Area26 news & updates
August 2020 | Issue 12
Let me win, but if I cannot win,
Let me be brave in the attempt.
Letter from the Editor...
This edition of the A26 Newsletter brings us around to a full year of operations. (That is, year 2 begins with the next issue...)

We hope that during the more normal times pre-COVID that we brought some interesting and exciting news about our programs, players and volunteers.

We ALSO hope that since the lockdown you have found some connection through this mailing to those who will once again be your partners and competitors once return to play. As was noted in the letter from the Council last month, there will be no regular in-person programs during the Fall Season this year. There are just too many limitations and risks to having everyone back together before the passing of the crisis.

In the meantime, Abby Lacy is preparing a series of online programs to enable meetups and good fitness practices which will be available from a new page on our website starting in September. We hope you will find them fun and exciting, and in the meantime, PLEASE continue to send photos of your activities and participation so that we can all keep in touch with good social distance.
Virtual Activities ...
A note from the coordinator of our upcoming online programs effort, Abby Lacy...

We are SO sad that we will not get to see your shining faces each week at practices and tournaments this fall, BUT we are so excited to facilitate some virtual exercise class opportunities. 

I am currently working with all our wonderful coaches and volunteers to line up a schedule for virtual trainings that will focus on getting you prepared to participate and compete in the   Fitness Combine being hosted by SOVA (see the button right under Abby's headstand...)
In addition to these weekly trainings focused on the Fitness Combine Movements, we're hoping to roll out some other classes like Zumba, Yoga, Strength Training, etc. to keep you all FIT and ready to hit the ground running when we can open back up. 

Keep an eye on our Virtual Classes Page on the Area Website for more information in the coming weeks! 
Fit-5 Fitness Pals Continue the Quest...
Tom, Chris and Kyler...

The COVID Frontier.

Their 5 month explore strange new sports, to seek out new exercises and new stretches, to boldly grow muscles where none has grown before...
Kyler putting it up for a two with nothing but net
Chris getting limber
Tom in the endless pushup parade
Staying Active is the key for now!!
While staying physically active and fit is definitely a focus, we all need to keep busy doing things that matter and things that are just FUN. Here are some pictures of our Area members and how they are using the time...
Casmir Carter working out at home
Ashley Mann ready to support her Nats...
Michael England and Tom Merz out walking
David Kellet-Forsythe in a pushup marathon
Olivia Baker and her friends (two and four legged) out for a swim
Tom Merz getting a pass to Max Hershberger
Kyler Reese and Coach Zach Shaw getting in court time
Tony Linthicum Airborne...
Andrew Hazel holding down the floor
Vinnie Roubin walking his dog
Jeffrey Eskridge holding down the driveway
Rachel Kaplan after a workout
Adel Saliba working out at home
Josh Foster with a NEW haircut!!
Coach Jeff Eskridge demonstrating his endurance
Flexing their time away - strong armed masked athletes - Chris, Kyler and Jeff Cogswell. THE THREE MUSCLE-TEERS!!
Annie Eplee at the office
Morgan Howard sailing and dining at sea
Max Hershberger takes a break from his 24/7 workout to sing a song!!
Coach Jeff and athlete Jeffrey Eskridge out on a walk
Celeste Fernandez and Patrick Kelly getting some sun at the beach
Jeyoon Cho getting his Zen on in the mountains
We love to have your inputs - so keep busy and...
Stay Healthy, Stay Active!!
Sport of the Month: On Vacation and Social Distancing...
  • in the meantime, here is a special offer from SOVA
For a limited time - only through Friday, August 14th, SOVA is offering custom logo Face Masks for $5.99 each.

Stay safe and showcase your support of Special Olympics VA! ***Masks will be produced as soon as the store closes, then shipped out to you as quickly as possible.
Get yours at the Button Below...
Revealing the Champion in all of us...
Athletes Corner
  • by Billy Duquette
Kyler Reese
Kyler Reese, a Special Olympics athlete of Area 26, and a Global Messenger, has been selected as one of the new class of world representatives for the program called the Special Olympics Health Messengers. The program is made up of selected SO Athletes (25 from North America) who want to help their community to understand what it takes to be fit and healthy.

For four weeks, he and other new Messengers will learn more on how to advocate for better health for people with intellectual disabilities.

While Kyler is in class, some of the topics that he and the other Messengers will discuss how to:
  • Stay healthy as a positive role model to other athletes
  • Determine what healthy activities they can do with all of the athletes back home in Area 26.
  • Develop skills to help their communities advocate for healthy choices and lead teams to establish healthy lifestyles.
  • Learn how they could turn all of that information into leadership skills for action

After the four weeks are done for Kyler, he will submit a plan for a special program called practicum, where he will help other Special Olympics athletes in a special activity.

Kyler has in mind what he wants to do within the program practicum with the members of the fit5 workout crew. He is going to develop an online workout for Area athletes, and maybe the whole State.

All of the athletes of Area 26 are proud of the news for Kyler and hope for the best work for him in his new challenge as a Special Olympics Health Messenger.
Talk to you next month,
- Billy
Upcoming Events
September: Online activities
Please continue to share information about this newsletter and website with those you know in the community so that we can better share the wonder of our special athletes and volunteers . To sign up to receive the newsletter, go to our webform Newsletter Subscription
Area 26 Points of Contact
Area 26 Council

Elaine Tilton

Patrick DeLapp
Billy Duquette
Bruce Fingerhut
Veronica Jennings
Nancy Julia
Abby Lacy
Nancy Robbins
Paul Tierney
Bernie Woolfley
Area 26 Special Olympics |
Season Directors
Elaine Tilton, Fall/Winter

Nancy Julia, Spring/Summer

Barry Tilton

Volunteer Coordinator
Bruce Fingerhut

Medical Coordinator
Barb DeLisa

Senior Director, Potomac Region
Veronica Jennings
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