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August is National Wellness Month

Celebrate National Wellness Month!

Prioritize your self-care, reduce stress, and create healthier habits to feel like your best self! We can often put our health and wellness on the back burner due to family obligations, work and other stressors. This month we are sharing multiple tips and suggestions to help you get and stay healthy.


Wellness: Tips to Boost Your Health as You Age

Many factors can influence healthy aging. While some of these factors, such as genetics, are not within our control, research shows there are steps you can take to help manage your health as you age. Even making small changes in your daily life can help you live longer and better.


What is a healthy weight for me?

Two measures can help you determine whether you are at a healthy weight.

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure based on your weight in relation to your height. You can use an online tool to calculate your BMI.

Experts recommend that older adults have a BMI between 25 and 27 — slightly higher than the recommended range of 18.5 to 24.9 for younger adults. On the other hand, some people, particularly older adults, can have a BMI in the healthy range, but still have too much body fat. That’s why it’s also important to also measure your waist size.

Your waist size is a measure that may tell you if you carry too much body fat. Women with a waist size of more than 35 inches and men with a waist size of more than 40 inches may be more likely to develop health problems. Measure your waist size to help figure out if you carry extra fat.

Being underweight can also be a health concern for older adults. It could mean that you

  • have increased risk for weakness and bone loss
  • are not eating enough calories to maintain your weight
  • don’t have access to enough food or foods that meet your nutrient needs
  • have an illness or medical condition

Keeping a healthy weight may help improve your health. The weight that is healthiest for you may be higher than that of a younger person. Ask your health care professional what a healthy weight for you may be.

Wellness: Physical Activity for Older Adults

Physical activity can prevent or delay many of the health problems that seem to come with age. It also helps your muscles grow stronger so you can keep doing your day-to-day activities without becoming dependent on others. If you are ready to begin a dedicated exercise program, you need to incorporate aerobics, muscle-strengthening, and balance activities each week. 

Learn more about how to build a successful exercise plan that will help keep you healthy, strong and agile as you age.


Wellness: Benefits of Physical Activity

Wellness: Healthy Eating Tips for Older Adults

As you grow older, you go through many changes, and you may need to adjust your lifestyle for healthy aging. Healthy eating and regular physical activity can be keys to good health at any age. Making suitable lifestyle choices may also prevent some health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

Health tips include:

  • Select high-fiber foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, beans, unsalted nuts and seeds, deeply colored vegetables (like green beans), and fruits.
  • Avoid fried foods. Choose broiled, grilled, or boiled options instead.
  • Drink vitamin D-fortified low-fat or fat-free milk; milk products; or nondairy soy, almond, rice, or other drinks with added vitamin D and calcium to help keep your bones strong as you age.
  • Drink fluids throughout the day. You may feel less thirsty as you get older, but your body needs fluids to stay healthy and keep you regular. If you have a bladder control problem, check with your doctor about what, how much, and when to drink liquids.
  • Ask your health care professional about whether or how you can safely become active or increase your physical activity.
  • Pick physical activities that you enjoy and can do on your own or with a friend or group.
  • Stay connected with family, friends, and your community.

Learn what you can do to stay healthy and fit—for yourself and your loved ones!

For more information on how to stay healthy as you age, click the button below.


Smart Shopping: Know What You Are Buying

Seniors should make a habit of reading nutrition labels, which can be particularly helpful for managing conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol. Labels on food packages and menus provide crucial information about sodium, sugar, fats and calorie content.

The Food and Drug Administration provides tips on understanding nutrition facts labels. Understanding facts like serving sizes, daily values and calories can guide you to better choices, like opting for low-sodium soups or sugar-free beverages.

Making healthy nutrition choices helps ensure your diet supports your cardiovascular health and overall well-being.


Medication Management Tips

Once we hit 65, most of us take some kind of medication or supplement daily. Proper medication management is important to manage your overall health, monitor chronic conditions, and reduce your risk of a fall. 

You can also print this downloadable Medication Record form to track medications and have them reviewed by a doctor or pharmacist.

For more information on managing your medications wisely, click here:


Stay Tuned: September is National Fall Prevention Month

Falling is not a normal part of aging. You can prevent falls by doing the right exercises, making your home safer, getting regular health checkups, and more. Next month, we will share information and tools to help you to stay safe.

Veterans Directed Care (VDC) Now Available in Sacramento County

The Veterans Directed Care (VDC) program at Agency on Aging Area 4 began receiving referrals from the Veterans Administration this July for Sacramento County residents, and new Veterans join each week.

Since October 2023, the program has operated for Nevada and Placer Counties. VDC gives Veterans of all ages the opportunity to receive the Home and Community Based Services they need at home.

With the help of a Case Manager/Navigator, Veterans receive a budget for services to hire and manage their own workers to meet their daily needs. Veterans interested in the VDC program should talk to their social worker through the Veterans Health Administration. 

Attention Sacramento: Free Event

Healthy Eating = Healthy Aging

Salmon with Chili Mango Salsa

August is here, and with it, swelting temperatures.

Treat yourself this summer

to a light and refreshing meal. 

This salmon and Mango salsa will surely be a hit. Click the button below to check out the recipe. 


Citrus Berry Ice

A great way to stay safe this summer is to stay hydrated. Water is a great choice to quench your thirst but sometimes you want to change things up. This delicious Citrus Berry Ice Slushy is just the drink you need to beat the heat. Click the button below for a more detailed recipe. 


Fresh Fruit Slushie

With triple degree heat in August don’t worry about using the oven to make desserts. Fresh seasonal fruit can be a great sweet treat to incorporated into your diet.

Try this fresh, simple fruit dipped in chocolate for a nutritious treat. 


Meals on Wheels: Delivering More Than Just a Meal

Attention Yuba and Sutter Counties!

Did you know? Agency on Aging Area 4 oversees Meals on Wheels Yuba Sutter. The home-delivered meal program provides meals to program participants who are homebound, physically or mentally frail, or are in need of meals either because they cannot prepare food for themselves.

Our Meals on Wheels Yuba & Sutter Counties meals are delivered to program participant's doors with the help of team of dedicated staff and volunteers.

Meals are prepared fresh by local restaurants, and delivered cold. All meals are nutritionally balanced, pre-approved by a registered dietitian and designed for older adult's needs. 

Learn more! Click button to visit their website. Subscribe to their newsletter by clicking button below to be the first to hear about news and events — including an upcoming Food Truck Fundraiser happening in happening in Yuba and Sutter counties — and how you can get involved!


Do you receive SSI? Don’t miss out on food benefits!

Food prices have increased significantly in recent years. It makes it difficult for many of us—especially older adults—to keep eating well.

Fortunately, CalFresh has allocated funds specifically for adults aged 60+. We simplify the application process for them.

Learn more and start your application today. 

Click button below or call us at 



What is Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)?

An ADRC is a network of organizations that work together to make access to services easier for older adults, people with disabilities, and family care providers. We are here to support you in finding resources and exploring your community options for living independently.

We can help you stay in your home, remain connected to your community, make a smooth transition from hospital to home, and access caregiver resources or respite care.

How can an ADRC help you?

  • By providing in-person, phone, or online information about a wide range of services and resources.
  • By presenting options for long-term services and support so that informed choices can be made about care planning.
  • By offering short-term services to address urgent needs and prevent unnecessary admission to a nursing facility or hospital.
  • By coordinating relocation from hospitals or nursing facilities back to a home or the community and arranging for needed support.

ADRCs are transforming the way people access community resources.

Get help today!

CALL: (800) 211-4545

EMAIL: cm@agencyonaging4.org

WEB: www.adrc4.org

Workshops for Healthy Aging

Agency on Aging Area 4 hosts free virtual and in-person workshops for the older adult community in Sacramento, Nevada, Placer, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.

Whether you’re interested in nutrition, health promotion or job readiness we have the classes for you!


For the latest news on healthy aging, follow us on social media!

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These email newsletters are funded, in part, by CalFresh Healthy Living Program.

Learn more here.