September 2020
In-Person Meeting for Worship

There will not be in-person Meeting for Worship on Sunday, September 6th due to floor refinishing in the Meetinghouse. Please join us on Zoom instead.

After that, Sunday Meeting for Worship has as face-to-face option at the Third Street Meetinghouse (shown right), as well as the opportunity to meet on Zoom.

There is room for twenty-two socially-distanced Friends to gather in the meeting room. So far, we've been running fewer than ten face-to-face attendees. Please remember to sign a screening form as you arrive at the Meetinghouse. This is critically important for contact tracing should anyone become ill at a later date.

Please email Carol Clarke, Gina Varrichio (clerk), or anyone from Communications Committee (Melissa Travis Dunham, Marin Clarkberg, and Nancy Riffer) if you have questions about any of this.
Farmington Scipio Fall Gathering Retreat
September 19, 2020, 9:00am-4:00pm

How are we feeling led today, in this time of uncertainty?
Visioning, discernment, and naming the gifts in our region as we consider our work

Friends, Fall Gathering is upon us. We know things are not going to look the way they have looked in the past. Due to the pandemic, some events in the region have been cancelled or postponed. We considered postponing, but we’re going ahead with Fall Gathering on its originally planned date.
Like Spring Gathering, Fall Gathering will be held via Zoom. Many Friends and Friends’ organizations have found that holding gatherings by Zoom has some unexpected advantages. We have the chance to learn more about who we are as a region, and the opportunity to have more of the region included in our gatherings and in the work of the region.
At FSRM’s Fall Gathering 2019, we asked: How do we live as Quakers in a world with increased acts of intolerance, fear, and hate? How do we live our Quaker values?
Much has occurred in our world since then, and no one has escaped the impact of these events. This fall we are asking: What and how have things changed? What has changed in our Quaker communities? What changes are still needed?

How can we come from a place of strength—a strength-based way of meeting the region’s needs rather than a lack-based way? Rather than coming from a not-enough-ness, a sense of burnout, and the need to fill positions, we might ask: 

  • What are we good at? What do we have? What can we give? 
  • What are the strengths of our meeting/church/worship group? 
  • What would we like to do, if we could do anything?
Some of us use our gifts to repair the world, some of us use them to grow and sustain our meetings: What is our part in the region’s work?

Support the Ithaca Sanctuary with Poetry!

At our last Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, we agreed that we cannot fully participate in the work of the Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance, but we can support their efforts, including their fundraising efforts. Below is one that is underway during this month of September:

The Ithaca Reform Temple, (Tikkun V'Or) is a member of the Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance. This September Barbara Regenspan, on behalf of the Temple, has organized a fundraiser for the Alliance: "30 Poems in 30 Days". Its goal is to benefit the ongoing needs of the Sanctuary Ministry at the First Congregational Church as it supports the Central American family currently in residence, who are seeking protection and safety in the US. 

Poets can jump in at any time, from anywhere in the world, (both rookie and established) who appreciate the extra motivation to write every day, while supporting the needs of an immigrant family. Poets are asked to email all of their friends, family members and fans, asking them to donate 50 cents, one dollar, or more for each of the 30 (or fewer) poems the participating poet promises to write in September!  Poets are welcome to have their work posted as frequently as they like on the blog established for this purpose, but are not obligated to post everyday.  (It's an artists' and donors' honor system!) 

Here is the blog location to enter into your browser so you can check out the work of the poets:  If you want to support this effort go to the Go Fund Me webpage If you have any questions, there is a contact person, Barbara Regenspan, on the Go Fund Me page. 

Thanks for taking a look! 

Elizabeth Schneider
Where are Monthly Meeting minutes?

The minutes from Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business are on our website and can be found on the right-side column on the website. The minutes from July are here.
Virtual workshops from Powell House

Powell House is a retreat center for New York Yearly Meeting. Workshops continue on-line.

September offerings include:
  • Spiritual Self-Care
  • PoHo Book Club reads Just Mercy
  • Change is in the Air (for 3rd through 5th graders)
For more information, see:
Worship at Hector Twice Weekly

Friends are meeting in-person, outdoors, on the grounds of the Hector Meetinghouse on Perry City Road.
  • Midweek: 6pm Wednesdays
  • Sundays at 10am

Bring your own chair and wear your mask. Directions to the Hector Meetinghouse are here.
September Calendar of Ithaca Monthly Meeting
Sunday, September 6, 9:30a

Join Friends to watch a brief QuakerSpeak video and discuss what you watched.
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Sunday, September 13, 12:30p

Please send agenda items to the Clerk by Monday, September 7. (Contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.)
Women's Fellowship is Zooming
Friday, September 18, 6:30p

Bring your knitting, wear your best sweatpants... or not... and join us for an informal hangout. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 20, 9:30a

Join Friends to watch a brief QuakerSpeak video and discuss what you watched.
Womens Chair Yoga now by Zoom
Monday & Thursdays, 11a to noon
People are joining in now from several states, so being new to this activity isn’t a problem. Lots of focus on lung health these days. Email Nancy Gabriel by the evening before in order to receive the link:
120 Third Street • Ithaca NY 14850
Gina Varrichio, Clerk

Pat Sewell, Treasurer
Marin Clarkberg, Newsletter editor
Newsletter contributions due on
last Monday of the month at 5pm