August NJSPE Update
NJSPE NEWS                                                                                
NJSPE Would like to Welcome its New Members:
G. Christian Andreasen Jr., PE
Middlesex Water Company
Michael Poland, PE
Poland Environmental Consulting, LLC
Darius Baboomian (Student)
Rutgers School of Engineering
Charles Surmonte, PE

NJSPE Member Renewals
If you have received your renewal for next year and are paying by Purchase Order or Voucher, please send all paper work to NJSPE for a signature.  You can mail it to NJSPE, 414 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611 or you can fax it to 609-393-9891. Thank you for your membership!


New Jersey PE Exam FAQs

You've passed your Fundamentals of Engineering exam, graduated with an engineering degree, and studied under a professional engineer for four years, and now you're ready to take the New Jersey PE exam and finally become a professional engineer. This can be a very exciting and nerve-racking time, because you haven't had to take an exam this intensive in a long time, and you want to make sure you're prepared. We want to settle your nerves a little and help you out by providing the answers to some of the most popular questions about the PE exam. READ MORE

Everything you Need to Know about the PE Exam Results

Because there are so many different versions of the professional engineering exam, it can be difficult to know what information is relevant to you and what is relevant to other disciplines. Regardless of what discipline you are looking for a professional engineering license in, below is the information you need to know everything about what to expect from your results, including when you get them, how you get them, and how they are determined.  READ MORE

For complete materials on the upcoming October PE exam, click here

INDUSTRY INSIGHT                                                                         
EDA Challenges NJ to Rethink Old Ways, Become Innovative  Again
NJ Spotlight

New Jersey has always been a cradle of American innovation. From Thomas Edison and Robert Wood Johnson to Albert Einstein and Shirley Ann Jackson, the Garden State has been a source of big thinking and new ideas that changed the world. However, over the last several decades, the stakes have been raised: More states are vying for the mantle of innovation leader than ever before. To compete and win in the 21st century economy, we need to rekindle our commitment to innovation and recapture the invention-based growth that created a path to the middle class for millions of New Jersey residents.  READ MORE

Welby, head of IEEE, feels engineering and tech can help solve all of planet's problems

Stephen Welby, the new executive director at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Piscataway,  recently chatted with ROI-NJ on what he will discuss that night - and about the ways he's helped advance technology and help the country.
The IEEE is a group that bills itself as the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. Welby previously worked in President Barack Obama's administration for eight years as an assistant secretary of defense (essentially serving as the top engineer on projects most people can't dream of) and worked with Silicon Valley startups.  READ MORE

Report Calls for Regional Clean Transportation Plan
Engineering News Record

Creating more walkable and bike-friendly streets, expanding electric vehicle fleets and reducing congestion and increasing access to public transportation in cities, suburbs and rural and low-income communities across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are among the strategies outlined in a new report calling for a regional clean transportation plan. Unveiled on July 19, the Natural Resources Defense Council's report entitled Transportation Reimagined, says the nation's current transportation system cost the economy $147 billion in 2015 alone.   READ MORE

Governor's School of Engineering and Technology scholars create the future

The project titles included "Synthesis and Characterization of Simplified Nuclear Waste Glasses Containing Molybdenum" and "Fabrication and Characterization of Polymeric Aortic Vessels."  The projects' creators were 70 of the top high school students in New Jersey.  These students were selected from more than 400 applicants for admission to the Governor's School of Engineering and Technology (GSET) scholars program, a national program which allows high school students to collaborate, attend classes and live on the Rutgers University-New Brunswick campus for one month.  READ MORE

Louis Berger to be acquired for $400M

Path to zero emissions starts out easy, but gets steep
Science Daily

NSPE NEWS                                                                                       
Congress Takes First Step in Occupational Licensing Reform

With Congress looking at steps to tackle excessive licensing burdens, the House and Senate passed the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 2353). Among the amendments adopted was a version of the New Hope Act, legislation that would allow states to use federal education funds to identify and examine licenses or certifications that (1) pose an unwarranted barrier to entry into the workforce and (2) do not protect the health, safety, or welfare of consumers. With this law, states could use this money to form a commission or task force to review existing licensing requirements in their state and identify ones that should be eliminated or curtailed.    READ MORE

What Constitutes Unprofessional Engineering Practice?

State engineering licensing laws require or authorize licensing boards, or other state authorities, to discipline licensed and unlicensed engineers when they take actions that constitute unprofessional behavior or conduct. These actions include negligence, signing or sealing plans not prepared by the licensee, and other violations. The enforcement of these improper practices and severity of the penalties vary by state, and now NSPE members have free access to all the relevant information in one comprehensive resource.   READ MORE

NSPE's Year in Review 2017-2018

Over the past year, NSPE kept the professional engineer front-and-center as the only national organization dedicated to serving PEs. Along with its strong network of state societies and local chapters, the Society carried out its mission of protecting and enhancing the value of licensure by standing up to a growing number of threats to the PE. Throughout the year, the Society championed the PE license, stood as the ethical guide to the profession, powered professional advancement, and united the PE community. The Year in Review  covers NSPE's advocacy wins, growing federal presence, work on key topics such as autonomous vehicles and energy issues, and much more.  READ MORE

NSPE Urges Delay in Consideration of AV START Act

With only a few working days left on its calendar, the US Senate is considering attaching the pending AV START Act (S. 1885) to other legislation, including the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act (S. 1405). The bill, if enacted, would allow the Department of Transportation to exempt as many as 100,000 autonomous vehicles per manufacturer from federal safety regulations.  READ MORE

2017-2018 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                           

Vatsal A. Shah, PE
Mark J. Janiszewski, PE
Past President
Michael J. Bennink, PE
Robert V. Kiser, PE
Vice President
Joseph A. Mancini, PE
Katherine Childers, PE
Brian Van Nortwick, EIT
NJSPE Director at Large
Robert J. Thiel, PE
NSPE Delegate (two-year term 2016-2018) 
Lawrence Powers, Esq.
Joe Simonetta, CAE
Executive Director
