from Brattleboro, VT. The plan is to leave the museum about 3:00 - 3:30 pm for the return trip to Brattleboro and Swanzey. The cost for the bus and museum admission is $75 for members and $85 for non-members. Lunch is on your own. The cost may be reduced slightly if we can get more than 24 attendees, so please let your friends know. To sign up for this trip, please contact Donna Lund at donnabascomlund@comcast.net or 603-835-2387. The deadline for signing up is: Tuesday August 21. If you have a chance, look for the article about the exhibition in the American Art Review, January / February (Vol. XXX 1 2018) issue.
Liz Winchester-Larson lizart39@yahoo.com 603-352-1774
15th Annual Fitchburg Blacksmith Art and Music Festival
Fitchburg, MA
Blacksmiths create pre-assigned projects in three periods. The competitors are divided in three categories: Student/Novice, Hobby Blacksmith/Intermediate, and Professionals. Area artists and crafters are invited to set up stalls, food is available for purchase, music and other entertainment is staged at the other end of Riverfront Park. Close to $5,000 in prize money is awarded to the competitors.
Riverfront Park, Boulder Drive, Downtown Fitchburg
September 29th, 10am - 4:30pm
Free to participants as well as attendees
For more information contact: achlabmadan@achla.com or forgein@achla.com
Solo Exhibit: Roberta Anslow
Post Road Art Center, Marlborough, MA
 All artwork will be for sale and in the gallery until August 30th.
Kira Cline Post Road Art Center 1 Boston Post Road East Marlborough, MA 01752 508.485.2580 postroadartcenter.com
All Around Monadnock: The Character & Heritage of the Monadnock Region
Historical Society of Cheshire County, Keene, NH
The third juried exhibition of contemporary artists continues through Sept 7, 2018 at the exhibition hall of the Historical Society of Cheshire County, 246 Main St., Keene, NH.
Exhibit hours are:
Tuesdays, 10 AM - 4 PM Wednesdays, 9 AM - 9 PM Thursdays, Fridays, 9 AM - 4 PM Saturdays, August 4 & 18, 9 AM - noon
Circle Around Monadnock, a talk by Francelia Mason-Clark in coordination with All Around Monadnock exhibition will be held on Wednesday, August 8, at 7 PM in the exhibition hall.
Iain Stewart 3-day Workshop
New England Watercolor Society, Boston, MA
Iain Stewart 3-day Workshop September 13-15, 2018 Art Complex Museum, 189 Alden St, Duxbury, MA
Through demonstration, thoughtful critique, and lessons learned over a long painting career Iain Stewart will help you understand how to prepare for and anticipate the challenges that painting in watercolor presents. Iain will provide you with a repeatable process of carefully planned steps. You will be able to use these steps for painting any subject.
Guiding you through his process, which relies on simplification of subject through exploratory sketching and value studies, Iain will demonstrate how to create a road map, that if followed, will greatly improve your painting. Iain teaches both plein air and studio workshops. This workshop will be plein air, weather permitting.
Iain relies on his instinct and sketchbook when selecting subjects for his paintings. The lion's share of his work is done in one sitting as his real struggle in painting is to capture the initial vision for any given piece. Iain is most often motivated by capturing a definitive lighting condition and how it influences shape and value, rather than faithfully representing the subject as witnessed. Watercolor is uniquely suited for this task as "light" is reserved from the first brush strokes and must be protected throughout the painting process.
Iain often uses remembered atmospheric and lighting conditions in his work and would say that he paints from life and memory simultaneously. Iain's watercolors are not only a translation of what he sees, but more importantly, an expression of how he chooses to view the world.
Iain Stewart is a watercolor artist / illustrator and a signature member of both the American and National Watercolor Societies. His work has received numerous awards in international competition and he is a sought after juror and workshop instructor. He is also an architectural illustrator with an international clientele - a business he has run for the last 20 years. Iain maintains a studio in Opelika, Alabama.
Register on the NEWS website with your credit card
New England Watercolor Society PO Box 170140 Boston, Massachusetts 02117 www.newenglandwatercolorsociety.org
Princeton Arts Society Painting Party
Princeton Arts Society, Princeton, MA
The Princeton Arts Society invites you to join our members at our annual Painting (and any creative art) Party on Sunday, September 9 from 2pm to dark. Rain date is September 23.
Come meet new friends, create marvelous artwork, photos, writing, etc., in surroundings with breathtaking views.
We will share a potluck supper; so an appetizer, main dish, side, or dessert, and liquid libations, are all welcome.
Location: Jen Caswell's home: Storm Hill Farm, 32 Grow Lane, Princeton, MA
Questions? Phone Jen at 978-464-2343 (home) or 978-660-5668 (cell).
Glassblowing Classes
Terrapin Glassblowing Studio, Jaffrey, NH
Blow your own Terrarium
Class size 1-4 students, approximately 1 hour session Adults (16+) - $80 per person Ages 12-15 - $85 per person Ages 7-11 - $90 per person
Experience the wonderous art of blowing glass in the hot shop in this summer special glass terrarium class. Work with a team of artists to help shape and create an opening to load plants into your beautiful hanging piece. Get hands-on by learning to add color before heating, swirling and blowing into the molten glass. This class is in collaboration with a local florist, Coll's Garden Center. Your terrarium will be ready for pick-up the following week, complete with a brand new air plant to treasure!
Roll your own Hot Glass Paperweight
Class size 1- 4 people, approximately 1 hour session Adults (16+) - $65 per person Ages 12-15 - $70 per person Ages 7-11 - $75 per person
Choose two colors to decorate the inside of your paperweight before heading into the hot shop. In this class you will get to experience adding color, heating the glass up and swirling the glass. Students will also get to sit at the bench and use special glassblowing tools to add texture and design inside their glass globe. The instructor will encase your decorations inside more clear glass before you get the opportunity to use wet newspapers to shape your own glass paperweight! These paperweights are approximately 3 inches in diameter and sit flat on the table. Have a beautiful glass memento to forever treasure after this great experience!
Pull your own Textured Flower
Class size 1- 4 people, approximately 1 hour session Adults (16+) - $45 per person Ages 12-15 - $50 per person Ages 7-11 - $55 per person
Choose a stem color and a petal color of your liking before heading into the hot shop. In this class you get to experience adding color, heating the glass up and rolling the glass on a table to get your piece set-up. After that, students get to sit at the bench and use our specialized tools to pull the glass into a beautiful flower shape. These flowers can be as large as 13 inches long, complete with a beautiful texture around the petals made by you!
Class size 2-10 people Ages 12+ All materials included $40/person for this hour group class
All summer long we see caterpillars - in our gardens, in our trees, and now at Terrapin! This is by far one of our most popular classes, and it's a great way to get started in glass. First, the instructor will go over studio safety, then they will demo the caterpillar. During this class you will learn how to stripe and dot color, how to gather, and learn the basics of sculptural design. Once everyone feels comfortable, you'll have the rest of the class to make your own and keep a bit of summer with you.
Class size 2-10 people Ages 12+ All materials included $40/person for this hour group class
Experience flameworking first-hand by decorating your very own glass egg pendant! In this one-hour class, you will learn about safety, tools and equipment in the flameworking shop. After everyone is comfortable, your instructor will do a quick demonstration on the steps it takes to decorate one of these beautiful egg pendants. Students will then have the rest of the class-time to sit at their own torch and decorate a glass creation!
Glass Drinking Straws
Class size 2-10 people Ages 12+ All materials included $25/person for this half-hour group class
In America, we use over 500,000 single-use plastic straws every day, YUCK! Glass straws are not only gorgeous, they are also reusable. In this 30-minute class you will begin by practicing the technique of decorating clear glass with colored stringers. Once you have worked out the kinks, you will decorate your very own eco-friendly straws. Help protect Mother Earth from plastic and experience melting glass in the flame shop in this short and sweet class!
Terrapin Glassblowing Studio 79 Hadley Road Jaffrey, NH 03452 (603) 593-5073 www.TerrapinGlass.com
2018 Workshops
Monadnock Area Artists Association, Keene, NH
Realistic Pet Portraits in Pastel with Lisa Ober September 15 & 16, 2018
Lisa Ober, PSA, IAPS-MC, will be your instructor in this hands-on workshop sharing her experience creating life-like pastel pet portraits. Lisa's step-by-step approach to teaching pastel pet portraiture insures that when this workshop is complete you will know how to develop a realistic pet portrait from the first sketch through signing the finished painting.
Lisa will talk through the secrets to creating absolutely pet-able fur whether painting cats, dogs, horses, or other furry creatures. She will address the special issues of painting all black or all white fur, a common challenge. She will also show you how to make incredibly life-like eyes, a critical component for a realistic pet portrait that might leap off your paper! Time permitting, Lisa will also provide great tips for photographing pets in order to get the most flattering reference photos.
Please make your check payable to: Monadnock Area Artists Association. Please mail your registration form and check to:
Monadnock Area Artists Association
c/o C. Corliss
161 Streeter Hill Road
West Chesterfield, NH 03466
A confirmation will be sent via email, so please print clearly. If you have any questions, please contact Carol at pastels@tpdi.biz or 603-363-4205, or visit our website.
Colored Pencil with Kendra Ferreira
November 2018
In this fun and informative workshop students will learn to create vibrant drawings with the simple tool of colored pencils by layering colors, blending, burnishing, and creating rich darks and vibrant colors. Colored pencils are an easy transported medium and can be used for simple sketches to complex layered drawings. In this workshop we will be combining and learning about dry colored pencils with watercolor pencils and how this mixed media approach allows for a quicker build up of color and value. Artists of all levels will enjoy expanding the boundaries of this versatile colored pencil medium.
We will begin with a short discussion on materials then a demo about applying the pencils, mixing and layering colors and burnishing. Students will then work from a still life set up or photos if they wish. I like to work individually with each student during the workshop to their own abilities. Some materials will be provided, I do have some colored pencils and watercolor pencils for students to borrow during the workshop. Registration form
pastels@tpdi.biz Monadnock Area Artists Association monadnockareaartists.org
Fall Art Courses at MWCC
Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner, MA
All levels of Drawing, Figure Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, 2D and 3D Design. Classes are open to majors, non-majors, and seniors (tuition free). Students 60 years and older are eligible for a waiver of tuition and fees. Call 978-630-9270.
The Art Department at Mount Wachusett Community College invites you to consider our program this fall. We have an Art degree for students considering transfer to an art school or a four year institution majoring in Art. We also recently added a Liberal Arts Degree with a Concentration in Art for students who want to minor in Art and pursue other studies, or pursue related fields such as museum studies, art education, art therapy, art administration, and art history.
The Associate Degree in Fine Art is a cost effective way to begin a college degree and minimize debt after graduation. We assist students in creating a strong portfolio and application for transfer and potential scholarships. Our students have successfully transferred to Massachusetts College of Art and Design, University of Massachusetts, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Montserrat College of Art, Maine College of Art, Boston University, Hartford Art School, Pratt Institute, and others.
Visit our website to learn more about our program, facilities, and student work.
Contact Thomas Matsuda t_matsuda@mwcc.mass.edu for more information.
Wood Carving Classes
Marcia Berkall, Athol, MA
Tuesday evenings, 6:00-9:00pm
Classes on other days may be possible. Marcia Berkall welcomes all skill levels. Once basic techniques are learned she encourages students to express their own visions. Marcia stresses safety, creativity and fun! Marcia has over 20 years of experience teaching carving and now offers classes in her home studio in Athol. Wood carving is relaxing and addictive!
To see Marcia's work, visit: whittlinsnwood.com cahvah.wordpress.com facebook.com/woodcahvah
Marcia Berkall 116 Old Keene Road Athol, MA 01331 (978) 830-0293 mberkall@roadrunner.com
Call for Entries: Fall Arts Festival
Saxtons River Art Guild, Walpole, NH
Fall Arts Festival
September 29 and 30, 10 am - 4 pm
Walpole Town Hall, 34 Elm Street, Walpole, NH
This is a great opportunity to show and sell your work! The Saxtons River Art Guild's annual Fall Arts Festival will take place Saturday and Sunday, September 29 and 30, 2018 from 10 am to 4 pm both days at the historic and picturesque Walpole Town Hall, 34 Elm Street, on the common in Walpole, NH. Entry fees for the Fall Arts Festival 8' X 10' space are $25 for members and $30 for non-members.
The Saxtons River Art Guild is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote and encourage the advancement of the fine arts with membership throughout the the Monadnock region and the Southern Connecticut River Valley.
Download the entry form
For more information, please call Donna Bascom Lund at 603-835-2387 or email her at donnabascomlund@comcast.net.
Crafts Inn Front Lawn Show
Wilmington, VT
10 West Main Street, West of the traffic light, Rt. 9, Wilmington, VT
Saturday, August 4 - Sunday, August 5
10AM - 7PM Saturday, 10AM - 5PM Sunday
The fee is $25 for the weekend. To reserve your space at The Craft Inn Show, please send a check to: Ann Coleman 437 Maple Dr. Whitingham, VT 05361
Please arrive in the morning with enough time to be set up by 10am.
More information artyani@together.net 802-368-7090 802-379-4305 cell
PaperJam: A month-long riff on paper!
Great Falls Discovery Center, Turners Falls, MA
 Exploded View, a dynamic group of women artists and writers working together to create original performance and exhibitions, is curating a community art show to premier at the Great Falls Discovery Center in Turners Falls during the month of September.
Artists living in Western Massachusetts are invited to submit artwork on, about or related to paper, its personal or local significance, or your creative interpretation thereof - use your imagination!
Email up to three jpegs, with a brief description of each, including title, dimensions and materials, along with your name, address, and phone number to
explodedviewma@gmail.com by August 22 to be juried into the show.
Drop off for accepted work will be September 1, with a reception on Sunday, September 9. Participants who are able to make a small donation of $5 to help with reception costs may do so at drop-off time, but there are no submission fees for this show.
The Farmer and the Flea Seeking Vendors
Jaffrey Civic Center, Jaffrey, NH
The Jaffrey Civic Center is now accepting vendor applications for their summer market, The Farmer and the Flea, which runs every Saturday beginning, July 7th through October 6th. This is the second year we are offering the event. Vendors can sell their flea market items/crafts and or locally grown produce. We are especially seeking farm items like fresh flowers and eggs, berries, baked goods as well as honey or maple products. All are welcome. Centrally located on Main Street in the scenic town of Jaffrey, our spacious lawn offers high visibility to visitors and residents alike. We will plan to open the summer market on Saturdays from 9 am to 1pm. Discounts available for return vendors and Jaffrey residents. Please
download our Farmer and the Flea Vendor application form or contact us at 532-6527 for more information.
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, next to the Library, parking in rear. Hours are Monday-Friday from 10am to 5pm (closed 12-1pm), Sat 10am-2pm. Admission is always free. For more information about us, call 603-532-6527, e-mail us at info@thejaffreyciviccenter.com, visit our website, or "Like" us on Facebook.
Call for Artists: Made in Mass
The Brick Room Gallery, Gardner, MA
Rome Furniture, at 562 Main St. in Gardner, MA, is looking for art to fill The Brick Room gallery. We are interested in any art and craft works "Made in Mass." For more information call Linda Ruscio at 978-632-0687, or email inquiries to
linda@romefurniture.com. This opportunity is in the beginning stages.
Amherst Town Hall Gallery
Amherst Public Art Commission, Amherst, MA
 The Amherst Public Art Commission invites area artists or groups of artists to submit work for consideration for exhibition in the Amherst Town Hall Gallery in 2018-2019 (July 2018-June 2019.) Both established and emerging artists are encouraged to apply. Exhibitions are on display for two months, and artists are asked to participate in the monthly Amherst Arts Night Plus (first Thursday of the month) during their show.
Various hanging media including painting, photography, drawing, printmaking, pastels, mixed media, fiber and illustration will be considered.
Submission requirements: Completed application, artist statement and/or resume, and 5 digital images. A $20 entry fee is payable upon acceptance to exhibit. Applications must be received no later than January 20, 2018. Artists will be notified of the jury's decision by February 5, 2018.
The Art Exhibit Committee
Athol Public Library
The Art Exhibit Committee of the Athol Public Library invites area artists to submit work for consideration for exhibition in the library's conference room.
The committee will review work for one person shows on an ongoing basis.
Various hanging media including painting, drawing, printmaking, illustration, photography, textiles and mixed media are eligible.
The Fitchburg Cultural Alliance
Go to our website to sign up for our newsletter and check out our calendar of events in the North Central region.
A vibrant force advancing arts and culture in the Fitchburg community and in the North Central Massachusetts region.
The Central Mass Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art
The Central Mass chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art (CMWCA) is accepting new memberships. We are a national organization that supports, develops and celebrates art making by women. We create exhibition opportunities; network with artists regionally, nationally and internationally; and offer educational programs locally. We are organized as an artists' collective where each member contributes to our vision and works as needed to carry our mission forward.
For more information, see our websites: www.centralmasswca.org and www.nationalwca.org.
Art Support & Other
Art Support is a website dedicated to providing support and resources for artists of all types.
The following is just a small list of support provided to artists: Organizations Helping Visual Artists, US Government Art Organizations, State Agencies and Art Commissions, Non Governmental Art Organizations, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Laws Regarding Visual Arts, Artist Consultants, Grants for Artists & Grant Assistance, Artist Health Insurance, and many other legal support and resources for Massachusetts artists.
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and check out the MCC blog ArtSake
The Painter's Keys where you can subscribe to twice weekly letters from artist Robert Genn.
Visit the Arts Marketing Project website for info, ideas, tools and training on marketing art.
Princeton Arts Society Blog
Mini Grants for Professional Development are available through NewVue Communities. More information.
The Creative Underground
It's time to reveal your hidden talent and show your work!
The Creative Underground is now accepting new members to their artisan gallery. Located at the Hudson Mill, 43 Broad Street in Hudson, TCU offers artists the opportunity to display their work for a low monthly membership fee with an extremely high commission rate back to you!
We are looking for a mix of works - fine art, hand-crafted, glass, wood, metal, and reclaimed, jewelry and out-of-box works.
Applications are now being accepted for new memberships.
Email us at info@thecreativeunderground.org
Provide us with a little info to start:
- Contact info
- 4-6 sample (low-resolution jpeg preferred/zip larger files)
- Short description and motivation
- Materials used
- Price range
- Quantity of inventory available (small-moderate amount is need to start, but replenishing is needed through the year).
TCU mission is to reveal the hidden talent of artists in your communities to both encourage and support the arts.
Exhibit Opportunities
The Arts Alliance has quarterly exhibits at the Hudson Town Hall, so if you are interested in a solo exhibit of your work, contact Danielle Moskowitz at (978) 562-1646 or dmoskowitz@upwitharts.org.
The Library is always looking for exhibitors to show their work in the Art Gallery. If you are interested in exhibiting as an individual or a group, please
contact the Library Director, Kathleen D. Leslie at 978-632-5298 or
The bank offers the opportunity for a small display of artwork at the 171 Main St. branch in Gardner. For more info, contact Monica Whitehouse at 978-632-9207.
Art & Music Instruction Opportunity
Donating a portion of the course fee to the WBAF to support school arts & music would be most welcome.
If interested, please contact
Mark Baldi (508) 767-2803 - work (508) 835-6489 - home
We Need Your Help!
There are many ways to volunteer! Please email
to express your interest in helping out with our organization.
Have news about exhibits, awards, events, classes, call for artists
or other art info?
Please send your news "publication ready" to
. See
previous newsletters
for example formats and the type of info to provide.
We strongly recommend that you include a digital image related to the news
as well as your website address & links to any venues.
Image filenames should include the name of the artist and the work.
Please post your press releases online whenever possible and submit a link.
Submission deadline is the 23rd of each month
for publication on the 1st of the following month.
Inclusion of items/announcements is always at the discretion of GALA, but inclusion of submissions from non-members is limited to information deemed to be of benefit to GALA members.
All Star Award
GALA won Constant Contact's All Star Award 9 years in a row (2009-2017) for demonstrating best practices in the use of email marketing.
Award winners were selected from over 500,000 organizations in recognition for setting the standard of being a responsible, engaged, professional, and successful online marketer.
GALA continues its efforts to put out an informational, entertaining newsletter every month to inform its members of recent, current and future art news.