National Association of Congregational Christian Churches:
Community Connections- August 1, 2017
Annual Meeting & Conference Highlight
Jim Waechter, Vice Moderator, Varn Philbrook, President, Board of Governors

What a success the Annual Meeting & Conference was! At the meeting, which was held June 24-27 at Piedmont College, the Board of Directors and Board of Governors came together and set several goals that they will jointly work on for the coming year.
Your NACCC Board of Directors and Board of Governors set several initiatives. One, for example, is the consolidation of all the NACCC endowed funds to be managed by the Board of Governors. This action will simplify the accounting and improve the managing of the funds that many former members and donors have given as bequests to the NACCC. 
Another joint effort, which was voted on by the delegates, at this year's meeting involves transferring the payroll expenses for the two key employees who are responsible for the fundraising and communications of the NACCC. The functional transfer from the Board of Governors to the Board of Directors will not be implemented until our 2018-2019 fiscal year. This change will provide all member churches a more precise accounting of the entire staffing costs involved in running the Association.
The Board of Governors will continue to provide, through the Association's Executive Director, those goals and objectives for the Associations fundraising and communications programs. Meanwhile the Board of Directors will continue to oversee all budgeting functions and monitor all program expenditures for the NACCC. 
One primary focus for the coming years is to continue to provide guidance and assistance so our local churches not only survive, but thrive. The efforts on the part of both Boards will be aimed at making this happen.


At the meeting, we were fortunate enough to hear a lecture from Barbara Brown Taylor, noted Christian author.

NACCC Missions Administrator Linda Miller and JR McAliley, from Center Congregational Church of Atlanta, GA greeted attendees at the airport.

(Jodee Lord, from Oakwood Heights Community Church, Staten Island, NY, also helped greet at the Atlanta Airport.

Thanks for all your help!

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From Our Churches

Horton Congregational Church in Horton, MI  hosted a "three church" unity service for Independence Day on July 2nd.

First Congregational Church in New Richland, MN celebrated its 135th anniversary on July 9th.

Pastor Stu Merkel from Faith Community Church in Franklin, WI recently won second place in a competition for his sermon on "The Science of Faith and Purpose" based on Colossians 3:12-17. 

North Congregational Church of Farmington Hills, MI, with The Muslim Community Mosque and the St. Gerald Catholic Church, will host South Oakland Shelter at North Congregational Church the week of August 20th -27th.

First Congregational Church of Fall River, MA will host a free yoga class on August 22nd.
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National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 South Howell Ave
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1615