Middle Baptist Association Annual Meeting

August 25th—6pm—FBC Springfield

We hope all 36 churches will be represented as we worship together and celebrate our missions work of the past year. All are welcome to attend. 

Men’s Event, Mission Trip, Senior Adult Revival, Children’s Camp, & More!


From the Desk

of the AMS

by Russell Lyle

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24, ESV) 

To be a Christian is to be a disciple, a follower of Jesus. Of course, to define the term Christian, means much more than this, but not less. No one is a Christian who is not also a Christ-follower.  

The key to discipleship is self-denial. Jesus has just told the disciples he will be going to the cross, and yet, Peter stands in opposition. This leads to the Lord’s famous words of condemnation when he says to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.” You see, Peter was interested in only the things that could benefit Peter. Peter wanted the power and authority of the kingdom, but only on earthly and worldly terms. Peter wanted the prestige of being close to Jesus. In his mind there was no room for suffering, not for Jesus and not for himself. Peter wanted comfort, because ultimately Peter was seeking to serve his favorite idol which was Peter himself. 

So, Jesus speaks these amazing words. Amazing because they are so counterintuitive to our sinful, fallen nature. He says that to follow him you must deny yourself. He then equates that self-denial to carrying a cross. Now the disciples were familiar with crucifixion. Living in ancient Galilee and Judea, the evidence of Roman occupation and crucifixion were everywhere. It would not have been uncommon for them to witness a crucifixion as Rome flexed its might over these occupied people. They would have observed the worst of criminals forced to carry their crosses to the place of execution. They were dead men walking. As they would carry their crosses from the place of judgment to the place of execution, they would endure the mocking, scorn, and shame on the way to their death. 

The call to deny self and follow Jesus has not changed. We, too, are to take up our cross and follow him. We are to deny self. We are to consider ourselves dead to this world, its passion, desires, prestige, and power. We are to live, not to self, but for Christ. Paul recognized this as he writes to the Philippians. He knew that his life was for Christ only (Philippians 1:21). He knew that he must have the same sacrificial attitude as Christ and put the interests of other believers above his own (Philippians 2:3-5). He recognized that as a follower of Christ it meant suffering and to know Christ would involve this kind of self-denial (Philippians 3:7-10). Paul recognized that his true citizenship was not found here on earth, but in heaven, and those with their focus on earthly things demonstrate that they are enemies of the cross and their end is destruction (Philippians 3:18-20).  

So, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.” (Matthew 16:25–27, ESV) 

Screven County Schools: Sunday August 4th at 2:30pm

Gather at the Courthouse, then head to school of your choice. Cover each Campus with Prayer!


This month we remember Rev. Max Hall, who passed away on his birthday in July. He faithfully served North Newington Baptist Church for over three decades and was a great supporter of the MBA. Please lift up his family in prayer in the days ahead.  

Friendship Baptist Church is hosting Eternal Vision in concert on August 25th beginning at 10:30am and having dinner on the grounds at noon. Come!!!

FBC Springfield will be hosting a Family Blitz event on Wednesday, August 28 at 6:00pm. Family Blitz is an event that uses games and shouts to teach the entire family about Biblical principles. Parents and their children play games to learn how to have fun together, all while hearing the Gospel. All are invited to come get the school year started off with a BLITZ! 

There’s a lot going on at West Millen Baptist Church. 1) Kids Helping Kids: Dollars raised during VBS were used to help those in need in our local community. County-wide "Back to School" day was a big success with distribution of clothing, free school supplies with book bags, and free haircuts.  2) Mark Your Calendars: October 27th thru 30th, "JUDGMENT DAY 2024!" is returning so be sure to register your church for this year's "The Hit List," an awesome script with a surprising twist. Registration will open October 1st. Details forthcoming. 3) Deacon Ordination Service for two newly elected deacons. 4) Youth group went on a week-long excursion to Kentucky to the ARK Encounter and Creation Museum.

Rev. B.J. Horne preached his last Sunday at Double Heads Baptist Church on July 28th. He is moving to a very unchurched area of the country, Vermont.

Pineora Baptist Church will host the Down East Boys in concert on September 14th at 7pm. All are invited to come enjoy some great gospel music!


Happy Birthday to:

Casse Bragg-12-Rocky Ford

Kay McElveen-25-Pineora


Happy Pastor Anniversary to:

Chad Wall-14-Friendship

Wayne Bragg-20-Rocky Ford



Food Pantry open to our churches to pick up a box or to send those who might need assistance.

Event Trailer request form is on our website for our member churches. 

First come, first serve basis. Call (912)564-2884 for calendar check!

Event Trailer

Bro. Russell is available for Pulpit Supply as calendar permits.

Office# (912)564-2884 or Cell# (813)466-9311.

► The Mission Center is open for help, info, food pantry, literature recycling… Monday thru Thursday, 9am-4:30pm


Training available thru MBA: Pastor Search Team Training

Call Bro. Russell to schedule!


We can help with

Pulpit Supply List and help with finding interim.


Attention Clerks & Secretaries The Annual Church Profile (ACP) and Leadership Reports have been mailed. Please make sure you have them and make it a priority this year!!!

Register for SPARK

Collection will be in November

 Will go to Appalachia and be given out.

 Collect & Give!